Monday, February 27, 2006

Hillary: Greatest hits!!!!

Hillary, oh Hillary, how much I loathe thee.

Ms. Clinton is getting jiggy with Rove, claiming he obsesses about her.

But who doesn't? Here we have a potential Democratic candidate that would be the first woman ever elected to office. Not an auspicious start, in my opinion as a woman. Will she get elected?

Let's take a look.

I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president." -- Hillary Clinton on the release of subpoenaed documents.
*****So, she clearly has the past job requirements to take the position.

"Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage always has been, between a man and a woman." - Hillary Clinton, opposing same-sex marriages, quoted in The New York Daily News
*****There goes the gay vote.

Liar, liar, pants on fire...."On an Asian tour, Hillary Clinton told New Zealand television that she had been named after Sir Edmund Hillary. Pretty good trick, since Hillary was an unknown beekeeper the year of Mrs. Clinton's birth."

Bam....."Hillary Clinton produces a book-like substance that she claimed to have written in long-hand in six months. It would turn out that she had a ghost writer hired for $120,000."

Boom...."Hillary Rodham Clinton basked in the adulation of cheering union . . . They would have dropped their forks if they had heard that Hillary served for six years on the board of the dreaded Wal-Mart.....Sam Walton and his wife, Helen, were close to the Clintons, and for several years Hillary Clinton, whose law firm represented Wal-Mart, served on the company's board of directors."

Zing...."....there's the photo of Bill and her standing next to illegal fundraiser Johnny Chung signed by HRC, "To Johnny Chung with best wishes and appreciation." Chung reportedly funneled several hundred thousand dollars from Chinese military intelligence to Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign."

Zammy....."And then there's Jorge Cabrera - the drug dealer who gave enough to the Democrats to have his picture taken with both Hillary Clinton and Al Gore."+

Check out this page... Interesting reading.

Not worried, at all.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday Funnies!

Al Gore's "Current T.V." facing lawsuits. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Q: How did Bill and Hillary meet in HS?
A: They were dating the same girl.

Q. If three liberals jump off of a bridge across a five hundred foot gorge at the same time, while holding hands, which will hit first?
A. Who Cares?

Q. Who was the first liberal Democrat?
A.Christopher Columbus. He left not knowing where he was going, got there not knowing where he was, left there not knowing where he had been and did it all on borrowed money.

Q. What is the difference between a liberal and a puppy?
A. A puppy stops whining after it grows up. (LOL!!!!)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Immigration: Bollocks

Seeing as I am married to a LEGAL immigrant from England, one would say, that I am a bit of an expert on immigration policy, and how it's done. I've been through it.

One would also see, as the spouse of a LEGAL immigrant, why I would be really, really f-ing sick and tired of ILLEGAL immigrants sponging off the system and getting more benefits than my husband. I think tired, lame excuses, like,"they do the jobs no one else wants to do," or "our country was built with the blood, sweat and tears of immigrants," are pathetic.

These types of reasoning are in fact a complete load of bollocks. This country was built with immigrants, back when there was a scattering of Indians around, and some Spanish immigrants, who had stolen the land from natives themselves. Fine, this was also before nukes were in existence, and crazed religious fanatics could get their hands on WMD's, and actually use them. We don't need more poor, huddled masses, we've got enough here already, thank you.

As to these illegal's "doing the jobs no one else would do?" Bollocks. Use the overcrowded population of local prisons, to pick the f-ing vegetables. Take the cheese-eating-government-welfare-receiving, lazy asses out there to sweep the streets, clean up after messes and "do the jobs no one else would do." Make them earn those checks.

If the government stopped making it so easy for our own citizens to become complacent, and lazy, then we would cease "needing" outside "help" in the form of underpaid, often poorly treated, illegal immigrants.

Take for example tax breaks and financial aid to families, many illegal immigrants, who have 5 kids, when they can't even afford to take care of themselves. I say, cut it off. One kid, you get a break, two, it's less, 3 even less, 4 you have to start paying.

Collecting disability? Sorry for your pain, but can you prove it? Nope, them, back to work. I personally know two people on disability who are milking the system. They make me mad. And frankly, we aren't that close these days. I just got tired of subsidizing their fun.

If we close the borders(BOTH OF THEM) completely, built a f-ing 100 ft. high, 30 ft. deep wall, and hang a sign on it saying "closed until further notice", and remove EVERY SINGLE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. I assure you, we'd find money we didn't know we had. Health care for our own people suddenly more cost-friendly,aid for senior and social security benifits would increase, better schools, and a whole hell of a lot less unemployment and government welfare vampires. Homeowners on the borders would feel safer, their land would be free from drug runners and polluting, trash dumping border crossers. Our police, border patrol and reserves could be used in more fruitful ways. And just think of what that would do to the drug trade.

Oh, and....Vicente would have to stop telling us what to do, and do something about his own people for a change.Wouldn't that be refreshing.

Just my two cents.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Not to beat a dead horse...

This bears attention. I got a large response from people about my dislike of muslims in general. In fact, I rather dislike most religions. That being said, I have a particular issue with those of the Islamic faith.

The "evil mohammed" cartoons were first published in September 2005. Here we are almost 6 months later, and people are dying, daily, still, over this non-issue. Cartoons folks, cartoons.

In Nigeria, they are going batsh*t.

"The deaths brought to at least 96 the number of people killed in Nigeria since sectarian violence first erupted Saturday in the northern city of Maiduguri, where Muslim protests against cartoons caricaturing the Prophet Muhammad turned violent, razing 30 churches and claiming the lives of 18 people, mostly Christians.

"It is no longer a hidden fact that a long-standing agenda to make this Nigeria an Islamic nation is being surreptitiously pursued," Akinola said. He said it may no longer be possible to restrain restive Christian youths."

Yup, time to fight back.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Ports in a storm....

Using the WTF scale, this whole Port issue rates a hearty 10 in my opinion.

Hey Bush, WTF are you thinking?

"Critics have noted that some of the 9/11 hijackers used the UAE as an operational and financial base. In addition, they contend the UAE was an important transfer point for shipments of smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea and Libya by a Pakistani scientist." -Will Lester (AP)

*****Update, upon further research into the company, I have decided not to worry overmuch about this one. But,I really don't like it. I'd feel much more comfortable with a American company, or a British group.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Friday Funnies!

Top Ten Ways Osama Bin Laden Can Improve His Image - David Letterman

10. There's no way he can improve his image. He's a murdering, soul-less asshole.

9. .

8. .

7. .

6. .

5. .

4. .

3. .

2. .

1. .

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Olympics: Not black enough for Gumbel

I find it funny that Bryant Gumbel can get away with remarks like this, when we all know for a fact that if Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity said them, they'd be grilled over an open fire.

"So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention." -Bryant Gumbel, showing his version of the race card.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I am heartless and evil! Yea!

Yes, I guess I am cruel and heartless. I have little to no pity for the "victims" of Hurricane Katrina. Let's make this part very clear for some of the snarky little liberals who visit here, and then repost what I write, leaving out crucial details, like this:I have great sorrow, and great sadness for those who tried to leave or just couldn't leave New Orleans.Those who tried, those who died. Here I address those too lazy to leave. The low life vermin, sucking the government dry like so many leeches.

Now, moving on, a vast majority of the people that stayed, stayed because they chose to. How do I know this? Well, I was watching the news, and they interviewed a whole crapload of these "poor victims", and most, if not all said about the same thing,"Well, we thought it wouldn't be so bad, we decided to stay." Contrary to the mandatory evac. order that was in place.

I have a REALLY hard time feeling one single iota of pity for these people, who are all, or most of them anyway,still holding their hand out for their monthly government cheese.

And I have the right to feel as I do. I lost the place I lived in and every single thing in it last year. We had very little savings. We had to live in a hotel. But, we sucked it up, worked hard, got a place to live and all without a single dime of aid, from anyone. In less than 2 weeks.

So what the hell is the excuse of most of these people still sucking up government funds, now, almost 4 months later? I saw many on T.V. yesterday as they finally got rightfully booted from their hotel rooms. All of them looked completely able to hold a job. All looked fit and well fed. All of them.

Then we find out that many of these same people used their $2,000 debit cards, not for needed items, but for jewelry, tattoos, porn and booze. That's all well and good, if it's your money, but how dare you spend MY MONEY on luxuries, when I have to do without. That, my friends, is a load of horse puckey. I sure as hell hope they arrest these people and throw them the heck in the slammer. Or even better, make them work to rebuild the city many of them looted and burned. Until they pay their debt.

Flame away.

Monday, February 13, 2006

A little British ass whooping?

Here we have again, another case of the media doing more harm than good to the cause and the fight we are in. Britain's "News of the World", published an article on the supposed "wretched abuses" inflicted upon poor innocent Iraqi youth some time in 2004. Or at least that's the way the story unfolds.

You really need to look at the bigger picture before reacting to this story. British forces had just been attacked with a DIY hand grenades. They'd been attacked with rocks, sticks, stones and other home-made weapons and verbal slurs. These "kids" were the attackers. The "whistleblower" himself acknowledges,"I'm sure those Iraqis weren't innocent little boys,I bet they'd all been slinging rocks and maybe even explosives."

The media of course has latched on to this, portraying the soldiers as callous abusers bent on destruction. In doing so, they make the entire British army, and all coalition forces look bad, because a few men made some poor choices in the middle of a war zone.

Sorry, if I were in the middle of a war zone with "kids" and others who fought dirty, dress as civilians and attack me, and I got a chance to open a can of whoop ass on them. I sure as hell would. And so would anyone. Any person who says otherwise is so full of sh*t, that they can't see through the brown in their eyes.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hilarious Spam

I received this in my spam folder today:(An early Friday Funny.)

Former President Bill Clinton uses Viagra!

Everybody knows the great sexual scandal known as "Clinton-Levinsky".
After the relations like this Clintons popularity raised a lot!
It is a natural phenomenon, because Bill as a real man in order not to
shame himself when he was with Monica regularly used Viagra. What happened you see. His political figure became more bright and more attractive. It is very important for a man to be respected as a man!

See our Viagra shop to enter upon the new phase of your life.

You can't make this sh*t up. : )

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dear Mr. President

I wrote this a few weeks ago while inebriated. It's not very good, but frankly I think it about sums up my take on the current administration.

Dear Mr. President,

I am a proud American. From the time I was old enough to understand, I have always felt a fierce pride in my country. I cry when they sing the national anthem, I feel hope when I see our beautiful flag.

I love the vastness and exquisiteness of this nation from the awesome beauty of the Sierra-Nevada's, to the low lying plains in the Midwest. The glorious shine of the Pacific on a sunny day, and the warm humidity of a lazy day spent on a Maryland farm. The sights of New York and the mellow green of Eugene bring me joy and comfort.

The strength and courage of our people comes through in the worst of times, and the best.

When I was younger, I was idealistic, and believed that diplomacy, courtesy and communication were the only way to achieve our goals, and maintain peace in our time.

I marched against your fathers war in Iraq. Hating the thought of one single American dying in a war that seemed to be none of our business at the time. Many claimed it was an unjust war, and I, and my brethren believed. We were idealistic, hoping. We were angry, was your father going to institute the draft? We were told you would.

We were told it was another Vietnam. We were told that any war was unjustified. We were told that your father was a horrible man, who lied, cheated and stole. Who cut funding to the poor, cut education funding, cut everything. We were taught to believe that nothing your father's administration did was just.

Then several years and a few park benches and college education later, I realized something.I educated myself. I stopped just drinking the cherry flavored Kool-Aid fed to me by the left, and woke up. I read, researched, learned.

By this time, the road of life had dealt me many unfavorable hits, and I kept rolling. Learning, listening to people.

I realized this:
I am the only one responsible for me.
I should never depend on the government to give me a dime.
I want it, I get it for myself.
If you want an education, earn it.
Big government sucks.
Affirmative action is racist.
Don't blame the rich, they got what they worked for.
War, is necessary, ask the Iraqi's I helped kill by being part of the anti-Gulf War crowd.
There is always going to be a child left behind.
Politicians are all assholes. And they all lie.
The far left is deranged and delusional.
Don't believe everything you're told.
It's not always as bad as it seems.
Know thine enemy.
Conspiracy theorists are only right about .0000734% of the time.
We need to close our borders.
Stop feeding the welfare nation.
And get real.

You, Mr. President, are just like any other politician. Your flip flops aren't as conspicuous as Kerry's were, but they are just as bad.

You spend money like a drunken sailor on shore leave, you pander to Vicente Fox, and you have the verbal skills of a hamster on crack.

I voted for a man who promised to cut the pork. I voted for a president who promised to work on our welfare nation, social security(though I am aware of the huge resistance from the left). I voted for a man who promised to work on ejecting illegal immigrants who bleed dry the over taxed system, who suck up badly needed educational dollars, medical benefits for legal citizens, and plague our police, border patrol, and lives.

You talk of more war, finish what you started first.

I learned years ago, that diplomacy does not always work, I got real. But you fail in every way to be a true Republican.

Instead of telling it like it is, you tell it like you think people want to hear.

If there were some way of you running again, I tell you now, I would not vote for you.

It's not your job to tell me, as a free American, what I can or cannot do with my own body. It's not your job to dictate to the scientific community how to do their jobs. It's not your job to stand on high and preach to me, if I wanted to go to church, I would.

You have taken the Republican party to the lowest depths, and for that I am very disappointed.

You make me sad, not ashamed, but sad to be an American. You take away my hope, and my light with every lie you tell.You spit on my love for this country with every dollar you spend that my grandchildren will pay.

Please, Mr. President,step down, and give the job to a real Republican, it's our only hope.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Maybe they knew in the 80's

I flip through the dials on the radio. Today I landed on a radio station that plays a lot of 80's hits, and they played one I hadn't heard in a long time.I was never a huge Pat Benatar fan, but the words seem both prophetic, and true.

(I cut out the repetition.)

This bloody road remains a mystery
This sudden darkness fills the air
What are we waiting for?
Won't anybody help us?
What are we waiting for?

We can't afford to be innocent
Stand up and face the enemy
It's a do or die situation
We will be invincible

This shattered dream you cannot justify
We're gonna scream until we're satisified
What are we running for?
We've got the right to be angry
What are we running for?
When there's no where we can run to anymore

And with the power of conviction
There is no sacrifice
It's a do or die situation
We will be invincible

Won't anybody help us?
What are we running for?
When there's no where, no where we can run to anymore

Getting to know me....

1.Time: 10:32 A.M.
2.Your name: Jenn
3.Your nickname: Spiccoli
4. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the
theater? Don't even remember it's been so long.
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Place of birth: San Fran. Bay Area.
7. Favorite food: Any curry.
8. Ever been to Africa: Nope.
9. Been toilet papering:Yes, numerous times in my youth.
10. Love someone so much it made you cry?: Yes.
11. Been in a car accident: Yes....
12. Croutons or bacon bits?: Bacon Bits, for sure. Take that Mohammed.
13. Favorite day of the week: Lazy Sundays during football season.
14. Favorite restaurant: Trattoria Aqua.
15. Favorite Flower:Tulip.
16. Favorite sport to watch: Football.
7. Favorite drink: Water, or beer.
18. Favorite ice cream: Mint Choc. Chip.
19. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney.
20. Favorite fast food restaurant: None, really, but there is the Mexican place that's pretty decent. El Portal.
21. What color is your bedroom carpet: Tan.
22. How many times you failed your driver's test? The written once, when I was 16, the driving, never.
23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: Dana
24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card:None, maybe Home Depot?
25. What do you do most often when you are bored: Check out Rants and Raves on Craigslist. Read, which isn't boring.Take the dog for a walk, putter around the garden.
26. Bedtime:11 :30
27.Favorite TV shows:Surface,Jeopardy. Don't watch a lot of T.V.
28.Last person you went to dinner with: The hubby.
29. Ford or Chevy: Ford
30.What are you listening to now: The hum of the air conditioning.
31. What is your favorite color: Green.
32. How many tattoos do you have: 1.
33. How many pets do you have: 1 precious 13 year old spotted dog, 1 crazy nutter bird, and three Betta's. Of course the Betta's are red, white, and blue.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Bloviate with Bill

I'm not one to advocate any specific news channel, but this should be good.

Tomorrow on the O'Reilly Factor, regular people get to challenge Bill. Should be fun. Keep it pithy folks.

McCain and Obama


Sunday, February 05, 2006

My take on Islam


No one likes to talk about 9/11 anymore. People whisper about it, liberals bitch and moan, like it's a joke if someone mentions it. Cindy Sheehan spits on those who serve; by her disgusting conduct, and is honored by her brethren. People want to push 9/11 and it's fundamental reasons away like it's an annoying gnat disturbing their pleasure ride through life, in their SUV's. Blame it on Bush, it's so much easier, right?

Today I saw something that made a cold, hard lump form in my chest that will be hard to shake, as my hands shake now. Bile rose in my throat like so much churned emotion playing havoc on my insides. The beer is not sitting well tonight.

I am not afraid to say what others won't.

I hate Muslims. There is no middle ground. Maybe you've got your handful of bastardized American Muslims who aren't so bad. But I am tired of pretending to understand a religion who celebrates death as they do.

Who practice "mercy" killings of young girls, simply for being young girls. I have extensively read the Koran, and see them now for what they are.

A religion who supports, no, endorses, sawing off the heads of innocent men, in their country, trying to help.

Of a massive group of people so indoctrinated in the realm of hate, that they say things like the picture above, and mean it(the picture is what opened my eyes, finally).

A people who would rather let their own die in the sea, rather than ask a neighbor for help.

A people who celebrate when 3000 of my countrymen are killed, throwing candy in the air, and laughing, praising their god.

The mohammed cartoons, I've seen them, I've seen worse in regards to Jesus. And for some reason, liberals, I don't see crowds of right wing Christians storming embassies and taking hostages, shooting the place up when some pokes fun at old J.C..

The behavior of these Muslim "protesters" is unconscionable, give me a tree hugging hippy any day. In fact, give me Cindy, she's like a patron saint compared to these sick people.

Sugar coat it as much as you want America, but this isn't going to go away with an ass kissing and a troop withdrawal.

We weren't in Iraq in 2001, nor were we in Afghanistan. It wouldn't have made a difference. They want, me, you and everyone else dead. Hitch your star to mohammed, or die.

I await, really, any second now, for 1 single solitary high up Muslim to denounce the world wide violence. I won't hold my breath. I, unlike them, want to live.

More Muslims spreading the love....


Try telling this guy you're a liberal. Or believe in a woman's right to freedom from tyranny. Or freedom of speech, or, well, anything.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Friday Funnies

librals suck,left,funnies
In honor of their high level of stupidity this week, I shall honor Teddy Boy and sKerry.

"You see the pictures in the paper today of John Kerry windsurfing? He's at his home in Nantucket this week, doing his favorite thing, windsurfing. Even his hobby depends on which way the wind blows." —Jay Leno

"Pundits are saying that Kerry's message is garbled. You know you're doing badly when you're running against Bush and you're the one who is garbled." —David Letterman

"Tabloids are reporting that Sen. Ted Kennedy has an illegitimate 21 year-old son. Apparently, Kennedy isn't denying the report, but the kid is." --Conan O'Brien

"Declassified papers report that John Kennedy was taking eight different medications a day. He was so wasted, his Secret Service code name was Ted Kennedy." —Craig Kilborn

Kerry was going to visit the Catholic National Cathedral outside Washington as part of his campaign. Kerry's campaign manager made a visit to the Cardinal and said to him, "We've been getting a lot of bad publicity among Catholics because of Kerry's position on abortion and the like. We'd gladly make a contribution to the church of $100,000 if during your sermon you'd say John Kerry is a saint."
The Cardinal thinks it over for a moment and agrees to do it.

Kerry shows up, and as the Mass progresses the Cardinal begins his homily. "John Kerry is petty, a self absorbed hypocrite and a nit-wit. He is a liar, a cheat, and a thief. He is the worst example of a Catholic I've ever personally known. But compared to Ted Kennedy, John Kerry is a saint."

Thursday, February 02, 2006

How to take on the mad conspiracy theorist

I've tried being rational and I've tried common sense. Neither of these have worked, but I guess I need to remember that I am dealing with people who actually think that all the people on the planes have now been relocated to some deserted island, and there were in fact no hijackers.

I found a lovely breakdown of the most "popular" conspiracy theories out there.I think this site really calls it like it is, and I wanted to get the word out to those of you who actually bother to confront these nut job yahoo's.

Here's a taste:
In regard to the Pentagon attack, and the supposed lack of plane/size of the hole.

CLAIM: "French author Thierry Meyssan, whose baseless assertions are fodder for even mainstream European and Middle Eastern media. In his book The Big Lie, Meyssan concludes that the Pentagon was struck by a satellite-guided missile--part of an elaborate U.S. military coup. "This attack," he writes, "could only be committed by United States military personnel against other U.S. military personnel." (Please note, if I were to meet this "gentleman", I would like to ask him to step outside. Metaphorically of course.)

FACT:"When American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon's exterior wall, Ring E, it created a hole approximately 75 ft. wide, according to the ASCE Pentagon Building Performance Report. The exterior facade collapsed about 20 minutes after impact, but ASCE based its measurements of the original hole on the number of first-floor support columns that were destroyed or damaged. Computer simulations confirmed the findings.

A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, says ASCE team member Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at Purdue University. In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon's load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings.

The tidy hole in Ring C was 12 ft. wide--not 16 ft. ASCE concludes it was made by the jet's landing gear, not by the fuselage."

Interesting stuff. Not that I needed any confirmation of what my own eyes showed me that day.

So, next time some insane conspiracy nutter calls you a blind sheeple, simply forward him a link to this source. : )