Tuesday, October 31, 2006

John Kerry is a Wanker:Update

Mr."I have 3 Purple Hearts" Kerry clearly implies that our soldiers in Iraq are all uneducated morons.

See the video here: John Kerry is a son of a bee-yotch who hates our troops.

I don't know about anyone else, but after watching it, I kinda wanted to bitch slap Mr. Kerry repeatedly. (And that's being nice.)

UPDATE:sKerry told a group of California students on Monday that those unable to navigate the country's education system "get stuck in Iraq." Now he's back peddling. It's almost humerous,or it would be if what he said weren't so completely offensive.

Step right up folks, watch the Liberal spin machine in action!

John sKerry wins "Wanker of the Year" for the 3rd time running.(Tied with Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and George Soros, not to mention: Minnie Abu-boo-hate-da-jew, and Kim Jong Il.)

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Tune In Tonight: My Point Radio

4:00 PST MY POINT RADIO (Monday and Wednesdays @ 4:00 PST)
Dave of My Point Right and I will be discussing some of the more odious Props in California. And whatever else tickles our fancy. News,views and opinion with a right sided slant.

Brad Pitt is SHOCKED!!!!

Pitt is over in Amsterdam shooting Ocean's (13?) He says, "I get a bike wherever I go and I went for a midnight ride around Amsterdam. There were some guys coming out of a bar having a good time. I said, 'Excuse me,' and swerved out of the way and they started screaming, 'You f*cking American. We'll f*cking kill you.' "I'd never come face to face with that before - that turn in the way we are perceived in other countries." -Source

Brad,like so many Hollyweird whack jobs, is not in touch with the real world. He
and his friends have spent the last 6 years trashing the President, whining about the war and telling the world how ashamed they are of America. What does he
expect some drunk in Amsterdam to say?

I think this comment sums it up:

Screen name: Jeff posted on 30/10/2006 15:36

comments: There's something plainly wrong when a person is yelled at by a group of
drunken idiots, and then, instead of condemning the drunken idiots for their
idiotic drunken behavior, gives the drunken idiots credibility by saying, "oh
yeah, these drunken idiots must be right. It's all our fault."

How about condemning THEM for their boorish behavior instead of siding with them and
kicking yourself? For the life of me I can't understand this attitude--which is
so prevalent in liberal circles--that America is always wrong, that we're
always doing something bad to make foreigners "hate us." Maybe it's the other
guy who is wrong once in a while...But you'll never get a Hollywood type like
Brad Pitt to even consider that idea.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Holy Heck I Hate The ACLU


Check this out, over at Stop The ACLU:

ACLU Says: Feds Are Picking On Crackheads Transforming Prisons Into Institutions Dedicated To Locking Up Blacks

A foul taste:"As law enforcement focused its efforts on crack offenses, a dramatic shift occurred in the incarceration trends for African Americans, relative to the rest of the nation. This trend effectively transformed federal prisons into institutions increasingly dedicated to incarcerating African Americans."

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sh*tting In Your Own Cage

"Hundreds of people marched in a silent tribute to two teenagers whose death exactly one year ago sent a wave of urban riots surging through France, sparking the country's most serious social crisis in 30 years.

Many of the marchers wore white T-shirts printed with the words "Zyed and Bouna, Dead for nothing."

Zyed Benna, 17, and Bouna Traore, 15, both from immigrant families of African descent, were electrocuted as they hid from a police patrol in a power sub-station."

Translation: Two stupid little sh*ts who were probably guilty of some misdemeanor crime,ran from the po-po and got popped from their own stupidity. So, a bunch of violent muzzie yoots decided to go all Molotov cocktail on the local businesses and the po-po, to no end.

Only sh*tting in their own cage.

It's like honoring Rodney "can't we all get along" King. Who is/was/always will be, nothing but a piece of sh*t scum bag.

And by "sh*tting in their own cage", I refer to how animals don't like to sh*t in their own cage. Ever had a hamster? They poop in one corner and stay away from it.

These f*cktards don't care, they sh*t anywhere. So, there is no comparison, animals are better. They, at least, don't sh*t on their own turf.

Friday, October 27, 2006

"Moderate" Muzzies I Can't Hear You!!!

The "spiritual leader" of the 350,000 muzzie f*cktards in Australia likened non-muslim women to "uncovered meat" and justified the rapes of Australian women by muzzie men, because they were "Aussie Pigs" (the women).

This sick f*ck "has denied the Holocaust, defended suicide bombers, described as 'God's work' the 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, and blamed Jews for 'all the wars and problems that threaten the peace and stability of all the world."

And yet...."Imam Abdul Jalil Sajid, the chairman of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, who is visiting Australia, sprang to the mufti's defence. 'I know he is one of the greatest Muslim scholars on earth and Australia is blessed with him,' Sajid said."

Not to mention....."A defiant al-Hilali, speaking amid cheering supporters as he emerged from Friday prayers at Sydney's Lakemba Mosque, said he would not be resigning until 'after we clean the White House first." -Source

This f*cker has "cheering" supporters????????????????????????????????

Send John Howard a message, e-mail him today, tell him what you think.

Macaca? Or Kiddie Porn.

Here I thought California was bad. Let me just say, if I weren't an atheist, I'd pray for the poor suckers who live in Virginia. The fight between George Allen and Jim Webb just gets crazier.

What's worse, Macaca? A stupid made up name. Or this, an excerpt from a book written by Jim Webb, the Democrat candidate for Senate.....

Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes Foley look like the poster child for normalcy.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


The Daily Kos and Friends Call to Action:

"The utilization of Google Adwords and simultaneous, widespread embedded hyperlinks in order to drive as many voters as possible toward the most damning, non-partisan article written on the Republican candidate in seventy key US Senate and House races. The campaign will run from Tuesday, October 24th until Tuesday, November 7th."

Apparently Kos and Friends don't have enough confidence in their candidates, they have to Google Bomb the competition. That is the most sad, pathetic, weak thing I've seen in a long time. Though not shocking coming from the left.

Sad f*ckers.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tune In Tonight

I'll be on My Point Right Radio tonight from 4:00-4:30 Pacific Time(7:00 p.m. Eastern)tune in.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Screw the BBC: At Least They Admit It

"Yes, we are biased on religion and politics, admit BBC executives" More Here....
"Senior figures admitted that the BBC is guilty of promoting Left-wing views and an anti-Christian sentiment.

They also said that as an organisation it was disproportionately over-represented by gays and ethnic minorities.

It was also suggested that the Beeb is guilty of political correctness, the overt promotion of multiculturalism and of being anti-American and against the countryside.

During the meeting, hosted by Sue Lawley, executives admitted they would happily broadcast the image of a Bible being thrown away - but would not do the same for the Koran."

Next up, the MSM here in the US admits they are no different.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Nancy Pelosi: Evil Skank

Well, she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just stating fact.

How does this make sense....."If you don’t want an abortion, you don’t believe in it, don’t have one. But don’t tell somebody else what they can do in terms of honoring their responsibilities." -Nancy "Crack Whore" Pelosi

"My family is very pro-life." -Nancy "Crack Whore" Pelosi

You can't be both, you hypocritical hooker. She's playing up the whole "Roman Catholic" upbringing, when she was on the board of trustee's for the Leakey Foundation, who are in no way supportive of the Roman Catholic theory of evolution.

I'm an athiest. I'm pro-choice. I don't care if she's one or the other, but don't play up the whole, I'm pro-life B.S. if you are in fact not. If you have an abortion, you are killing a potential child. Period.

A Look At The War In France

If you want an example of what it would be like to have the war on Islam move here, to the homefront, just take a look at France.

"A gang of youths forced passengers off a bus in a Paris suburb yesterday before setting it alight and then stoning fire fighters." -Source

The "youths" as they are so kindly referred to happen to be....wait for it...."from Muslim immigrant families".

Shocked? Well, I wasn't. What started over two little shits getting fried last October, just hasn't stopped. Never. France, stuck in a politically correct hell they have created for themselves, are faced with a urban war. A war brought about by Islamic youths and their absent parents. Allowed to fester and grow unchecked by the useless government that controls France.

Is this our future????

"Radical Muslims in France's housing estates are waging an undeclared "intifada" against the police, with violent clashes injuring an average of 14 officers each day." -Source

"Rampaging youths shot at police and firefighters yesterday after burning car dealerships and public buses and hurling rocks at commuter trains, as eight days of riots over poor conditions in Paris-area housing projects spread to 20 towns."

"In France, a high school teacher received death threats, forcing him into hiding, after he wrote a newspaper editorial in September saying Muslim fundamentalists are trying to muzzle Europe's democratic liberties." -Source

"October 23, 2006 -French police found themselves once again under attack by firebomb wielding North African Muslim immigrants on Sunday." -Source

"Many youths, many arsonists, many vandals behind the violence do it to cries of 'Allah Akbar' (God is Great) when our police cars are stoned," Said Michael Thooris,head of the small Action Police union.

I see our future, and it's chilling.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Payback Had Better Be A Bitch

If this person;I don't give a flying f*ck about his party affiliation,is found guilty of leaking classified intel., he should be strung up by his poor excuse for balls and flogged.

"The unidentified staff member, a Democrat, was suspended this week by Chairman Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., and is being denied access to classified information pending the outcome of a review."

"The Intelligence Committee's top Democrat, Jane Harman of California, wrote to Hoekstra that she was "appalled" by his action, which was "without basis."

More Here.... and here.....

Yes, but after the review, if it turns out it was done WITH basis, will she be equally "appalled"?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Illegal Aliens

The ACLU and all the "immigrant rights" groups are pissed as hell about this new law that just got passed up north there in Escondido. The new law would require Landlords accused of renting to illegal immigrants to provide the city with documents proving their tenants are legal residents or face fines and possible jail time. I love it. Read more about it here.....

I have watched Escondido turn from a sleepy, nice little town into a third world hell hole. I mean it's bad.

So, the two above mentioned groups are on fire about how racist this ordinance is. I read it and I don't see how one can consider it racist.


Being an illegal alien is not a race.

Sure, it's mostly beaners that have ruined that city, but it applies to all of them, equally any race,color creed. Anyone who breaks the law by entering this country without permission, to me, is a criminal and should be prosecuted as such. And we sure as hell should not be giving them housing, food, medical care or schooling.

I applaud Escondido. Good going, now tell the ACLU to shove it up their collective asses.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dirty Bomb NFL Plot This Weekend:UPDATED

A Web site is claiming that seven NFL football stadiums will be hit with radiological dirty bombs this weekend. The government says they don't think so....

Here is the thread from the cached page of the site: Abu says: "He is an American and a friend of Muhammad Atta, who led 9/11 attacks five years ago. We call him "Jaffer al Tayyar" ["Jafer the Pilot"]; he is very brave and intelligent. Bush is aware that brother Adnan has smuggled deadly materials inside America from the Mexican border. Bush is silent about him, because he doesn't want to panic his people. Sheikh Osama bin Laden has completed his cycle of warnings."

See it here.

UPDATED: Apparently this was a hoax by a disgruntled Green Bay fan. Dude, I knew Packer fans were mentally unstable, but this is over the top.

John McCain Is Going To Kill Himself

U.S. Sen. John McCain answered with some dark humor when asked today what he would do if Democrats gain control of the House and Senate.

“I think I’d just commit suicide,” he said with a smile. -Source

And the liberals respond:

Randolf Mueller
wrote on October 18, 2006 2:06 PM:
"Ah, so Mr. McCain, what is this alledged "message" you Republicans want to get out? "We must stay the course -and die." "Tax cuts for the rich." "Halliburton Rules!" "Jesus hates Demoncrats!"? I'm hoping for the Democrats to win only so you'll kill yourself.

wrote on October 18, 2006 2:26 PM:
"Yet another claim McCain won't follow through on. What a suprise."

And last but not least, this "gem":
Carl Rove
wrote on October 18, 2006 1:53 PM:
"Democrats can't win. The sheeple (people + sheep) only does what the television tells them to do."

Carl, dear, if the sheeple listen to the television, the Democrats most certainly WILL win. What planet are you from????

I Weep For The Future

This namby-pamby, weak, pathetic, next generation of kids is going to be watching out for me when I hit retirement??????????????

Massachusetts School Bans Tag Amid Fears of Injuries, Lawsuits.
"Officials at an elementary school south of Boston have banned kids from playing tag, touch football and any other unsupervised chase game during recess for fear they'll get hurt and hold the school liable.

Celeste D'Elia, said her son feels safer because of the rule. "I've witnessed enough near collisions," she said."

Your son feels safer?????? Why don't you just wrap the poor pathetic little pansy up in bubble wrap and be done with it. Cheese and Rice, what's next, kids that can't walk to school for fear their shoes might get scuffed??????

Wednesday Funnies

Quran Flushing:
"Another copy of the Islamic holy book has been found in a toilet at a university(Pace University in New York) library" - Source

Sounds to me like some kids practicing their freedom of speech. Beats the crap out of armed riots in the streets and buildings being pelted with Molotov cocktails, not to mention actual deaths, over, say, cartoons.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why Shouldn't We Torture?

President Bush signed into law today new guidelines for interrogating and prosecuting terror suspects. Read all about it here: The Military Commissions Act

"The bill would protect detainees from blatant abuses during questioning — such as rape, torture and "cruel and inhuman" treatment".

I get the rape part,I mean come on. But, what classifies as "cruel and inhuman"? I think listening to Olbermann blathering on about all the righties he hates is torture. Seeing campaign ads with Al Gore preaching; absolutely cruel. And anything spewed from Nancy Pelosi's mouth is inhuman.

That being said, if it takes some "torture" to get a scum sucking sh*tbag terrorist to rat out his pals, then by all means, proceed. Their methods include painful removal of a victims head with a seemingly dull knife, among other things.

This is war folks, in case you'd missed the memo. If it takes some degrading humiliation, some Koran burnings or perhaps some underwear on their heads to get a clear picture on a dirty bomb plot, I say go for it. Big dogs yapping in their faces, leashes and sleep deprivation, if that's what it takes to get these roaches to squeal about plans to blow up a subway, have at it I say.

Monday, October 16, 2006

How Far Will We All Let It Go?

As North Korea prepares to run a second test, I ask you, how far will we let it go?

We LET him gain nuclear power. We let him threaten, we let him bully,bitch,whine and cry like a spoiled baby. And now, as he prepares to run another "test", the United States and the world at large sit with our thumbs up our collective asses, doing nothing.

F*CK the U.N.. They are as worthless as a Christmas tree on January 1st.

Next... Iran....after that? This isn't about "fear" as the pansy assed lefties spout, this is about reality. Russia, China, the U.S. we would never, never actually use these weapons.

I'm not as worried about N.K.. What I am concerned about is Iran. They are 10 times more technologically advanced than N.K., they have the material and the desire for world destruction at any cost.

What will it take for this country and others around the world to wake up from their slumber. A nuke on their porch?

I sit here disgusted beyond words.

SEAL Falls on Grenade to Save Comrades

My definition of a hero.

"A Navy SEAL,Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor, sacrificed his life to save his comrades by throwing himself on top of a grenade Iraqi insurgents tossed into their sniper hideout, fellow members of the elite force said.

"He never took his eye off the grenade, his only movement was down toward it,"said a 28-year-old lieutenant who sustained shrapnel wounds to both legs that day."He undoubtedly saved mine and the other SEALs'lives, and we owe him." - Source

What I find interesting is the story of this hero was found on Fox. I checked out CNN, nope, couldn't find it there. MSNBC....nope, but I did find an interesting story about being stuck in Toronto for a day and some interesting things you can do. But of course, there is no MSM bias.

Sunday, October 15, 2006



Vomitous Display of Politically Correct B.S.!!!!

British Airways can kiss my ass. Look folks...Look at England.....See them cower, see then pander, see them disappear and see them become an Islamic nation.
WE ARE NEXT!!!!! I mean,their taxi drivers are already demanding Sharia law. I'm a heathen atheist and this one still disgusts me.

"Heathrow check-in worker Nadia Eweida was sent home after refusing to remove her cross, which is smaller than a ten pence piece, she was told it breached BA's dress code.

Miss Eweida, who has an unblemished record during seven years at BA, is suing her employer for religious discrimination after being suspended from work without pay for two weeks.

The airline's uniform code states that staff must not wear visible jewelry or other 'adornments' while on duty without permission from management.

It makes exceptions for Muslim and Sikh minorities by allowing them to wear hijabs and turbans.

Under rules drawn up by BA's 'diversity team' and 'uniform committee', Sikh employees can even wear the traditional iron bangle - even though this would usually be classed as jewelry - while Muslim workers are also allowed prayer breaks during work time." - Source

WTF!!!!!! Someone want to tell me how that's "fair"?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Let's All Take A Moment...

It's Friday the 13th and we should all take a moment out of our busy schedules to laugh at the oddities this world provides for us to mock.


Sweet little Moonbats.

Courtesy of "Freedom Folks", we have this gem.

Next we move on to IN DC Journal, and the classic story of "Moonbats in the Mist". A preview:"In order to carefully observe the moonbats without being spotted and despoiling their natural behavior, we fashioned this oversized moonbat blind, carefully woven from all-natural hemp fiber. If you'd all like to get in, we can begin our surreptitious documentation of the swarm..."

Here we have an actual Moonbat commenting on the term "Moonbat". "...we're being called "moonbats" and we might as well revel in it. We like the moon, and bats are cool, and it's cool to watch bats when the moon is out..." Cheese and Rice.

And last, but certainly not least, we have the Latin name for Moonbat, courtesy of Laudator Temporis Acti: "Putting these all together, we get "macroglossus coprophagus lunaris vespertilio" for "long-tongued poo eating moonbat."

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Another Terrorist Plot Foiled

LONDON:"A man pleaded guilty to taking part in a plot to murder people in terrorist attacks in Britain and the United States at a London court on Thursday.

The British man,Dhrien Barot,34, from north London, admitted plotting to kill "as many innocent people as possible" in the UK and US today by targeting skyscrapers and major financial institutions in New York and Washington and setting off a dirty bomb in Britain. -More....

Now, would the "as many innocent people as possible" include women or children? Because that's the only way the left in this country would give a sh*t. But of course, I suppose this guy is just another innocent patsy, set up by shadow CIA operatives, to keep the FEAR alive.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Oh Crap, Not Baldwin Again

It's bad enough that the Hollyweird youth all hang out in clubs and bars every night though a vast majority are under 21. (Pisses me off. I had to shoulder tap and bribe the corner market to get booze.) Or that when one of the Hollyweird elite gets popped on a DUI, they don't get reamed like us normal folk. I mean heck, if I'd stolen a porn tape featuring myself from the newstand, AND WAS CAUGHT ON TAPE DOING IT, I'd probably be in jail.(PARIS).

But now, one of their little darlings (and top F.A.G. member) feels he should get a pass to cross police lines at an accident site. "Actor" Alec Baldwin tries to pass a police cordon near the site where a small aircraft crashed into a high-rise building in New York, October 11, 2006."

Photo courtesy of Al Reuters

What a vile piece of human refuse.

Aircraft crashes into NYC building


Read more here.....

NEW YORK - An aircraft crashed into a high-rise apartment building on Manhattan's Upper East Side in New York City on Thursday, NBC News reported. There were conflicting reports about whether it was an airplane or a chopper.


HEY LIBTARDS THIS ISN'T BUSH'S FAULT. It appears to have been an accident, can you say: A-C-C-I-D-E-N-T? Idiots.


At this time it's being reported that at least two people have been killed.First responders to the crash say an emergency call was made from the plane indicating a possible fuel problem.

New York Yankees Manager Joe Torre told CNN that the plane that was a Cirrus SR-20 registered to team pitcher Cory Lidle. He is beleived to have died in the crash.

-Go here for more info.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I was approached by a reader of this blog who happens to work in the publishing industry; to read and then review a new book.

I was, to say the very least, flattered. And after reading the book, I was simply grateful.

The book, ACT OF TREASON, by Vince Flynn, available TODAY October 10th, is simply fantastic. I read this book in one sitting, barely putting it down to grab a fresh beer every hundred pages or so.

Do you like 24? Tom Clancy? Then you'll dig the ever lovin' crap out of this book, that features the enigmatic and dashing secret agent Mitch Rapp.

After a brazen daytime terrorist attack on the possible future President, Mitch is tapped to find out all he can on the man, or men, responsible. His mission taking you from the posh enclaves of the Washington elite to a small Greek cafe in Cyprus to a magnificent palacial home in Geneva, and back home again.

Mr. Flynn paints a vivid, fascinating picture of the inner workings of the CIA and it's operatives and the obstacles they face trying to bring terrorists to justice.

Is it Al-Quaeda, as first suspected? Or someone more intimately familiar with the future first family? And who can Mitch trust? Who is telling the truth and who is lying?

Get off your ass, stop reading this review, get in your car drive to the bookstore and find out or go here......

Not to mention that Vince Flynn seems to feel about what I do for the journalistic integrity of the New York Times. The Times gets a sweet bitch slap, that alone makes it worth the read.

Get it here.....

Funny New Campaign AD

The DRUDGE REPORT obtained a copy of a campaign advertisement created by Hollywood producer and director David Zucker(Naked Gun/Scary Movie 4) that was intended to be used by GOP organizations in the closing weeks of the 2006 campaign.

However, the advertisement was deemed "too hot" by GOP strategists all across Washington who have refused to use it!

Watch it here!
It would be funnier if it weren't true.

If You Can't Stand The Heat....

Hypocrites like Natalie Maines and Barbara Streisand really crack me up. Natalie can say whatever she wants right? But when Bush replies, she screams at his image and tells him to shut up! In her, oh so classless taunt, Maines says of President Bush: "What a dumbf*ck-." Wow, she's someone I'd like to know.

Now, what we have today is Babs...."There was Streisand, enduring a smattering of very loud jeers as she and "George Bush" -a celebrity impersonator- muddled through a skit that portrayed the president as a bumbling idiot."

"Come on, be polite!"(yeah, like mocking the president is "polite") the well-known liberal implored during the sketch as she and "Bush" exchanged zingers. But one heckler wouldn't let up. And finally, Streisand let him have it.

"Shut the f*ck up!" Streisand bellowed, drawing wild applause. "Shut up if you can't take a joke!"

Let me get this right. She has freedom of speech, but the heckler doesn't. In addition, the people who were not "diggin'" her little skit, they were to remain quiet and "shut the f*ck up." O.k. that makes sense Babs, thanks, for showing a nice clear example of liberal hypocrisy. You're the epitome of class.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Kimmy Jong Il Throws a Hissy Fit (Updated)

Albright and her BFF Kim Jong Il.

Awwww, poor Kimmy Kins. Was the little dictator tired of being ignored?
This is how I imagine it happening.....

Kim:"Them mean old Americans, they are busy fighting psychotic muzzies and have not been paying attention to little old me. I'll show them, I'll blow up a nuke, yup!!! Pay attention to me,me,me,me,me!!!!!!!"

Now all we have to do is take decisive action. If we sit here and don't react at all, then Kim Jong Il will have won this battle. And the U.N. is useless as we know, as usual it's up to us.

Here's a suggestion.... we haven't done a nuke test in a while, may I suggest North Korea as an excellent place to detonate.(Apparently I need to clarify that this is sarcasm, for some of my more "challenged" readers. I do not advocate the ACTUAL using of nukes at any time, place or on any country.)


US detects second N Korea 'blast'
********************* Dude, Kimmy Kins has a serious death wish me thinks.

Everyone expresses their outrage, 'cept Iran, who blames America.

Apparently Kimmy Kins wants kudos!!! What a frickin' a-hole.

People in Hiroshima predictably trip out.Can you imagine how this makes them feel?

"The Chinese government is firmly opposed to this," - Yeah, right.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

LIVE: Liberal Bashing

Monday morning at 0600 hours+ (PST), I will be on Corps Blog Radio. It was nice of them to ask me. I admit to being a little nervous, but heck, if I can dish it out via written word, my loud ass mouth should be better, maybe..... You'll have to forgive me for how I'll sound, I've been screaming at the t.v. all day. Good thing the Niners actually won. The Chargers aren't making me stay quiet right now, that's for sure.

So, anyway, if you want to hear me live on Blog Talk Radio, stop on by here.....

And stop by Corps Blog.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

United 93

I'd watched the "made for t.v." version of United 93. And that was bad, really bad.

But, I'd not been able to let myself watch the theatre version. I purchased it the day it came out, telling myself I'd watch it.....someday. Apparently today was that day.

If you want to feel:agony, anguish, anxiety, bitterness, despondency, distress, grief, heartache, hurt, malaise, misery, sadness, shock, suffering, torment, torture, woe and wretchedness, then by all means, watch this movie.

I still have red little half moons embedded in my palms from fisting my hands so hard, and I finished watching the movie a half hour ago.

At the inevitable end, I was sobbing, hyperventilating and cursing so violently at the t.v. and the sons of bitches who brought that plane and the other 3 down, that my dog left the room. I am still hiccupping a bit. That movie is foul, so very foul. The acting is brilliant and the story line gripping. But the very fact this movie was ever made is just foul.

I feel like running over the disc repeatedly with my car, then burning it. Just to get the filthy foul feeling it left in my heart out.

So, that's what I think of that movie. Who else saw it and what did you think?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday Not So Funny

When will Americans come to grips with the fact that Islam is so completely f*cked up, it needs to be banned worldwide?

For example:"Consider the barbers of Baghdad. Sunni Muslim insurgents and Shiite Muslim extremists have imposed their own sets of rules for the cutting of hair. In recent months, barbers have been killed, threatened or forced to close their shops after being accused of giving haircuts that were considered un-Islamic or too Western."

See what I mean? Hair. HAIR. People have died because of hair.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Vewy Intewesting....

Two things...



Oye Vey! The Hypocrisy!

So, this is O.K.: "A federal judge says a Contra Costa County school was merely teaching seventh-graders about Islam, not indoctrinating them, in role-playing sessions of a history class that called for students to adopt Muslim names and recite language from prayers. -Read more about it here...

"She(The stupid bitch liberal moonbat teacher)encouraged them to use Muslim names, recited prayers in class, required students to recite a line from a prayer and made them give up something for a day, such as television or candy, to simulate fasting during Ramadan. On the final exam, students were asked for a critique of elements of Muslim culture."

But then we have this:"Ho-ho-no! Holiday play axed at school"
"For more than a week, Mary Anne Bender helped her 10-year-old daughter learn her Christmas pageant lines and daydream about what costume she'd sew for the after-school play at Windmill Point Elementary.

But on the second day of practice, fifth-grader Kayla Vance was told she can't play Mrs. Claus in A Penguin Christmas because the principal has axed any mention of the word "Christmas" in holiday festivals."

""My child learns about Kwanzaa and dreidels," Bender said, referring to religious traditions celebrated by non-Christians. "Why can't they sing about Santa and Rudolph?" -More here....

We MUST rise up and stop these stupid f*ckers from taking away my favorite holiday; Christmas. We cannot let them shove Ramadan down our throats while making Santa a leper. No more B.S. made up holidays like Kwanzaa, no more "cultural sensitivity". This is OUT OF CONTROL!!!! You don't like jolly old elves and pretty tree's you can go f*ck yourself, and move to another country. You moonbat sh*ts will NOT ruin what is to me, the single most fun time of year. You will NOT make candy canes,whimsical music,sparkling lights and snowflakes "evil". I will not let you. I HATE YOU,I HATE YOU,I HATE YOU!!!!! (Yes, I am stomping my feet as I write this.)

This year, tell everyone you meet, Merry Christmas. Scream it from the rooftops. Write letters to the editor of your local newspapers if there are any issues like this above in your town. Time to open a can of whoop ass.

HT- Daniel
Send the ACLU a Christmas Card
125 Broad Street
18th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Anti-Bush Moonbats : Unleashed

On October 5, people everywhere will walk out of school, take off work, and come to the downtowns & townsquares and set out from there, going through the streets and calling on many more to join us - making a powerful statement: "NO! THIS REGIME DOES NOT REPRESENT US! AND WE WILL DRIVE IT OUT!"

Endorsers of the Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime Include:

Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid-Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood
Code Pinko
Ed Begley Jr.
Ward Churchill-(He's so "nice" they have himn on the list twice.)
Samina Faheem Fundas-American Muslim Voice
Jane Fonda -I'm shocked I tell ya!!!!
Ali Khan-America Muslim Council
Maxine Waters D-CA- I'm shocked to the core.
Cindy Sheehan
Martin Sheen
Susan Sarandon
Sean Penn
See the entire list of crazy ass Moonbats here.

And don't forget, let's let the indoctrination of lefty hate begin with our youth:

World Can't Wait Student and Youth Organizer's Kit

The student organizer kits will enable youth to go back to their school or hometown and begin organizing for October 5th right away.

The kits include:

1) The World Can't Wait Flyer for October 5th
2) Fall Plans for Mobilizing Students on October 5th
3) New Edition of the Frequently Asked Questions
4) October 5th Talking Points for Speaking in Classrooms
5) World Can't Wait Student and Youth Organizer Checklist
6) Organize for the National Bush Crimes Day- Sept. 19th
7) Sample Press Release
8) Recommended Movies and Readings
9) Sample Permission Slip for High School Students
10) Sample Letter to Professors


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

More-on Mark Foley

Beside being a sick individual, this guy has to be one of the dumbest politicians ever to walk the earth. Now they've got IM'S talking about boozing it up with the boys? I mean, come on, when I was that age we partied like rock stars, but he was a damn congressman.

For more, see The Blotter....

That being said, the lefties are going batsh*t. Let's see how the Moonbats are weighting in...

No wonder all the muslims in the Middle East want to kill us. Our own members of Congress are a bunch of perverts and pedophiles.
Posted by: mike jones | Oct 3, 2006 1:56:24 PM

*****Yes,the Muslims chopping off heads and killing are justified because this guy IM'ed these young men with his sicko fantasies.

GOP = Gang of Pedophiles.
Posted by: Navin | Oct 3, 2006 2:25:03 PM

*****Oh, of course, this guy is representative of the entire Republican party. Yup.

Over on the DU, we've got these little gems...

It's an issue because he belongs to the party that hates gays
And I mean HATES GAYS.
Alcibiades Tue Oct-03-06 01:41 PM

*****Come a little closer and tell me that a-hole. And while I'm at it, I'll have my gay friend Mike kick the sh*t out of you.

This Foley thing is divine intervention.
Holy shit! This is very bad, blah blah blah. It could not have happened better if we planned it!
Deep13 Tue Oct-03-06 10:52 AM

*****You'd plan young men being victims of sexual verbal assault? That's a good thing? This Moonbat almost makes Foley look good.

I do truly wonder what the reaction would be if this guy was a Dumocrap.

It's A Conspiracy!!

The evil illuminati that is the current administration has been in talks with Kim "little prick" Jong-Il. It's all very clear now.

Obviously this latest whining from North Korea was set into place to take attention away from the "Page scandal of 2006". I mean, the sexual perversions of a 52 year old man who obviously needs meds and counseling, if not a jail time, is definitely more important that NK playing with their nukes.

Poor guy, he's just ronery.

Monday, October 02, 2006

"Immigrant" Rights

H/T Michelle Malkin on the Donut thang...

"A local group (in Chicago) fighting for immigrant rights is calling for a boycott of two nationally known companies. Dunkin Donuts and Applebee's are accused of discriminating against immigrant workers whose names don't match their social security numbers."

"Groups accuse several companies of the practice using 'no match' letters to immigrant workers who don't have valid social security numbers. They want the public to boycott businesses, including Applebee's and Dunkin Donuts. Neither company could be reached for comment."

READ: These companies are actually doing something about ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!! So, of course, they are racist. Immigrants have rights.ILLEGAL ALIENS, are criminals who have the right, only, to go to jail, or go home.

"It looks to me like its racism," said Emma Lozano, Pueblo Sin Fronteras." -Source

In further "immigration" news. Our own scum bag in San Diego, Nick Inzunza, has declared his city a "sacntuary" city.

"Mayor Nick Inzunza declared National City an immigrant sanctuary..." "We're still a nation of laws. We still have a constitution that protects us. That's what we're saying,” Inzunza told reporters." -Source

Yeah, Nick, we have laws, many of which your family has broken in the past, like this and this(Love this one...) But, the laws are there to PROTECT AMERICANS. Not people who come here illegally.

What have all the "immigrants" done for National City:(This will really show you....)

Don't forget the nightly gang bang ups, shootings and car chases. Or the semi-weekly arson fires, robberies and murders. Yep, so far Nick, your plan to let them hang out in Nat. City has really worked wonders.

This Foley Thing

Is a non-story. Next.


I see I have to clarify for some. I watched this crap unfold all weekend. Just like everyone else. Here is why to me, it's a NON "POLITICAL" STORY:

The "kid" (I don't know about you folks, but by 16, I was pretty much not a "kid"), seemed to be enjoying the exchange. (No, I am not making excuses, this guy is a douche and should have his ass kicked-Foley that is).

What bothers me is the double standard. 15 year old boy has sex with his "hot" female teacher and the kid is "cool". The teacher gets off with a slap on the wrist.

Or, if this was a Democrap. There would be NO story, as we'd not have heard about it.

This guy (idiot) e-mails and text messages a young man and he's an "evil kiddie diddler"? WTF?

Even the young mans parents didn't want this shit out in the open.

Sorry, a bit hung over, but basically, the point is, this has nothing to do with politics, nothing to do with "Republicans" and a whole lot to do with a single individual with a major problem that needs counseling at the very least, though I suggest for those of his type, a "Lorena Bobbitt".

He is being investigated, he will likely be bitch slapped, HEAVILY. End of story.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Borat, Borat, Borat..... Seems I can't turn around these days without hearing about this Borat dude.

Frankly, I saw the preview for his movie, and while I never go see movies in the theatre, nor would I purchase the DVD, I can guarantee you, I'll watch it when it comes out on cable. The guy looks to be nothing more than a SNL skit in a feature length movie. And, he looks decidedly UN-P.C. which makes him a friend of mine.

Make up your own mind.....