Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nancy Pelosi: Liar, Liar Pants On Fire!

RUT RO! Nancy has been caught with her "briefs" around her ankles and is scrambling to come out of this with the blame on somebody else. But it just ain't gonna work this time.

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the CIA and Bush administration of misleading her about waterboarding detainees in the war on terror and sharply rebutted claims she was complicit in the method's use."

So here's her newest excuse, wait for it, wait for it... this one is CLASSIC!
"I wasn't briefed, I was informed that somebody else had been briefed about it," she said."
So wouldn't that mean she was briefed that someone else was briefed? LOL. This kind of absurd logic only works in the la la land of Democrat Corruption.

If the above excuse wasn't good enough, she then goes on to explain her take on the CIA....
"They mislead us all the time," she said. And when a reporter asked whether the agency had lied, Pelosi said yes."

Fact is, she knew about the enhanced interrogation tactics and frankly at that time, like everyone else, didn't care.

To quote Pelosi herself..."The emperor has no clothes. When are people going to face the reality? Pull this curtain back." -Nancy Pelosi-May 21, 2004

Oh the curtain is open wide sweetheart, wide open.

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