Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And Now, The News

More APORN drama....ACORN Fires Louisiana Chapter Director, Citing Lack of Accountability.

Dude, this is so pathetic it's funny...Fox News Derangement Syndrome strikes again...

Obama Quietly Authorizes 13,000 More U.S. Troops for Afghanistan...like that's going to do any good. This war is NOT Iraq.

The Proud, The Brave...The French????? "French soldiers in the Indian Ocean opened fire Tuesday on pirates, warding off an attack on two French tuna fishing vessels off the Seychelles Islands..." WTF is this world coming to when the FRENCH have more balls than the rest of the world?

The War on Limbaugh continues.... The Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson attacked the bid by Rush Limbaugh to buy the St. Louis Rams on Monday....

Baucus Bill goes up for vote today
....Fug 'em!

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