Tonight I called a radio show hosted by a black man who asked me to call in after seeing my comments in his chat room. So being open as I am I did.
No problem. I deal in fact and not usually in histrionics. I called in, got called names for 5 minutes for my political affiliation, then said I had a question.
I asked if any of them celebrating the new "Health Care" plan actually knew how what Nancy, Steny, Reid and Obama were talking about when they said Obamacare would save us money.
The answers....when not totally ignoring my question and talking about feelings, were lacking in any basis of fact and when I repeated my question they called me a nigger. No, not a nigger, a "New Breed Nigger". That's my new name. I asked if they had actually just called me that and they confirmed it.
Apparently anyone who has any black in them and disagrees with Obama is a NBN. I just found this out tonight. I was shocked.
They asked me repeatedly about my skin color. I asked how that had any bearing on the topic hand, which was Obamacare and was ignored. Because several there knew my grandmother was black that made me GAME.
So that's the new game, new name. Uncle Tom. Oreo....that's shizzle is so yesterday. If you aren't lock step with Barry you're a NBN.
I asked if I could get my race card validated....not long after I hung up.
And we wonder why this country is going to hell in a hand basket.
22 hours ago