Tonight there was a 5.0 quake in LA. Well over 150 miles away from me here in San Diego but it was felt. It was funny because I was talking to my mom 33 miles north of me and she said ..."OMG EARTHQUAKE". And I had a few seconds to think,"Huh?", then it hit and it was a VERY mild little shaky shake and some hanging plants having a dance party.
I do worry. After the Loma Prieta quake in '89 I am pretty earthquake savvy and looking at the USGS map for the last week things are looking up. As in there has been a lot of activity. I only hope this is NOT a precursor to another "big one".
Fires you can run from, hurricanes you can hide from...unless you can fly... you cannot escape a quake.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
19 hours ago