Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Fake Soldier For The Left

Via This Ain't Hell...
Another Jesse MacBeth moment for the foaming leftards...

The leader of a statewide veterans group who fought for homeless veterans in Colorado Springs is in jail in Denver today, unmasked as a former mental patient who posed as a wounded Marine officer and 9/11 survivor.

The man who called himself Rick Duncan - purportedly a former Marine captain and 1997 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy - is in fact 31-year-old Richard Glen Strandlof, a former mental patient who never served in the military and falsely claimed that he was in the Pentagon during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to David Walsh of the Colorado Veterans Alliance (CVA), which Duncan founded.

Walsh, who joined the board of CVA at Duncan’s request last year, said his colleagues in the organization grew suspicious of Duncan after discovering “significant inconsistencies” in his personal story.

In a search of the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office records, for example, they found that the name Colorado Veterans Alliance had been reserved by “Rick Strandlof,” whom they had never met, Walsh said.

While probing Duncan’s past, Walsh said, the group found evidence that he was a patient in a mental hospital in Washoe County, Nev., at the time of the roadside bombing in Fallujah, Iraq, that Duncan claimed left him severely wounded.

The group contacted the FBI field office in Denver, which began investigating in early May and arrested Duncan Tuesday night in downtown Denver on a traffic warrant originating in El Paso County.

That's like 5 now isn't it?

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