Saturday, September 29, 2012

So Pathetically True

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What A Week We're Having....

Tell me something I DON'T know: Americans’ Incomes Have Fallen $3,040 During the Obama ‘Recovery’...some recovery.

The NEW TSA: The rather new FREEZE Drill....caught on tape...creepy police state freaks.

Obama's SEIU can't even get people to come out for free to pay them $11.00 an hour to turn out...


“The press’s job is to stand in the ramparts and protect the liberty and freedom of all of us from a government and from organized governmental power. When they desert those ramparts and go to serve—to decide that they will now become an active participants—when they decide that their job is not simply to tell you who you may vote for, and who you may not, but, worse—and this is the danger of the last two weeks—what truth that you may know, as an American, and what truth you are not allowed to know, they have, then, made themselves a fundamental threat to the democracy, and, in my opinion, made themselves the enemy of the American people. And it is a threat to the very future of this country if…we allow this stuff to go on, and…we’ve crossed a whole new and frightening slide on the slippery slope this last two weeks, and it needs to be talked about.” -- Pat Cadell

Another MSNBC Scandal? Blaze Readers at Campaign Event Claim Network Misled in Video of Rally Chant (With Audio Comparison).....

Netanyahu Opens Can Of Wup Ass

Oh yes he did.

Obama Phone


Monday, September 24, 2012

Michelle Obama Eats Cake While The Kids Starve

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stupid Obama Zombies Part 2

H/T Justin Annunziata

CNN Stole Evidence And Used It

File this under WTF!!!????!!!

CNN Admits Finding Slain Ambassador’s Personal Journal in Libya…And Using it for ‘Tips’....
Um shouldn't that have been turned over to the authoritah? Isn't this obstruction?

Friday, September 21, 2012

A Word To Rioting Muslims

So About Romney's Taxes....

So now that this issue is over....

"Mitt Romney paid $1.95 million in federal income taxes on 2011′s investment income of $13.7 million, meaning his effective tax rate was 14.1 percent.

In 2010, Romney paid nearly $3 million in federal income taxes on his 2010 investment income of $21.7 million, meaning his effective tax rate was 13.9 percent.

Of course, the Republican presidential candidate’s tax rate for both years was pushed downwards by the amount he donated to charity.

Romney’s 2011 tax return shows charitable contributions totaling a little over $4 million, meaning he donated 30 percent of his income. Romney’s 2010 tax return shows charitable contribution of almost $3 million, meaning he donated about 11 percent of his income to charity.

And as for the 20-year summary of the GOP candidate’s tax returns his campaign released Friday, Romney donates on average 13.45 percent of his adjusted gross income to charity each year."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

If Obama Loses

The Party Of Peace....

Image From

Obama FAILS Of The Week

Obama's fails of the week:

1.) WRONG.

2.) The LIE about the TERRORIST ATTACK on 9/11/12. Report: Never an Anti-American Protest in Benghazi, Only a Planned Attack.....

3.) Positions For Dollars....WH Nominates Wife of Major Dem Donor Saban to U.N. Gen. Assembly.

4.) Pandering to the terrorists.....

5.) Obama Continues to Snub Israeli Leaders, Refuses All NY Meetings....

U Didn't Build That By MC 'BAMA

Your Thursday LOLZ. H/T M. Gonzales

The Empty Chair

Monday, September 17, 2012

Thank You Mother Jones

Dear Far Left Miscreants,

Thank you for making me finally, after all this time, really look forward to voting for Mitt Romney in November. You have showcased the fact that he gets it. He understands. He KNOWS. Not one word he spoke is untrue. Not one. So what's the problem? Guy is a realist.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Innocence Of Muslims I watched this thing. By thing I am being complimentary. I mean COME ON. This really bad SNL type skit is the reason the Muzzie scum are rioting across the globe and killing people? Oh PUH-LEEZE. How dumb do they think we are.

1.) This crappy 7th rate worthless 14 minute clip could not by any standards even be considered a movie.

2.) It doesn't even make any sense.

3.) It's been on Youtube for HOW LONG? And the Muzzies suddenly decide on 9/11 that they are offended?

Give me a fucking use a term so often used on conspiracy sites yet so clearly appropriate this time...False Flag anyone?

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. -Orwell

The Religion Of Peace In Australia

See what happens when you let just ANYONE in?

I also love how they teach their kids to get into the spirit!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Not Voting Obama...Why?

Why would you not vote for Obama? Let me count the fucking ways.....

1.) Look at the inflation he's brought. This is ALL about his spending cannot pin this on Bush.

2.) Obamacare will bury us. If it wouldn't then why has Barry issue hundreds of waivers?

3.) Why did you support the Arab Spring Barry?

4.) You were warned days before the Libyan embassy attack and did nothing.

5.) Nanny state-ism has increased to unprecedented levels. See NY Soda Ban.

6.) The media has stopped being free and become state controlled.

7.) Our credit rating down graded AGAIN. Not once...but twice...super unprecedented.

8.) Race relations have been retrograded 50 years.

9.) No budget now for how long.....

10.) Shuns anything that speaks of bipartisanship.

I could go on.....

How To Deal With Muslims

Note to Obama:

A simple end to the madness:

1. Load US Embassy public address system with continuous loop of Jimmy Hendrix "Purple Haze".

2. Turn it up............LOUD.

3. Machine gun any mother fucker that comes within 500 yards of a US embassy.

4. Machine gun any mother fucker that comes to retrieve their rotting corpse.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed until enemy raises white flag.

6. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 until there is no more enemy.

End of crisis.

Have a nice day.


Obama Killed John Christopher "Chris" Stevens

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Emperor Has No Clothes

Obama Too Busy To Care

His schedule is so busy, no wonder he missed his security brief again and acts like he couldn't give a fuck about the fact that our AMERICAN EMBASSIES in:







Are under attack.

Here's his schedule for today: Obama Schedule || Thursday, September 13, 2012

11:10 am MT || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Lions Park, Golden, Colorado

1:50 pm MT || Departs Golden

7:05 pm || Arrives White House

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So America Was Attacked Today And No One Cared

It's not like it's just some Tuesday in's September 11th....and the Muzzie scum suckers are back at it again. Not that I HAD forgotten just what they are and were and will always be. But clearly most have. Including the news media. I mean how else is this story such a back story today?

"Protesters angered over a film that ridiculed Islam's Prophet Muhammad fired gunshots and burned down the U.S. consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, killing one American diplomat, witnesses and the State Department said. In Egypt, protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo and replaced an American flag with an Islamic banner."
Protesters? NO assholes at Fox News.....they are not "protesters". Protesters shit on cop cars and masturbate to socialist propaganda. They killed an AMERICAN over a FUCKING MOVIE??? On SEPTEMBER 11TH? These are not "protesters". These are MUSLIMS and they are EVIL. PERIOD. I watched 4 of them this morning sitting at the Starbucks down the street from my house. I was walking by with the dog and I had to stop and watch them laughing and joking and smiling and having a good fucking time, while covered in fucking sheets. On September 11th. Sorry but if I were unfortunate enough to have only 3 brain cells in my head that told me wearing a sheet was a good thing, the first thing I would do is use those 3 brain cells to maybe not be found laughing my disgusting anti American backwards fucking pre-historic freakish Muslim ass off on 9/11 in front of about 20 Jews and about 20 REAL Americans.

FUCK THEM. And FUCK Obama for not giving a shit, as he clearly displayed by his reaction today. These fuckers killed 2,977 people in the name of their pedophile POS tyrant 11 years ago today. Sorry if I sound a bit angry but it kinda pisses me off when I see my country acting like a bunch of cowering cunts in the face of the ENEMY. ON 9/11.

Remembering 9/11

I have never and will never forget that stunning cloudless September day in 2001 when Muslim scum sucking whores killed 2977 innocent people in the name of that son of a motherless whore Mohammed. And really, who has forgotten? I truly think time may make the wound a scar but a scar never really goes away.

I found this video interesting in that it shows how many Americans choose to NOT forget. I. REMEMBER. IT. ALL.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Obama Flip Flops FAST!

HellPig sent me this on Facebook and I almost passed out from laughing....The guy is so full of shit no wonder his eyes are brown.

"I know that every campaign promise Barack Obama makes has an expiration date … but this is ridiculous. The confetti is barely off the floor at the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina after Obama’s acceptance speech, and already we find out that he’s flip-flopped. Remember the part of the speech, in which he attacks the Paul Ryan plan to apply free-market reform and cost controls to Medicare?

In his convention speech in Charlotte, President Obama vowed to block the Republican Medicare reform plan because “no American should ever have to spend their golden years at the mercy of insurance companies.”

But back in Washington, his Health and Human Services Department is launching a pilot program that would shift up to 2 million of the poorest and most-vulnerable seniors out of the federal Medicare program and into private health insurance plans overseen by the states."
LIAR!!!!! Read the whole thing HERE.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Sadly True

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Live Blogging Obama's DNC Acceptance Speech

It's gonna be HILLARY-OUS.

Awwwww HEEEEEEEEEERE'S Biden! It's a love fest. A puke worthy one at that. Awwww Jilly!!!

4 years said: "Obama is not ready to be commander in chief." You were right.

Michelle's face as she looks at Biden is like FUCK YOU FUCKER. Why does she always look like that?

Obama is concerned for all Americans? Really? Even say...Sean Hannity? BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! He sure as hell isn't doing ME any favors Bidey boy.

Honey it's going to be OK if you make sure NOT to vote for Barry in November.

Obama would NEVER have gotten Bin Laden without BUSH. PERIOD. P-E-R-I-O-D. Give credit where it is ACTUALLY due.

That's all you got Biden? Bin Laden and GM? Wow. Biden finally got one thing right...Mitt and Barry are VERY different. One knows how to run a business and one knows how to run his ego.

Hey Biden can you tell me why the Department of Treasury owns a fucking car company? @unconstitutional.

The Bain Way? YOU MEAN SUCCESS? Biden you are an idiot. I need a beer.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.....It's always about him. He's slipped over into preacher he lost me.

Yawn, so what's on TV tonight? Anything good? Obama would NEVER have gotten Bin Laden without BUSH. PERIOD. P-E-R-I-O-D. Give credit where it is ACTUALLY due.

That's all you got Biden? Bin Laden and GM? Wow.

Uhhhhhh Romney has no intention whatsoever to increase taxes on the middle class you lying sack of shit.....GAWD now he's crying about criminal invaders? Good lord... the kids the kids....When we need an ACT (Lilly Ledbetter) it's NOT equality. I don't care how sick I am....I am so going to go have a beer now...Joe Biden said, "My dad respected Barack Obama - would've respected Barack Obama if he'd been around".

Is he trying to channel Kennedy? What is with all the "My Fellow Americans"? GAG.


OK... the Obama introduction video is actually making me want to hurl chunks. It's like a trailer for a bad chick flick.

HEEEEEEERE'S Barry. 20,000 doesn't have the same punch does it Barry? They sound like zombie hoards.

Right about here I'm thinking we could replace Barry with Ron Paul. That would be fun.

Yeah I am REALLY sick of hearing you approve any message.

Forward is the new backwards....

Good LORD!!!! He has compared himself to Reagan, King, Kennedy and now FDR???? Fucking multiple personalities.

Barry you are aware you've made it WORSE....right?

So like Biden all he has is GM and Bin Laden.

HEY BARRY....two words: KEYSTONE PIPELINE. And GM is outsourcing you stupid fuck.

Is it just me or are the people in the audience looking at him like he's some kind of god even though he's making the same boring speech he's made for 4 years?

I'd leave off talking about "green energy" Barry....Solyndra was a no no.

Oh he's blaming the "oil companies"???? This really IS a recycled speech. Yawn....time for a smoke.

Newsflash Barry, education is not free.

Wait....did he just make a joke about insulting England? LOL!!!!

"We've increased alliances?" Yeah with terrorist regimes.

Barry does remember it was BUSH'S timeline to withdrawal, right?

So if he's gonna fix EVERYTHING...why has he not done it yet? I mean he's had nearly 4 years. Idiot.

Romney is going to shred his shit in the debates.

I'm eager to reach a compromise with my bi-partisan debt commission? LOL!!!


They should retire with the care they have earned? What about the millions who did NOT earn it? And now he's bitching about Wall Street? They carried his ass in '08.

Isn't this the same speech he gave in 2008. There is not one new idea here and the old ones are proven energy, shovel ready jobs, punishing success, spreading wealth...

Who's the fear monger..."Obama says Romney wants you to be uneducated, sick, poor, homeless, and that you get dirty water and air." -Check Woolery

Uhhhh ohh...he's gonna run over into the MTV Music Awards...what to do what to do....

Oh good he just used the Ben Rumson line from American President...LAME.

FACT CHECK -"Times have changed and so have I," but Michelle Obama said he had NOT CHANGED.-MKH

Obama attacks evil donors w/"$10 million checks trying to buy this election." [Meet him at the luxury hotel in Charlotte AFTER the speech.] -Michelle Malkin

Obama is praising American Exceptionalism, Free Markets, Our Creator and Entrepreneurship...and..his followers are cheering him. Are they friggin' stupid or merely blind followers? He has fought or ridiculed everyone one of those institutions. Tonight he has chosen to wrap himself in it.-Rick Amato

Democratic Tolerance

After Bill Clinton got done praising George W. Bush's African initiatives and George H.W. Bush's help with Haiti...he went on to talk about how the Democrats were a bunch of nasty ass bitches who are only "tolerant" when they feel like it. That they needed to reach across the aisle like he did. Those gathered at the DNC (including the psycho who said she wanted to kill Mitt Romney) wouldn't know what "reaching across the aisle" meant of they got slapped upside the head with the 30 jobs bills the Rethuglicans have passed that sit languishing in the Senate (read:LIBTARD OBSTRUCTIONISTS). At least that's what I GOT out of his long winded diatribe last night.

So HOW TOLERANT are the DNC participants? Well....let's see....

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Bill Clinton @ The DNC

He managed what few could PRAISE the Bush's and nominate Obama at the same time. Then he praises Biden...and makes HIM look good while basically slapping the shit out of the Democrats and their whining. It was amazing. He continues to amaze me.

I love how the audience is nodding and cheering when he says politics don't have to be a blood sport....on the heals of that Puerto Rican Bronx native calling for Romneys' death today.

Loved it. Guy can spew words he has no belief in so very very well. One could almost forget he's the one who enacted DON'T ASK DON'T TELL and got impeached for getting a blow job in the oval office. He was also instrumental in the housing bubble explosion that was directly responsible for this depression we are in. I'm sure those little things don't matter, because he's such a good speaker.

Look people, he DID NOT HAVE SEX with that woman. He said so and Bill Clinton always tells the truth.

Take THIS Warren AKA FauxCahontos

Sandra Fluke

I find her repellent. An opportunist and a liar. Icky poo.

Ewwww Joooooo's And Gawd!!! Ewwwww

Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem....

Shirley Q Liquor Does The DNC

This is politically incorrect in every way, and that is why it is FUNNY! Courtesy of the Michael Berry Show

Obama Cancels Big BofA Stadium Speech

LOL....we all know they just couldn't bus in enough freaks to fill the stadium.

They are citing weather even though the chance of storms is less than 20%.


Tuesday, September 04, 2012

DNC Open Thread

Open Thread: The Democraps shouting USA USA USA almost made me vomit.

The National Debt Just Went To 16 Trillion


DNC Hypocrisy Begins

This woman is a prime example of the hypocrisy of the left. Voter ID laws are EVIL!! Voter ID laws are akin to "rape"...but showing your ID not once, twice, but three times to get into the DNC is all good.

“It’s like raping somebody,” she stated plainly before agreeing that a utility bill is more than sufficient proof of identification to present at the voting booth. (Ummm not really, at all crazy hag.)

“It‘s the most awful thing I’ve ever seen.”
Crazy bitch needs to get out more. There are some REALLY truly awful things out there. She needs perspective. Perhaps if she drives through the apocalyptic ruins that are Detroit she'd get some.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Charlotte Union Members Carry Obama Heads On American Flags

Was just perusing the pictures from the Labor Day Parade in Charlotte....came across this gem.


They Told Me Paul Ryan Lied....Then I Went To Youtube

Obama Visits My Back Yard!


Sunday, September 02, 2012


Saturday, September 01, 2012

Obama Lies About Lying

Dude. This is HILARIOUS!

"Sometimes they just make things up. But they’ve got a bunch of folks who can write $10 million checks, and they’ll just keep on running them,” he said. “I mean, somebody was challenging one of their ads — they made it up — about work and welfare. And every outlet said this is just not true. And they were asked about it and they said — one of their campaign people said, ‘We won’t have the fact-checkers dictate our campaign. We will not let the truth get in the way.’”
Mr. Obama was referring, as many other critics of the Romney campaign have, to a comment that its pollster, Neil Newhouse, made to reporters at the Republican convention on Tuesday, dismissive of those faulting the campaign’s television ads. What Mr. Newhouse actually said was, “These fact-checkers come to those ads with their own sets of thoughts and beliefs. We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.”
Mr. Newhouse did not say, “We will not let the truth get in the way.”
Heaven forbid Obama speaks the truth. Funny....that he says a damn thing about people who write big checks, they guy has Hollyweird and corporate elite in his back pocket. Freak.