It seems listing the 500,000,000 reason's not to vote for Obama just isn't enough for the likes of some. So, here are the reasons why McCain is more qualified to run this country than Barack Hussien Obama, the socialist, Soros owned tool.
1) John McCain has actually done his job as a Senator over the years. He in fact even voted yes or no on occasion rather than "present" and I do believe he's never had an accidental button pushing incident as our friend Barry has on several occasion after the bad press rolled in.
2) McCain would never tell the world/our enemies what we are expanding or reducing on the military front.
3) McCain is against promoting failing students just to get 'em out of school. And supports school choice, including homeschooling.
4) McCain has shown that he is able to reach across the aisle when necessary to achieve results.
5) His response to the Israel/Lebanon conflict on '06.
6) According to the first debate, Obama agrees with McCain on just about everything, except McCain comes without all the radical POS Moonbat baggage.
7) McCain's education plan puts more emphasis on training teachers and making parents and schools accountable for education, rather than throwing money at the system through more socialist programs.
8) McCain's health plan would give health insurance coverage to 27.5 million uninsured Americans, more than half of the 47 million uninsured. McCain's plan covers TWO million more uninsured Americans than the Obama plan. Keeping the plans wholly nongovernmental. And not hurting small businesses.
9) McCain's energy plan is actually realistic (unlike "that one's"), less cost intensive and employs competition and capitalism rather than just more federal spending and use of the strategic oil preserve.
10)McCain's Homeland Security plans are much more comprehensive. And the fact that he hasn't announced his plans to invade Pakistan or "slow our development of future combat systems” or "cut investments in unproven missile defense systems." Like, "that one" is more reassuring. McCain was on of the people solidly behind the successful surge in Iraq.
11) McCain/Palin may possibly overturn Roe V. Wade and throw abortion rights back where they belong, to the states.
12) Even naked gay guys love John McCain.
13) McCain doesn't feel the need to employ goon like "truth squads" to squelch differing opinions.
14) He's a PORK BUSTER! Hands down.
15) He opposed the Bush tax cuts.... ONLY because the bills contained no spending cuts or caps. Look at his past record. He has supported every tax cut that came down the road. His record on cutting spending is also very good.
16)Generally positive track record on tort reform.
17) In 2007-2008 National Federation of Independent Business gave Senator McCain a rating of 100 in its 110th (2007-2008) Pre-Election Congressional Report.
18) The ACLU hates him.
19) McCain actually GETS the fact that we are at war with Islam. His desire for precondition's before meeting with thugs like Ahmadinejad mirror Reagan, who himself did not meet with anyone from Russia until Gorbachev came along.
20) He's NOT endorsed by crazed hateful anti-Ameri-KKK-A hating radicals and commie nut jobs.
NFL 2024-2025 Wildcard Prequel
20 hours ago