Friday, October 30, 2009

Death Panel Anyone?

Because tripling the deficit in 9 months wasn't enough....

"It runs more pages than War and Peace, has nearly five times as many words as the Torah, and its tables of contents alone run far longer than this story.

The House health care bill unveiled Thursday clocks in at 1,990 pages and about 400,000 words. With an estimated 10-year cost of $894 billion, that comes out to about $2.24 million per word."

Pelosi claims this is cost neutral. I don't think so....CBO Puts House Health Bill Total Cost At $1.055 Trillion. Being a government run program add a few trillion to that number.

Light 'em up folks, and remind those in office that WE DON'T WANT NO STEEEEENKING SOCIALIZED DEATH PANELS.

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