Thursday, October 29, 2009

ACORN Is Scared

They should be scared. Check out this cute little "website", DeFox America.

"Dear Congress member,
I am writing to urge you to join me in "Defoxing America."
Fox "News" personalities are pushing an agenda that is dangerous to ordinary Americans. Using tactics such as placing individuals singled out for censure on a blackboard and linking them to murderous dictators like Josef Stalin, Fox News has deliberately created an atmosphere of hysteria that they have used to attack organizations and individuals fighting for the issues that matter most to working families. I urge you to stand up to these new McCarthy-ite tactics by voting against any unconstitutional legislation that singles out specific organizations. This includes the Continuing Resolution that cuts off Federal support to the national anti-poverty group ACORN.
Don't let Glenn Beck's blackboard dictate the people's agenda. Stand up and "Defox America"."

LOL, just LOL.

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