I will be attempting to live blog the SOTU tonight right after my show @ 6:00 pm Pacific time. Stay tuned for my eloquent and insightful bullshit.
Here goes:
6:04...Haven't even turned on the TV need a drink already.
6:08...... Obama and Teddy are chilling together get me a barf bag. The local guy just called it a "bi-partisan love fest". Puke worthy.
6:10.....Pelosi looks like a grape.
6:12.....Did they stuff Cheney.
6:24....Teddy is asleep.
6:26....Blah Blah Blah... reduce oil consumption...same crap as last year.
6:29.....Why do they keep going to Rangel? Asshole.
6:31...I'm serious does anyone else think that is a stuffed version of Cheney? He looks kinda fake. You think he's in some undisclosed location?
6:32....As an atheist I have to agree with him. The "faith based" groups are some of the most giving.
6:34.....LOL...yes you are working on work site enforcement, but Bush, the border is fecking open still; period. They can come here LEGALLY. A-Hole. This is tantamount to amnesty.
6:39.....I am tired of Bush's rhetoric on the war on Islamic nutsacks. Why can't he just call it like it is? I mean is he really saying that Afghanistan is going well?
6:44.....The surge is working... big cheers!...I want to review the tape see who isn't clapping.
6:46....Right Bush.. if Obama is elected they will not have "all they need" to protect our nation. Not a very good response on funding our troops. Troops coming home!!!
6:50....I wish he'd address the terrorist regime of "palestine.
6:54....Oh, no here he goes and praises "palestine". Geezus. Thank the beer gods I am not doing shots of tequila for this drinking game. Hamas is working on peace my ass Bush.
6:56......We respect their moral police? We respect Iran? WTF. I don't know about you but I better not be included in that "we".
6:58....Yes we MUST protect those who are doing their job to protect America from law suits.
7:00....Why are we supporting the fucking world? Instead of farm subsidies, why not buy our own farmers veggies and crops? Don't want AIDS, wear a condom. I am so sick of our "compassion" for a world that hates us.
7:02....95% increase in aid for Veterans would be great if Clinton hadn't slashed it to hell and back. Holy shit Bob Dole looks older that dirt.
7:03....Now that is great, transferring unused education bennies to the spouses of military. Oh yeah! That got the response it should get.
Boring speech in general not any different from the last two at all. Bush did however seem on his game tonight. He delivered the speech with some passion in his voice.
Oh well. That's a wrap folks. Last of Bush's SOTU's. Who, who will be next?
P.S. The glad handling after the speech as he makes himself up the aisle is great. Cracks me up everytime!
He's short huh?
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
3 hours ago