Thursday, January 31, 2008

Screw Liberals Radio

Mondays and Thursdays @ 5 Pacific/8 Eastern. Screw Liberals Radio. (646) 478-5334

Hollyweird Just Got Weirder

".....tonight's Democratic presidential debate will be held at Los Angeles' Kodak Theatre, home of the Oscars and one of Hollywood's most hallowed monuments to the stars."

I can already feel the slime inching it's way down to San Diego. Icky poodles.

Berkley Out Of The US Now

Let Berkley leave the union. I in fact demand they recede from the union and return all monies given to them by the United States of America. Fuck Berkley and it's inhabitants.

"The City of Berkeley, California has passed two resolutions attacking the United States Marine Corps, calling the Marines, “uninvited and unwelcome intruders in the city.”

The Berkeley City Council voted to condemn the Marines on Tuesday night (January 29th) as part of a campaign by anti-war activists to shut down a U.S. Marine Recruiting Center located in the city of Berkeley.

One of the two resolutions passed by the Berkeley City Council last night granted a parking spot in front of the Marine Recruiting Center to be used by anti-military activists to harass Marine recruiters. The anti-military activists would not need to apply for a sound permit for the next six months – allowing them free reign to disrupt the day-to-day operations by the Marines.

Imagine This Being Mohammed

naked nuns
"An ad for a new upscale Boston fitness center featuring three nuns painting a naked man is getting some flack from religious leaders there, MyFoxBoston reported.

The two-page ad is the first thing readers see when they open up the latest issue of Boston Magazine.

The ad, created by an unnamed Minnesota agency, features three nuns -- one wearing a garter -- painting the chiseled man while a fourth nun watches from behind a gate."

I am getting so sick and tired of Christianity being mocked on a daily basis, while Islam is elevated to untouchable by the pansy assed media of the west. Do you think had this been an ad mocking Mohammed, they'd have picked up the story? No they would have done all they could to bury it. Disgusting. *Note there are not thousands of Christians in the streets fire bombing police stations and flipping over cars.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Democrat Led Congress Awards Illegals

"Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) today criticized the tax package passed by the Democrat-controlled Congress as a giveaway to illegal aliens. The package, among other shortcomings, would direct the Internal Revenue Service to issue checks of up to $600 to individuals and $1,200 to married couples, as well as rebates for any children. The legislation does not, however, contain any provision barring illegal aliens from taking advantage of these benefits.

“This package will stimulate one thing for certain: more illegal immigration,” said Tancredo. “It’s just the latest unfortunate example of American workers footing the bill for illegal aliens.”

The bill would allow so-called “Resident Aliens” to receive rebate checks. The Treasury department classifies someone as a “Resident Alien” based on how much time that person has spent in the United States. No proof of legal presence, however, is required.

“Worse, a large portion of this money will just be sent back to the home countries of illegal aliens,” concluded Tancredo. “So it might stimulate someone’s economy – just not ours.”

The bill was considered under a procedure in the House of Representatives that did not allow for any opportunity to amend the bill to restrict payments to illegal aliens."

Don't forget the 300 bucks per anchor baby. And now we've got McCain???? Unbelievable.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Florida Primary Results:UPDATED

McCain wins with a small lead over Romney.

Hillary wins straight out.

Rudy is out and is throwing his support to his fellow liberal McCain. Edwards is out.. not yet throwing support anywhere.

How's This For Irony?

"A mini-van full of illegal immigrants rear-ended a Homeland Security SUV Tuesday morning on I-10.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety said the overloaded van was heading west when it was involved in a three-vehicle chain-reaction crash near the Elliot Road off-ramp.

No one was hurt.

The 11 illegal immigrants inside the van were taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement." - Source

Obama Supporters: Don't Need To Spell To Vote

Here are some Obama supporters from Corpus Cristi, TX . . . Celebrating MLK Day and Obama's candidacy. (Man you CANNOT make this shizznet up!)

America Hating Jihadi's

I found this guy: Asshole Troop Hating Sick Fuck on Youtube.

His "channel" page has a lovely Muzzie prayer rug/gun back ground and his videos are all about how the west, in particular America, is evil.

Here are a couple of titles for his video's:
The History of US fear, Hatred, Cowardice and Terrorism
US Mass murder in 1945
Cowardly American Soldiers in Iraq

The last one "Cowardly American Soldiers in Iraq" I found while looking for videos of our troops over in Iraq. I watched it and it made me want to cry. They were clearly under attack in their barracks, looks like they were under their beds. The one soldier is praying. It was tough to watch because I was scared for them, but what was much tougher were the vile disgusting comments:
"huwen19851006 (1 week ago)
iraqis should throw some grenades to kill these faggots. lmfao~"

"neiluk2006 (1 month ago)
Pussy americans"

These guys are gutless. God damn disgrace. At least the Iraqis die bravely. I am ashamed of my President and my Army."

haha, you aren't though now without your planes and tanks...
die american scumbags"

And so on and so forth. Please feel free to contact these pieces of refuse and tell them exactly what you think of their free speech. I know I did.

Monday, January 28, 2008

State of the Union: Live Blogging

I will be attempting to live blog the SOTU tonight right after my show @ 6:00 pm Pacific time. Stay tuned for my eloquent and insightful bullshit.

Here goes:

6:04...Haven't even turned on the TV need a drink already.
6:08...... Obama and Teddy are chilling together get me a barf bag. The local guy just called it a "bi-partisan love fest". Puke worthy.
6:10.....Pelosi looks like a grape.
6:12.....Did they stuff Cheney.
6:24....Teddy is asleep.
6:26....Blah Blah Blah... reduce oil consumption...same crap as last year.
6:29.....Why do they keep going to Rangel? Asshole.
6:31...I'm serious does anyone else think that is a stuffed version of Cheney? He looks kinda fake. You think he's in some undisclosed location?
6:32....As an atheist I have to agree with him. The "faith based" groups are some of the most giving.
6:34.....LOL...yes you are working on work site enforcement, but Bush, the border is fecking open still; period. They can come here LEGALLY. A-Hole. This is tantamount to amnesty.
6:39.....I am tired of Bush's rhetoric on the war on Islamic nutsacks. Why can't he just call it like it is? I mean is he really saying that Afghanistan is going well?
6:44.....The surge is working... big cheers!...I want to review the tape see who isn't clapping.
6:46....Right Bush.. if Obama is elected they will not have "all they need" to protect our nation. Not a very good response on funding our troops. Troops coming home!!!
6:50....I wish he'd address the terrorist regime of "palestine.
6:54....Oh, no here he goes and praises "palestine". Geezus. Thank the beer gods I am not doing shots of tequila for this drinking game. Hamas is working on peace my ass Bush.
6:56......We respect their moral police? We respect Iran? WTF. I don't know about you but I better not be included in that "we".
6:58....Yes we MUST protect those who are doing their job to protect America from law suits.
7:00....Why are we supporting the fucking world? Instead of farm subsidies, why not buy our own farmers veggies and crops? Don't want AIDS, wear a condom. I am so sick of our "compassion" for a world that hates us.
7:02....95% increase in aid for Veterans would be great if Clinton hadn't slashed it to hell and back. Holy shit Bob Dole looks older that dirt.
7:03....Now that is great, transferring unused education bennies to the spouses of military. Oh yeah! That got the response it should get.

Boring speech in general not any different from the last two at all. Bush did however seem on his game tonight. He delivered the speech with some passion in his voice.

Oh well. That's a wrap folks. Last of Bush's SOTU's. Who, who will be next?

P.S. The glad handling after the speech as he makes himself up the aisle is great. Cracks me up everytime!

He's short huh?

Is Rudy Giuliani Dropping Out?

"Rudy Giuliani appears to be pondering an end to his long pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination." From the L.A. Slimes.
If he is....good riddance. One less Liberal in RINO clothing.

Screw Liberals Radio Tonight

I am truly honored that Paul Ibbetson, a host at Blog Talk Radio, is dedicating a song to little old me!

Radio Team Ibbetson has created a Ron Paul theme song and I am going to dedicate it to you for all your Paultarding that you have faithfully done this election season! This coming Thursday 9:00 p.m. CT. Straight Talk Radio P.S. all real men have (Paul) at the front end of their names!"

I would like to thank all the Paultards that made this moment possible. A special SHOUT OUT to the Paultard who keeps TRYING to hang his Ron Paul R"love"ution banner from the La Jolla Village Drive overpass. You have given me a whole new use for my bonsai sheers.

As always join me tonight for an hour of kvetching @ 5 Pacific/8 Eastern Screw Liberals Radio. Call In: (646)478-5334

Ted Kennedy Endorses Obama

If there weren't enough reasons to NOT vote for Barack Obama before, the endorsement by the vile Ted "How to kill a girl and get away with it" Kennedy just clinches it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dhimmitude In Full Effect

From Jihad Watch:
This billboard design was submitted for the upcoming America's Truth Forum Symposium in Southlake, TX, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area:
This is the revised design that was eventually accepted and used:
Why the changes? The sales manager of a Dallas-area billboard company explained: “My boss wouldn’t go along with this type of advertising since we have an international clientele -- some of whom might be on the other side."

The other side? On the side of the jihadists?

Imagine an American billboard company in 1942 toning down an anti-Nazi billboard because, well, some of their clients are Nazis!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I give you this in all it's peaceful Leftard, righting hating glory:
"Well I'm hesitant to use that word, but if you find it funny and approve of it...
You're a fucking stupid worthless CUNT, Jenn, and you need to address your clamidia-infested CUNT rather than focus on T-Shirt slogans (which is indeed the depth of your reading).
Seriously, you're kind of ugly and no man would want you.
You're also stupid and thus no intelligent man would listen to you.
You make Hillary look hot.

The Paul/Hillary/Edwards type supporter is it's own words.

Feel the love.

That Moment : Obama The Baby Kissser

The headline on ABC News is:"'Yes We Can!' Obama Beats Clinton in S.C. Primary"
What you socialist pansy ass bitches... no,"Si Se Puede?" Same thing panderers.
I look at the pictures and see asshole politicians kissing babies, asses and who knows what else and I think......

Did I sign up for this shit? Where the fuck is my country. Dude, where is it. Michael Moore had a point, only in his title, but still, it's the same. Where is it?

I am at that "moment" where you think....what the hell are we fighting for? This is not the country our for fathers bled for. What is the point?

Friday, January 25, 2008

"palestinians" Suck

Give these worthless 9/11 celebrating, killer animal abusing children's show watching, rocket launching assholes an inch, they fecking blow your wall up.

Egypt is to blame for even trying to deal with these vermin. Any country that would elect Hamas deserves to reap what it sows.

"Hamas gunmen, some wearing masks, ignored an agreement with Egypt and bulldozed what remained of a wall at the Gaza border Friday,"

No shit you mean Hamas ignored an agreement? Holy Hops and Barley Batman call me shocked to the core!

McCain and Clinton Sittin' In A Tree

K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Have your barf bags ready.

"She(Hillary) and John McCain are very close," Clinton said*. "They always laugh that if they wound up being the nominees of their party, it would be the most civilized election in American history, and they're afraid they'd put the voters to sleep because they like and respect each other." *(Gag, choke, retch, puke, vomit, hurl.)

Vote for either one, they're the same anyway.

Friday Funny

I almost fell off my chair laughing.

Chimpy McHitlerburton

To all the Moonbats who call the Commander in Chief a chimp:

"When scientists found out that chimps had better memories than students, there were unkind comments about the calibre of the human competition they faced.

But now an ape has gone one better, trouncing British memory champion Ben Pridmore.

Ayumu, a seven-year-old male brought up in captivity in Japan, did three times as well as Mr Pridmore at a computer game which involved remembering the position of numbers on a screen.

And that's no mean feat - the 30-year-old accountant from Derby is capable of memorising the order of a shuffled pack of cards in under 30 seconds."


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Name That Country

"Groping and verbal harassment is an exasperating reality for women using public transportation in this sprawling capital, where 22 million passengers cram onto subways and buses each day. Some men treat women so badly that the subway system has long had ladies-only cars during rush hour, with police segregating the sexes on the platforms.

But that hasn't helped women forced to rely on packed buses, by far the city's most-used form of public transportation - until this week.

Acting on complaints from women's groups, the city rolled out "ladies only" buses, complete with pink signs in the windshields to wave off the men."

What country?


Republican Debate: Part... Whatever

Why bother with this sh*t anymore.... the NYT has called McCain and Hillary as the candidates. So that's it.

I am voting for my dog.

Screw Liberals Radio Tonight

Tonight 5 Pacific/8 Eastern. Call In: (646) 478-5334.

Rambo Vs. Walker:Texas Ranger

"After Mike Huckabee enlisted action star Chuck Norris to watch his back on the rough-and-tumble campaign trail, John McCain is tag-teaming with Rocky himself."

Uh.....O.K. Thoughts?

Meanwhile Hillary(Bill) and Obama are still acting like toddlers. Nothing to see here move along.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Best Story Of The Day Award Goes To.....

No, it's not Hillary chanting "Si se pueda is right! That's right, yes we can!" to the California farm workers, though that is a good one. "Yes 'we' can" what? Hillary? Illegally invade the USA? Fuckwit.

No, that's not the "best" story, the best one is this: "Terry Anderson is angry. From his KRLA-AM radio perch in Los Angeles, the black talk-show host thunders, “I have gone on the streets and talked to people at random here in the black community, and they all ask me the same question: ‘Why are our politicians and leaders letting this happen?'"

".....he’s directing his fire at Congressional Black Caucus members who support open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. “Massive illegal immigration has been devastating to my community,” Anderson, a former auto mechanic and longtime South Central Los Angeles resident, tells listeners. “Black Americans are hit the hardest."

I can't figure out which part of this story is worse, the part where the black leaders like Anderson are outed for the racists they are or the part that they are STILL whining that someone else is taking things from them.

Two ALLEGED Bastards Rip Off Iraq War Widow

bronze star
UPDATED: Kevin Waters, one of the ALLEGED perpetrators, has made a comments on this post, for that reason, I have changed the title. He seems to have a lot to say.
"1st Lt. Dustin Shumney was a devout Catholic, dedicated officer, family man, and Iraq War hero.

His widow Julie, and their three children Jordan, 15; Mallory, 11; Conner, 6 were awarded the Bronze Star with the Combat ‘V’ device on August 4, 2005 as a result of his heroic actions in Fallujah.

The harshness of the reality that her soulmate would never walk through their front door again and take her in his arms, the emptiness that Daddy would never again tuck them into their beds, kiss them goodnight and chase away the boogeymen; the knowledge that he would never be there to lead, guide, play with, and love their children again, is a time of trouble no decent person would ever wish upon any other."

Long story short, this grieving woman was allegedly preyed upon by two men, Jeffrey Brent Randle and Kenneth Waters, who allegedly bilked her out of $50,000. They came to her in the guise of "good Christian brothers" and talked her into a bunk scheme to raise money via the internet to donate to widows and orphans of the Iraq War.

One of them is already in jail on unrelated charges(Jeff). Please read the whole story at Pat Dollard's. It's absolutely disgusting what some people will do to make a buck. May the bird of paradise lay eggs in their underwear drawers.

More Islam Dictating PCBS In England

"A story based on the Three Little Pigs has been turned down from a government agency's annual awards because the subject matter could offend Muslims.

The digital book, re-telling the classic fairy tale, was rejected by judges who warned that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues".
Nope, you can't make this shit up. HT/Kris

Don't Blame Canada, Blame Israel

hamas, terrorism
Yes folks it's time to once again BLAME ISRAEL for the woes of the poor defenseless "palestinians" or "gazans" or whatever the hell they are being called this week. They change names faster than Moonbats.

"Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians crossed into Egypt from Gaza on Wednesday after gunmen destroyed about two-thirds of the Gaza-Egypt border wall. Most of the Gazans returned after stocking up on food and other basic supplies that have become scarce due to the blockade imposed on the territory by Israel.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced that he had ordered his troops to allow Palestinians to cross into Egypt because they were starving.

Mubarak said his border guards originally had forced back the Gazans on Tuesday.

"But today a great number of them came back because the Palestinians in Gaza are starving due to the Israeli siege."

Not to be unfair, Mubarak made sure to mention that all the rockets being fired into Israel on a daily basis was like ya know, like bad and stuff.

So why are the "palestinians" starving. I mean the whole world send the terrorist bastards, I mean poor innocents, hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Where is that money going if not to food?

Well here's what's happening to the money from the UK:
"UK aid to the Palestinian Authority is being used to help fund school textbooks inciting "murder and martyrdom".

The TaxPayers' Alliance, which campaigns for lower taxes, backed the £47.5 million annual spend on the region but said more should be done to promote peace."

How much have they been given, these mass murdering terrorists? This terrorist led country?
***Paul Morro of the Congressional Research Service reported that the US was providing $468 million dollars per year to Palestine in 2006.
***Commission of the European Communities: $148 million, which includes $21.6 million of direct aid to the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority. The 2005 aid amount was $345 million.
***Germany: $76 million in addition to another $56.6 million given through various NGOs and UN agencies.
***France: $73.9 million which includes $30.8 million in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority, $6.2 million to the World Bank, and $6.2 million to various UN agencies.
***Netherlands: $40.6 million, of which $6.2 million has gone directly to the Palestinian government and the rest has been given to various UN agencies and aid groups.
*** Sweden: $30.3 million to UN agencies and another $35.7 million through NGOs.
***Italy: $27 million.
***Belgium: $13 million.
***Denmark: $4.1 million.
***Finland: $7.4 million of which half has been given directly to Palestinian Authority projects and the rest to various UN agencies.
***Greece: $6.8 million though various aid groups.
***Ireland: $4.9 million, of which $923,400 was given directly to the Palestinian Authority and the rest given through various aid groups and UN agencies.
***Luxembourg: $3.7 million through various aid groups.
***Spain: $2.5 million donation to the World Bank trust fund for the Palestinian Authority.
***Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Estonia, and Cyprus: Combined total of approximately $876,000.

Where oh where did the money go? I wonder. Could it be ROCKETS, GUNS AND SUICIDE BOMBERS?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jerry Bitch Slaps Tom: Scientology Is Lame Man

I love it when people mock Tom Cruise. I mean it's so easy, but funny. This is Jerry O'Connell (from Sliders) mocking Tom's recent Scientology video that was leaked on the internet; which made Cruise look even more crazy than the couch jumping did.

Heath Ledger Dead

Whoa....this one shocked me, he was a fantastic actor.

"He was found dead in his bed in one of his residences in Soho by his housekeeper at 3:35 PM ET today.

The 28-year-old actor has a two year old daughter with former fiancee Michelle Williams. He plays The Joker in the upcoming Batman film, "The Dark Knight."

The police said they did not suspect foul play. Officials said pills were found near the body.

My heartfelt sympathies go out to his family.

Goodbye Fred Thompson

We hardly knew yee....because you had a shit campaign manager. Fred Thompson's campaign was painful to watch well hard to watch because it was non-existent.

So now I am officially endorsing my dog. Birdy is black, white AND female. So, she stands a chance.

More Useless Sanctions On Iran

"The U.N. Security Council's permanent members and Germany agreed Tuesday on the contents of a new draft resolution on sanctions against Iran after talks on its nuclear program, the German foreign minister said." Yawn.

Seen on Blog Talk Radio

This ad appeared on the side under Yahoo ad's on BTR.

Mortgage Rates at 4.65%
$170,000 Loan for $656/month.
See New Payment - No SSN Rqd.
Save Now.

What's wrong with that picture?

No Personal Responsibility

The stock market is rallying back from a massive sell off this morning, the word "recession" is being bandied about and Bush is promising to further exacerbate the budget deficit with handouts. It's ugly out there. But it's been a lot worse.

Some say the cause is the housing bubble bursting like so much overripe fruit. The people were screwed man, it's all the loan companies fault! It's the government's fault. It's everyone's fault....but the buyer.

"Marty Ummel believes she paid too much for her house. So do millions of other people who bought at the peak of the housing boom.

What makes Ummel different is that she is suing her agent, saying it was all his fault.

Ummel claims that the agent hid the information that similar homes in the neighborhood were selling for less because he feared she would back out and he would lose his $30,000 commission."

Go Marty! Sue the agent because you were too stupid to Google local housing price comparisons. This crazy whack job has already spent $75,000 on legal fee's to sue someone else for her stupidity. Nice.

What makes this case even more ridiculous is that Carlsbad, the city she purchased her home in and where my parents live is one of the only zip codes who's housing has NOT depreciated. In fact Carlsbad saw gains.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Islam Telling Us What To Do.... As Usual

Once more Islam and it's handmaidens feel they can dictate what the free West shows on their TV's, prints in their papers or talks about on the radio.

"A senior Iranian lawmaker warned the Netherlands on Monday not to allow the screening of what it called an anti-Islamic film produced by a Dutch politician, claiming it "reflects insulting views about the Holy Koran."

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, promised widespread protests and a review of Iran's relationship with the Netherlands if Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders' work is shown."

We all know what happened when the Dutch published a few cartoons. Why, why are we caving onto these bastards?

Moonbat Slaying

liberals suck, jenn of the jungle
Tonight on Screw Liberals Radio, Jenn of the Jungle will take on Iron Tim Gatto of Liberal Pro Radio in the ultimate cage match.
The debate: Is the Lame Stream Media Lefty or Righty? Tim will be whiningthat it's run by the evil "corporations" and I will be stating fact. Fun shall ensue.
Tune in @ 5 Pacific/8 Eastern. Call in! (646) 478-5334

Sunday, January 20, 2008

They Are Just Here For The Jobs

illegal aliens
What job is that? Murderer?
"A U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed yesterday morning when he was intentionally struck by a Hummer fleeing law enforcement officers in the Imperial Sand Dunes near Yuma, Ariz.

The agent was hit about 9:30 a.m. as he was putting down spike strips near Gray's Well Road, about a mile from the border with Mexico.

After the agent was struck, both vehicles escaped into Mexico."

Sources closer to home say that not only did the illegal drug runners from Mexico hit the agent, but that it was in NO way an accident, the fucker veered hard as he could at the agent to intentionally murder him. WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH?

KIA: Authorities have identified the U.S. Border Patrol agent killed as Luis Aguilar, 32. My deepest sympathies to his family for their loss.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Who's The Best Ass Kisser: Election 08

This election year is going to make everyone on both sides dumber just by having to witness the idiocy being spewed from both sides of the isle. I am still out of town but had to just check in for a moment....

McCain Wins in South Carolina. Why?

Clinton celebrates Nevada win. Why? No really why the fuck is this woman even allowed to run. I want to see the shit in the library now, whatver is left after they had Sandy Burgler hold a shredding party. Someone get Vince Foster, I want to ask him what HE thinks of this.

Romney Wins in Nevada.Dude....I mean

We've got Morons and Liberals galore...but the only man who should have the job....
"Republican presidential candidate Duncan Hunter dropped out of the race for the White House Saturday." What a crying shame.

On top of these disaster results we've got more:
Obama's campaign says Robocalls were dissing his muzzie middle name.

So how do people respond?
"Since I don't know whether Hillary, Edwards, Nader, or the Republicans are responsible for this, I just decided instead to give Obama another $25--i figure every time I hear that middle name I just want to give him another $5.
Posted By: JC | January 19, 2008 at 03:04 PM" Geezus.

Not to mention Bill Clinton whining like a 5 year old about supposed voter suppression.
"Today when my daughter and I were wandering through the hotel, and all these culinary workers were mobbing us telling us they didn’t care what the union told them to do, they were gonna caucus for Hillary.

There was a representative of the organization following along behind us going up to everybody who said that, saying 'if you’re not gonna vote for our guy were gonna give you a schedule tomorrow so you can’t be there.' So, is this the new politics?"

Tell ya what bill you stop whackin' the folks who have dirt on your filthy scum sucking family and we'll all cut ya some slack.

I'll be back tomorrow. Go Chargers!!!(Yeah right.)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bush Calls For Tax Break

"President Bush on Friday proposed a temporary, broad-based tax relief package aimed at spurring the nation's slowing economy." -Source


Folks I will not be here for the next 24-48 hours, so go to town.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Screw Liberals Radio: Open Thread

Tonight 5 Pacific/8 Eastern. Call In: (646) 478-5334.

Gavin Newsome: Looking Out For Himself, As Usual

The San Franfuckistan Mayor is at it again,"Despite calling recently for a municipal hiring freeze in the face of a multimillion-dollar budget deficit, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom hired a slew of senior staff members at the start of his second term, using money meant for such city services as Muni to pay for some of their six-figure salaries, records show.

With the city facing a potential $229 million budget deficit next fiscal year, Newsom called for an immediate hiring freeze in November and across-the-board cuts in all city departments. Not long afterward, Newsom recruited six new senior staff members to work in his office and promoted a program manager to his inner circle, giving him a $14,000 annual raise.

He also created new job titles for his senior staffers, including a director of climate protection initiatives, who will oversee the mayor's attempts to reduce carbon emissions, and a homeless policy director.

Altogether, the staffing changes will cost the city an extra $500,000 or more in the next 18 months, salary records show."

Drunk, philandering, Troop hating asshole Gavin Newsome....and some say he's going to run for Governor. Great, just what California needs.

Obama's "Preacher" Is Funny-ish

From Rev. Jeremiah WrightMan, Obama's man of God,"God has provided liberators for blacks in the past - from Nat Turner to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and now Barack Obama." But, Wright said, there were always reasons not to follow them.

Some argue that blacks should vote for Clinton "because her husband was good to us," he continued.

"That's not true," he thundered. "He did the same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky."

LOL. Just LOL.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ex-Lawmaker Charged in Terror Conspiracy

Mark Deli Siljander has a lot of splainin' to do:
"A former congressman and delegate to the United Nations was indicted Wednesday as part of a terrorist fundraising ring that allegedly sent more than $130,000 to an al-Qaida and Taliban supporter who has threatened U.S. and international troops in Afghanistan.

The former Republican congressman from Michigan, Mark Deli Siljander, was charged with money laundering, conspiracy and obstructing justice for allegedly lying about lobbying senators on behalf of an Islamic charity that authorities said was secretly sending funds to terrorists."
IF the indictment turns into conviction, Mark Siljander should be shot for treason.
He is the douchebag on the right:
Mark Deli Siljander,terrorist
Seen here with Ambassador Robert Gelbard in Padang during his days as a UN Ambassador.

UPDATED: Here's some more info on the guy.
SILJANDER, Mark Deli, a Representative from Michigan; born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., June 11, 1951; attended the public schools; graduated from Oak Park-River Forest High School, 1969; B.S., Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 1972; M.A., same university, 1973; trustee, Fabius Township Board, St. Joseph County, 1972-1976; real estate broker; served in the Michigan State house of representatives, 1977-1981; delegate, Republican National Convention, 1980; elected as Republican to the Ninety-seventh Congress, by special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of United States Representative David A. Stockman, and reelected to the two succeeding Congresses (April 21, 1981-January 3, 1987); unsuccessful candidate for renomination to the One Hundredth Congress in 1986; delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, September 1987-September 1988; president of a consulting firm in Washington, D.C., and operates an import-export firm; radio commentator; unsuccessful candidate in 1992 for nomination to the One Hundred Third Congress; is a resident of Reston, Va.

When Did We Elect Mexico To Run This Country?

Once more the whiners in Mexico are trying to blame America for it's OWN problems.

"A delegation of nine state legislators from Sonora traveled to Tucson to make the case against Arizona's new employer sanctions law,

The lawmakers say it will have a devastating affect on the Mexican state.

At a news conference Tuesday, they said Sonora cannot handle the demand for housing, jobs and schools it will face as illegal Mexican workers in Arizona return to their hometowns without jobs or money.

The law, which took effect Jan.1, punishes employers who knowingly hire individuals who don't have valid legal documents to work in the United States.

Businesses found violating the law face suspension or loss of a business license."

Arizona's new law is absolutely wonderful. It does what everyone should do, it goes after those who hire criminal invaders. And it goes after then ninja style.

That we are even giving these wankers a platform from which to blame us once again for their failings as a country makes me sick.

Hey Mexico, I have news for you....we have had to deal with your diseased ridden filth long enough. We are tired of them bringing their welfare mentality, their STD's, Tuberculosis and gangs here. I for one am sick of them leaving hundreds of thousands of tons of trash along the border as they cross illegally. I am sick to death of them closing down our hospitals and school because they can't, won't and don't pay. My stop signs don't say Alto bitches.

Screw The Bible, Read The Koran!

One of my readers(Darwin) pointed out another story of Islam being taught in our public schools, under the guise of history.

As much as "criminal invader" is not a race, Islam is not a people. It is a cult or religion or brainwashing tool, but it is not a people. If schools want to teach the history of the people of the Arab world, fine. But is you are NOT going to let kids pray or teach Atheism, Buddhism or any other religion then let's leave the Fatwa's at home.

Students in Sacramento are so lucky they get to read "History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond" book published by Teachers' Curriculum Institute.

"This book does not really go into Christianity or the teachings of Christ, nor does it address religious doctrine elsewhere to the degree it does Islam."

The book's one page referencing Jews "is only to convey that they were tortured by Crusaders to get them to convert to 'Christianity.' (It fails to mention that the biggest persecutors of Jews throughout history and still today are Arab Muslims). It gives four other one-liner references to the Jews being blamed for the plagues and problems in the land."

"....the company's website shows an entire unit called, "The Rise of Islam," including chapters on the Arabian peninsula, "The Prophet Muhammad," "The Teachings of Islam," "Contributions of Muslims to World Civilizations," and "From the Crusades to the Rise of New Muslim Empires."

The recommendations included that "students learn about the beliefs and practices of Islam" and "learn about the life of Muhammad and the rise and expansion of Muslim rule."
Please feel free to contact the Sacramento School board and let them know politely what you think:
M. Magdalena Carrillo Mejia, Ph.D.
Superintendent, Sacramento City Unified School District
5735 - 47th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95824
(916) 643-9000

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our 89% Loathed Democrat Run Congress

nanacy pelosi, congress
89% of Americans think the Democrat run congress led by Nancy "Nanny State" Pelosi is a complete and total crock of poo poo ca ca. Other wise know as shit.

They have had a year+ to practice some of that "change" all their candidates are promising us if elected later this year.

They were elected by their constituents to stop funding our troops fighting our aggressors, increase our taxes and pander to criminal invaders! They were hired by the asshat Lefties of America to have not so discreet sexual indiscretions that will be ignored by the Lame Stream Media, to force nanny state laws like booze bans and smoking bans!

And while they HAVE been successful on most of those....everything that actually would make 89% of the country like them, they have failed miserably on.

But wait, redemption is theirs...Nanny Pelosi has come to the rescue with some real CHANGE!

"The once dreary congressional cafeterias now abound with haute cuisine.

The menu transformation is part of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “Greening the Capitol” plan to make the House campus more environmentally friendly and socially progressive.

There is pan-roasted Chesapeake rockfish with sweet potato fennel hash and yellow pepper relish. Pears with Stilton cheese and watercress. Cumin-scented leg of lamb with almond couscous. There are vegetables with funny names, like bok choy, arugula and jicama. There are baked goods with Italian names, like biscotti, focaccia and frittati.

Republican aides have raised questions about why the cafeterias now stock Stonyfield Farm yogurt, speculating that the move would line the pockets of the company’s CEO, Gary Hirshberg, a significant player in Democratic politics."

Clearly with sky rocketing oil prices, criminal invaders shutting down schools and hospitals and the fact that come November the morons of America will vote in a tax and spend Liberal...Clearly, haute cuisine was the number one priority. Clearly.

President Bush And His Saudi Arms Deal

bush,saudi arabia
"The Democratic-led Congress is unlikely to block U.S. plans to sell $123 million worth of sophisticated precision-guided bomb technology to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns from some members that the systems could be used against Israel.

The Bush administration on Monday notified Congress of its intent to sell the bomb-delivery systems as part of a multi-billion-dollar arms package to bolster the defense of U.S. allies in the Gulf."

Bush, Bush, Bush....Saudi Arabia is an "ally", not an ALLY. The majority of 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, they are a backwards hell hole full of hypocrisy and misogynistic 16th century cretins. Can we NOT GIVE THEM BOMBS, pretty please with sugar on top?

Oh yes and let's not forget:"Saudi Arabia will raise oil production only when the market justifies it, the kingdom's oil minister said Tuesday, in response to President Bush's request that OPEC nations increase output to reduce world oil prices." Bitches.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Dennis Kucinich Is Going Home?

dennis kucinich
"STEPHENVILLE, Texas — In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO.

Several dozen people — including a pilot, county constable and business owners — insist they have seen a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast. Some reported seeing fighter jets chasing it."

The mother ship has come for you Dennis, go....go.....peace be with you.

Screw Liberals Radio

Tonight 5 Pacific/8 Eastern. Call In: (646) 478-5334.

First Line Of Defense

Unlike the pansy ass Libtards, who spit on our soldiers, who call them baby killers, who picket outside their recruitment offices and who protest at their funerals....

This Iraqi Kid knows who to run to when the shit hits the fan.
Iraq,suicide bomber
"A young boy seeks shelter behind a soldier with the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne division after gunshots rang out at the scene where just a few minutes earlier a suicide car bomber blew himself up in a busy commercial district in central Baghdad on Monday, May 28, 2007, killing at least 21 people and wounding 66."

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Clinton Vs. Obama or Boobs Vs. Black?

Like two 2 year olds, on meth, Obama and Clinton continue their little exchange.

"Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton suggested Sunday that Barack Obama's campaign had injected racial tension into the presidential contest, saying he had distorted for political gain her comments about Martin Luther King's role in the civil rights movement."

You can read the rest of it here....but it's just so lame it kinda makes me sick. To think, One of the assholes will likely be our next President.

And the most fucked up thing is that what Hillary said is true. Ick. I need to go shower after admitting that.

In a Fox News Poll people were asked,"Who is using the race issue most in the Democratic presidential race?"
The results were:
Clinton 60%
Obama 38%
Edwards 1%
Kucinich 1%

Well this does eschew the left wing theory that people who read or watch Fox News are morons. Because it is CLEAR that Obama is the race baiter extraordinare.

That Hillary and Obama are claiming the Civil Rights Act as a Dem thing...well here's how the votes were tallied to pass the 1964 Civil rights act:
Republican Party: 138-34(Dems)(80%-20%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (Dems)(82%-18%)
Republican Party: 186-35 (Dems)(80%-20%)

Interesting huh?

CHARGERS WIN!!!!!!!!!!

chargers,san diego,football

Good job San Diego Super Chargers!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Code Pink Bitch Slapped

code pink
Read and enjoy:

"The six activists, of the Codepink anti-war group, had planned to speak to reporters outside the landmark Versailles restaurant to publicize their campaign against Carriles-- a former CIA operative wanted in Venezuela in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner.

However they were met by some 200 irate Cuban-Americans who consider Carriles a champion of freedom. Some ran at the activists' truck as they arrived, tearing off its pink fringe,....

"We're not in Cuba. We're supposed to have free speech," said Medea Benjamin, one of the group's founders. "This is indicative of how a small group of Cuban-Americans are holding the rest of the community hostage."

At Versailles, a crowd of mostly older men waved Cuban flags. One poster read: "Pink is close to red." Nearby, a man wore a t-shirt depicting revolutionary icon Ernest "Che" Guevara with the word "murderer" printed across the top."

Well sheeeeeeeeeeee-it Medea.....don't that suck bollocks. Karma is a bitch. Someone call the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance.

Socialists On The Campaign Trail

Hide your wallets folks and get out your bullshit protectors, the leftard march to the White House is in full swing.

In Hillary's camp we've got the tax and spend "70 billion dollar" pandering plan. One of the commenter's of the accompanying news story summed up my feelings succinctly.

"I'm happy she feels she can be so generous with everyone else's money. God how I hate this woman." -VDS

Then we have Barack Hussien Obama and his "Sí se puede" chanting culinary union members in Vegas. It'd be cuter Barack if they chanted "YES WE CAN". But, what it boils down to is, no sir, they can't or they shouldn't. Contrary to Hillary's opinion that "no woman is illegal", they are if they are breaking the friggin' laws.

Here are a few good points from some pundits around the world on Barack Obama:
"His weakness is that he never breaks from his own group. In policy terms, he is an orthodox liberal. He never tells audiences anything that might make them uncomfortable. ..." -David Brooks, New York Times columnist, on Jan. 8

"Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois is the current beneficiary of a tsunami of drool. He sometimes claims credit on behalf of all Americans regardless of race, color, creed, blah blah blah, though his recent speeches appear also to claim a victory for blackness while his supporters -- most especially the white ones -- sob happily that at last we can have an African-American chief executive. ...

"... Isn't there something pathetic and embarrassing about this emphasis on shade? And why is a man with a white mother considered to be 'black,' anyway?" -Christopher Hitchens, writing at, on Jan. 7

I keep wondering what would happen if Barack indeed won the presidency. Will all the victim card playing blacks cease their constant whining about the "white power structure"? Somehow I think not.

The Ron Paul "Paultards" Stuffing Ballots Again

Why do the followers of Ron Paul think that repeatedly voting in online polls makes their candidate look better? Look at the numbers below and ask yourself if you think that is an accurate poll.

From the San Diego Union Tribune:
ron paul,cheater
Yeah right, in fact the paper even says,"Could there have been some ballot stuffing for one long shot candidate?" Of course there was, and it only makes them look more desperate and childish.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Real ID: Good or Bad?

The Real ID program would make all drivers licenses/state ID's like US passports. The same.

It would require:"......states to collect and store additional data on driver's license applicants, such as birth certificates, Social Security numbers and home addresses."

The left and specifically the ACLU for some reason think these three things, which to my knowledge are not only already ON drivers licenses but if they aren't SHOULD BE, are evil.

I have no problem with the Real ID Act and I think it should be implemented now.

Yea or Nay.

Daily Kos: Go Mitt

democrats,mitt romney
I mean come on! From The Daily Bullshi.....uh KOS:

"With a history of meddling in our primaries, why don't we try and return the favor. Next Tuesday, January 15th, Michigan will hold its primary. Michigan Democrats should vote for Mitt Romney, because if Mitt wins, Democrats win. How so?

For Michigan Democrats, the Democratic primary is meaningless since the DNC stripped the state of all its delegates (at least temporarily) for violating party rules. Hillary Clinton is alone on the ballot.

But on the GOP side, this primary will be fiercely contested. John McCain is currently enjoying the afterglow of media love since his New Hamsphire victory, while Iowa winner Mike Huckabee is poised to do well in South Carolina.

Meanwhile, poor Mitt Romney, who’s suffered back-to-back losses in the last week, desperately needs to win Michigan in order to keep his campaign afloat. Bottom line, if Romney loses Michigan, he's out. If he wins, he stays in.

And we want Romney in, because the more Republican candidates we have fighting it out, trashing each other with negative ads and spending tons of money, the better it is for us. We want Mitt to stay in the race, and to do that, we need him to win in Michigan."

Republican Debate

presidential debates,ron paul, romney, huckabee
Missed it. Here's my take on the aftermath.

Best line of the night: Fred Thompson on Iran's little boat stunt on Sunday,"I think one more step and they would have been introduced to those virgins that they're looking forward to seeing."

Clearly the Paul Bots were out in full force. From what I saw Paul just showed himself as the loser he is. Yet they were texting away giving Paul a "win" via text poll. Lame.

The invocation of Ronald Reagan is wearing thinner on a daily basis. No better than the Democrat mantra of "we need change", the "I'm the Reagan" BS is tired, worn and needs to be put to sleep.

All in all? Winner was Fred Thompson. Loser Ron Paul. The rest stayed status quo.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Screw Liberals Radio

Tonight 5 Pacific/8 Eastern. Call In: (646) 478-5334. I will be doing the show topless. Maybe.

Evil Gay Hating Boyscout Saves The Day

The liberal left in this country has been attacking Boy Scouts for years. Here in San Diego, the Boy Scouts who do untold humanitarian and environmental good, have been forced out of their lease at Balboa Park and have been on the run from the ACLU and like groups for years.

Why? Because the Boy Scouts, a PRIVATE organization, chooses to not allow gay scouts. It's that simple. They are evil because they choose to be gay free. Now of course gay's are allowed, just like blacks, to have "gay only" groups and organizations, but not the Boy Scouts.

I say fuck that shit.

The 15-year-old Boy Scout who saved the president of this Indian Ocean archipelago from a knife-wielding attacker said Thursday the assailant shouted "God is Great" before the assault.

Mohammed Jaisham Ibrahim's account matches stories filtering out of the remote island where the incident took place and is likely to heighten concerns about rising Islamic militancy in the country best known for high-end resorts and stunning coral reefs.

"The Scouts saying is 'Be prepared.' I was prepared," he said, referring to the motto of the international Boy Scout movement.

It has clearly become a well-practiced line for the boy, whose quick- thinking heroics have earned him acclaim across this sparsely populated archipelago.

"Every person in the world knows about our Boy Scout," gushed Rilwan Tholal, a 36-year-old shop owner in Male."

Leave the Boy Scouts alone.

An American "Honor" Killing

honor killing,islam,muslim
Honor killing's are when a Muslim family member kills a daughter for some perceived slight to the "family's honor". This slight is usually the young woman dating a man outside the Muslim faith or being raped or wearing the wrong clothes. In some cases the young woman could just exist, and be killed to prove some kind of sick point.

This has been happening in Muzzie land for ages, but recently it has moved into mainstream in Europe and it looks like we now are seeing it happen here in America. But I guess a runaway bride, Britney Skank and persecution of restaurants who want their patrons to order in English are just too important to report on what is rapidly becoming an outlet for more muzzie mayhem.

"A man on the run from police since his teenage daughters were found shot to death in a taxicab on New Year's Day had threatened to hurt one of the girls for dating a non-Muslim boy, according to police documents.

Authorities deflected questions Wednesday about whether the sisters, who had both a Christian and Muslim memorial service, might have been victims of an "honor killing."

Amina Said, 18, and her sister Sarah, 17, were found shot multiple times in a cab outside a suburban Dallas hotel. Police found them after one of the girls called 911 from a cell phone and said she was dying. A capital murder warrant has been issued for Yaser Said, 50, who has not been seen since the Lewisville High School students were found dead.

Gail Gattrell, the sisters' great-aunt, has called the deaths an "honor killing," in which a woman is murdered by a relative to protect her family's honor."

There is no honor here. Just one more example of the sickness that is Islam.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Bush In The Middle East: Clueless

Really clueless.

"President Bush, in the Mideast to push along a peace deal by the end of his presidency, gave orders to both sides on Wednesday. He told Israelis that "illegal" outposts in disputed land must go and told Palestinians that no part of their territories can be "a safe haven for terrorists."

Bush of course is saying this while rockets are flying into Israel from none other than the "palestinians".

These folks get it:

"An Israeli right wing activists holds a poster as he and others demonstrate against the visit of President Bush after Bush arrived in Jerusalem, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2008." (AP)

Wednesday Funnies

How do people find Screw Here are the top 10 from this morning typed into Google to find this blog.

1)Fucking insurgents recording people they killed. They can shove that Allah Akbar up their asses (LOL and how do you really feel dude?)
2)Tit slapping
3)Hillary bitch slaps protester
4)(from AOL search) bill clinton caught keying obama's car
5)Jimmy Carter sucks
6) Muslims are sick
7)moscow municipality bitch
8)bitch talk blogs
9)jumping jehosephats
10)screw liberals (my favorite)

New Hampshire Primary

John McCain....blah...blah..blah...... Hillary Clinton..blah..... blah.....blah.

And that's all I've got to say about that.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio

Mondays and Thursdays @ 5 pacific/8 Eastern. Except today; it's like a Tuesday and I didn't do a show yesterday because I didn't wanna and like I'm doing one tonight because I said so and stuff. Ya know? Aaaiiigghhht?

Click here to listen live @ 5 and call in with your take on the the primary etc: (646) 478-5334

New Jersey Apoligizes For Slavery

"New Jersey became the first Northern state to apologize for slavery, as legislators approved a resolution Monday expressing "profound regret" for the state's role in the practice.

"This resolution does nothing more than say New Jersey is sorry about its shameful past," said Assemblyman William Payne, a Democrat who sponsored the measure."

Somehow I am not shocked it was a Demorat that sponsored this "resolution".

If I were a citizen of New Jersey and had hired this guy to work for me, which is what, folks, we are in fact doing when we elect these people to office,I'd want a recall vote.

Why the fuck is New Jersey saying sorry for something that occurred a long ass time ago? It would be like me saying I am sorry for tripping Christy B. in 3rd grade during a particularly rough game of dodge ball. Not only does it serve no purpose other than to pander to the "I'm still a victim" crowd. But it has no meaning. None.

"Opponents said the apology was a meaningless gesture. Assemblyman Richard Merkt, a Republican, said everyone deems slavery an abomination.

"But this was a sin that was atoned for in blood 150 years ago by the death of 650,000 Americans," Merkt said, referring to the Civil War."

Yeah no shit.

She's Melting, She's Melting: Hilary Clinton

hillary clintom
Holy cow, has Hillary Clinton gone from the top to the trash heap or what?

"You know, today Senator Obama used President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to criticize me. He basically compared himself to our greatest heroes because they gave great speeches."

I've got no love for Sen. Obama, other than pretty speeches he HAS NO QUALIFICATIONS, to become the next president. But Hillary's meltdown of tears and derogatory mudslinging has me laughing my arse off.

How low can she go, how low can she go? I have a feeling she can get even lower than she has. I mean after all she IS a Clinton.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Now That Ain't Politically Correct!

But it's funny as hell!
LEWISTON (NEWS CENTER) -- Members of the Somali community in Lewiston say a poster put up in front of a local Somali owned store is an insult to their religion

The poster depicts a vicious "lost" dog named Mohammed. That's the name of the Muslim prophet. It says that the dog is not good with children and can't be trusted.

Hussein Ahmed, the owner of the store, says the phone number on the poster is fake and that the only place it was put up was right near his business.

"This is really a religious statement," said Hussein Ahmed, "that is an attack on our religion which we don't feel comfortable with. We see this as a very bad insulting situation."
Ahmed, I find the fact that artists and writers and everyday people around the world are in hiding, fearing for their lives because they deigned to insult your precious "prophet" disturbing. I find it very uncomfortable that people who follow your "prophet" are on a daily basis blowing themselves and innocents up across the globe. I find it, Ahmed, very insulting, how your religion subjugates woman.

So, when those things rate higher on your list of "very bad insulting" situations than a joke poster of a dog, we'll talk, until then? Kiss my ass sheet head.

Iran: Itchin' For A Bitch Slap

It's all George Bush's fault.

In what U.S. officials called a serious provocation, Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats harassed and provoked three U.S. Navy ships in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, threatening to explode the American vessels.

U.S. forces were on the verge of firing on the Iranian boats in the early Sunday incident, when the boats turned and moved away, a Pentagon official said. "It is the most serious provocation of this sort that we've seen yet," said the official.

Five small boats began charging the U.S. ships, dropping boxes in the water in front of the ships and forcing the U.S. ships to take evasive maneuvers, the Pentagon official said.

The official said he didn't have the precise transcript of communications that passed between the two forces, but said the Iranians radioed something like "we're coming at you and you'll explode in a couple minutes."

But Iran is a peaceful nation. I don't get it.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Nope, No Lefty Bias Here

Newsweek cover story:

"Inside Obama’s Dream Machine:

An icon of hope, he won't 'kneecap' his foes. But Obama knows what it takes, and how to win."

No bias there.

Screw Republicans

liberals suck
Here at Screw Liberals, we (meaning myself)take pride in having scored a deliciously pissy little domain name. Not only does it elicit anger from Moonbats everywhere, but it brings chuckles of delight to most who hear it that DO NOT wear tin foil while watching X-Files.

Recently I have been accused of being thin skinned(snort,chortle,snort)because I somehow slighted a person who has a fragile ego and only wants to be loved. Because I chose the name for my blog, this somehow means that people can hurl epithets at me and I must just graciously accept it. I'll call a spade a spade when I see fit. 'Nuff said.

Let me just say, I did not choose the name Screw because I am a shy wallflower who's really a closet leftard freak. I chose it because it pisses off Moonbats. That is it's singular point.

On a side note, there is my "sister site" at Screw Republicans. It did not piss me off, it made me laugh. So that hypothisis is shot. Next.

I look forward to a fun New Year and welcome to all new readers and thank you constant reader for your devotion and time reading my drivel. Let's make 2008 the year of the comeback.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Iraqi "Soldier" Kills Two American Soldiers

"The U.S. military said Saturday that an Iraqi soldier apparently shot dead two American service members for "reasons that are as yet unknown" while they were on a joint patrol north of the capital. An Iraqi official said the suspect has links to militant groups.

Three other U.S. soldiers and one civilian interpreter were wounded in the Dec. 26 attack, the military said in a statement. The shooting occurred as American and Iraqi soldiers were conducting operations to establish a combat outpost in Ninevah province in northern Iraq."

And thus is the problem with Islam.

Caption This

democrat,howard dean

Friday, January 04, 2008

Britney Spears

britney spears, hospital,arrested
Apparently last night Britney Spears was taken to the hospital after a hours long standoff over her children.

This woman has ignored her responsibility; drinks, does drugs and parties when she SHOULD be fighting to get her children back, or at least joint custody. She's way past "train wreck". She is sick, and she's sick because she chooses to be. Hell even her lawyers dumped her ass.

That she and her now pregnant 16 year old sister are "role models" for the youth in America today troubles me.

I would not usually blog about Britney Spears and her "troubles", but I see her as a reflection of our times. Why are we fascinated to watch a woman abuse her children and the legal system? Why is she front page news? Her music sucks and she's a disgusting pig. She flaunts her "attributes" for the paparazzi, she SEEKS them out. There are many more famous people in Hollywood and the music industry that are able to go to a 7/11 and buy smokes without it being front page news. She steals, drinks and drives, texts with her kids in her car. She's been involved in how many hit and runs?

Now, just imagine it was you, or I that did these things? Our collective asses would be rotting in jail.

I just wish that Hollyweird and the music industry would try and find some worthwhile people to emulate, to talk about, to put up on the proverbial pedestal. Because Britney Spears just doesn't cut it.

And that's about all I've got to say about that.

Suck It Hillary

hillary clinton, barack obama
"If Looks Could Kill"

"And so it begins.

We wanted exciting, we got exciting.

As this is written, late on the night of the caucuses, the outlines of the decisions seem clear: Barack Obama won.

Hillary Clinton, the inevitable, the avatar of the machine, lost."


Thursday, January 03, 2008

Live Blogging: Iowa Caucus Results

@ 7:20 pm Pacific time 10:00 Eastern:
Obama 38%; Edwards 30%; Clinton 29%
Huckabee 34%; Romney 26%;Thompson 13%; McCain 13%; Paul 10%

Let me interject.. that Ron Paul even got 10% is just......fill in the blank.

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio Tonight

Tune in @ 5 Pacific/8 Eastern. Call in #(646)478-5334 Listen live.

The Iowa Caucuses, Racism and the psychosis of Paultards.

Stupid Iowa Primary Thingy

election 2008
All right quiz time folks:
Which candidate will the Iowans pick today for the Leftards?

1) Hillary "Which Way Does The Poll Blow Clinton.
2) John "I Love Them Poor People, Get Me My Pellegrino" Edwards.
3) Barack Hussein "Osama In Pakistan, Let's Bomb 'Em" Obama.
4) Bill Richardson.
5) Ron "My Ears Are Dennis Kucinich's Mother Ship Radar" Paul.

Which Candidate will the Iowans pick today for the Right?

1) Duncan "I Have Actually Done Something About The Border" Hunter.
2) Rudy "I'm The 9/11 Guy!" Giuliani.
3) John "Shamnesty" McCain.
4) Mitt "I Am Not A Ken Doll" Romney.
5) Fred "Can I get A New Campaign Manager" Thompson.

I'll start....I pick DUNCAN HUNTER!

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he must first deal with the problem on 'THIS' side of the road before it goes after the problem on the 'OTHER SIDE' of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his 'CURRENT' problems before adding 'NEW' problems.

Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going to give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.

We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here.

Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image of the chicken crossing the road...

We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.

Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain for it.

Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.

To die in the rain. Alone.

Because the chicken was gay! Can't you people see the plain truth?' That's why they call it the 'other side.' Yes, my friends, that chicken is gay. And if you eat that chicken, you will become gay too. I say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination that the liberal media whitewashes with seemingly harmless phrases like “the other side”. That chicken should not be crossing the road. It's as plain and as simple as that.

Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heart warming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its life long dream of crossing the road.

It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

I have just released eChicken2007, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your check book. Internet Explorer is an integral part of each chicken This new platform is much more stable and will never cra...#@&&^(C% ........ reboot.

Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?

I did not cross the road with THAT chicken. What is your definition of chicken?

I invented the chicken!

Did I miss one?

Where's my gun.

Why are all the chickens white? We need some black chickens.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Iowa Primary


A Leftard Lawyer Screws With The Wrong Marine

marines car
Here we have a delicious example of the peace and integrity that emanates from the left.

Shamelessly copied from my friend Pete over at Texas Hold 'Em Blogger:
"A miserable, disgusting piece of human debris in Illinois — an anti-military lawyer — keyed the car belonging to a U.S. Marine and is using legal maneuvering to avoid felony charges and paying for the damage he caused because the Marine is due to be deployed to Iraq January 2.

The lawyer’s pals in the Illinois State’s Attorney’s office also tried to cover his rear end by making an offer for the lawyer to pay the $100 deductible and have the Marine’s insurance company pay the difference. (Psst … good thing they’re the good guys; otherwise that’s known as insurance fraud.)

The Marine found that unacceptable and told the State’s Attorney’s office he wanted to pursue felony charges against this thug. The next hearing was today, but the attorney who keyed the Marine’s car has filed a continuance until after the Marine has been deployed to Iraq, knowing he cannot appear at the hearing and as such the case will be dismissed.

In other words, this piece of human debris can key the car of a U.S. Marine and avoid both criminal prosecution and civil liability because he knows how to manipulate the system."

From an eyewitness:"At about 11am, he noticed a man leaning up against his car. Mike left his friend's apartment and caught the man keying his car on multiple sides. After being caught in the process, the man told Mike, "you think you can do whatever you want with Department of Defense license plates and tags". (In Illinois you can purchase veteran, Marine, or medal plates. Mike has Illinois Marine Corps license plates.) During the exchange, he made additional anti-military comments."

But, but, but.....looks like this self serving piece of human refuse fucked with the wrong Marine: "I am not sure what transpired behind the closed doors, however, I overheard the State's Attorney expressing her intent to prosecute this guy to the fullest extent." Thanks to Blackfive for bringing this story to everyone's attention.

Michael Moore: Still Not Learned A Lesson

Mr. Moore says he's not endorsing "anyone" at this point. We all know how much help his endorsement was for John Kerry.

But Mr. Moore is indeed endorsing a "side". His letter is here. Let's hope his endorsement of that particular side leads to the same outcome as it did for Mr. Kerry.

"I am not endorsing anyone at this point. This is simply how I feel in the first week of the process to replace George W. Bush. For months I've been wanting to ask the question, "Where are you, Al Gore?" You can only polish that Oscar for so long. And the Nobel was decided by Scandinavians! I don't blame you for not wanting to enter the viper pit again after you already won."


I'm Going To Flip Flop: Vote Duncan Hunter

All right, after all this time I finally endorsed Fred Thompson as president on my Monday show. And now I'm going to flip flop.

I kept hearing....."I like Duncan Hunter, but he doesn't stand a chance."

But then if that's who I REALLY want and so many others all say the same damn thing, and we all vote for him, then dammit, HE DOES STAND A CHANCE!


Why do I endorse Duncan? Let me count the ways:
1)He believes judges "have a responsibility to strictly interpret our nation’s laws and not legislate from the bench with their own political or social agenda."
2)Wants to do away with stupid "hate crime" laws."I have always voted against this type of legislation because I firmly believe that the use of violence against any innocent person is wrong, regardless of that individuals race, religion, nationality or sexual orientation."
3)Duncan wants YOU to keep your guns, so you can protect Jenn from bad boys! " We must vigorously defend against all attempts to chip away at the Second Amendment. You know as well as I do that there is one thing criminals prefer over any other: unarmed victims."
4)No pandering on tax cuts,"I do not support efforts to identify segments of our society that are more deserving of a tax cut over another and I believe political stereotyping in this area hinders the goal of providing efficient tax relief. It is important to create a federal tax policy that is both fair to American taxpayers while, at the same time, ensuring that our nation meets its financial obligations."
5)On Education,"I believe we can educate students more effectively by returning school curriculum prerogatives to the states, local communities and, most importantly, to the family."
6)DUMPING THE ANCHOR BABY DEBACLE:"I oppose summarily bestowing citizenship on people who have crossed our borders illegally. Therefore, I cosponsored H.R. 1940, the Birthright Citizenship Act, which grants automatic citizenship only to those who have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen." Amen!
7) Bite me China: "Further, America’s one-way-street trade relationship with China and other nations has reduced manufacturing jobs severely in the U.S. I would change the one-way-street into a two-way-street by putting the same charges on foreign goods that they put on ours."

There are many more reasons, he's Presidential, he's served, he's a good man.....


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Gay's Gone Mild

gay marriage
"CONCORD, New Hampshire — Dozens of gay and lesbian(same thing huh?) couples entered into civil unions in New Hampshire in the early moments of New Year's Day as a new state law legalized such arrangements after midnight."

And this is news because....I mean no one really seems to give a flying FUCK about civil unions.....and that was the point wasn't it?