Sunday, September 30, 2007

Awe Shucks, I Got Me An Award

donkey ass,fuck liberals
I have been awarded the first annual “This Blog Kicks Donkey Butt” award By Bushwack over at American and Proud. I would like to thank the little people that made this moment possible:

Pelosi, Shehag, Murtha, Edwards, The Clinton family, Kucinich, Moonbats, Code Pink, Libtard trolls,the university system in America, the ACLU, Al and Jesse, Ward Churchill, Reid, CBS, NBC, CNN, Hippies, Socialists, PETA, Islamic Jihadi camel fuckers and of course Mahmoud "No gays here!" Ahmadinejad. I know I have left many out, but you're all so worthless it doesn't seem fair to waste my readers time with your names.

I am truly honored.

I have been told that I must pass this honor on to fellow bloggers who are worthy of this title, I do so now. It was very difficult to pick three fellow bloggers worthy of this title as there are far more than three.....

Lubbock Marine Parents: They may be a bi-partisan group, but their unending care and support for our troops make them without a doubt the opposite of anything that has sprung from the loins of the left in a long time. They deserve an award simply for the hard work they do to ensure our troops in harms way get the support they need from home. Now, go buy a dang cookbook from them, I bought two; one for me and one for a CHRISTMAS present. They are excellent and I even have a recipe in there(see page 57)!

Gawfer: Not only is this man a friend, he is also a true patriot. Gawfer has taken the true meaning of support the troops to the nth degree by not only supporting them in their daily battles via his blog, but showing them the respect and honor due to them when they make their final trip home. Gawfer has ridden with The Patriot Guard and been there to face the vile scum who would hurt families in pain and stood by those families. He is the kind of man that makes you remember what made this country what it is.

CI Report: MD man of mystery? Or possibly a plant from the former Soviet Union, the guy knows too much. He takes the fight to the next level by dealing with fact and common sense in a no nonsense manner.

There are so many that deserve this award. I am very picky on my blog roll as you can clearly see. Everyone of them deserves this award.

Be Vewy Qwiet, We're Huntin' Tewwowists

"A key suspect in the plot to mount an attack in Germany on the scale of 9/11 is on the run in Britain, German security officials disclosed Saturday.

Scotland Yard counter terrorism detectives are hunting the man, who escaped from Germany after a plot to explode bombs at Frankfurt airport and a U.S. airbase. The collective power of the bombs would have exceeded those in Madrid and London in 2004 and 2005.

The plot was foiled on Sept. 4 when three men were arrested at a rented holiday apartment near the central German town of Kassel. Police recovered chemicals and bomb-making equipment which investigators believe would have led to the biggest loss of life since the 9/11 attacks in America six years ago."

Now the question the fuck did he get into Britain?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Blame Bush!

"TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's parliament on Saturday approved a nonbinding resolution labeling the CIA and the U.S. Army "terrorist organizations," in apparent response to a Senate resolution seeking to give a similar designation to Iran's Islamic "Revolutionary Guard Corps."

"The mullahs of the Islamic Republic have, at several times, shown their thirst for carnage in the past 25 years of ruling over Iran . They have a long history of plotting suicide attacks and waging wars internationally and silencing any opposing voice domestically. Having brutalized the Iranian nation all throughout these years, having kept most of the people under the poverty line, one shouldn't be astonished on how these "men of Allah" have had absolutely no problem finding recruits and sending poor souls after the so-called promised paradise through shedding the blood of other humans. If you are an Iranian, it wouldn't be very strange for you to have at least one dear and near lost at the bloody hands of these shopkeepers of religion.

The reason for writing this article is, however, not retelling the same old story, but an untold one, I am sure you haven't heard yet.

Almost a month ago the Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's appointed judge in the province of "Mazandaran", in the South of the Caspian sea , sentenced "Atefeh Rajabi" a 16-year-old girl to death for committing adultery. A short time later, it was revealed that the Islamic judge and a few of his men had raped this little girl before hanging her.

The tragedy of "Atefeh" was still inflicting its heavy and painful burden on the Iranians' conscience that a report came out proclaiming that another girl, 13-year-old "Zheela", was sentenced to "stoning to death" by another Islamic judge in the city of "Marivan", Western Iran. This poor child is sentenced to death because she has been impregnated by her 15-year-old brother.

I am deeply astounded by the level of some of your politicians' credulity speaking of peace and a "better tomorrow" while they see that Islamic fundamentalism is literally marring the fresh minds of future parents of our world. Can't they see what is happening to "Zheela"? Couldn't they see what happened in "Beslan"? Can't they see us? Having been brought up in an "Islamiorated" society where seeing coffins and wild mobs in our streets was an everyday experience I don't really know how many years should pass before we will be able to gain our mental health back.

If the world cannot save little "Zheela" from these brutal Islamic militants, then how could your politicians speak of disarming them from their nuclear weapons?

Saving her is undoubtedly the right thing to do.

Let us not forget that "It may not always be easy, convenient, or politically correct to stand for truth and right, but it is the right thing to do - Always."

- Koorosh Afshar is a pseudonym for a university student in Tehran , his name has been changed for his protection."


Friday, September 28, 2007

Charges Dismissed

Won't hear this shit on the MSM.

The case against CPT Dave Staffel and MSG Troy Anderson who were accused of "murdering" a known Afghani terrorist have been dismissed.

From BlackFive:
"They are charged for the shooting of an Afghani male who had been identified and vetted by ODA 374 as a High Value Target and leader of a local terrorist cell. He was shot by MSG Anderson from approx. 100 yards on order from CPT Staffel. Both agreed they had positive identification (PID) of Nawab Buntangyar, and their Rules of Engagement (ROE) allowed them to use lethal force once they had PID of enemy forces or combatants. This standard was met and the hammer dropped."

These men should never have been charged. Never.

More Idiocy In Coloradistan

liberal indoctrination,kids suck
"About 50 Boulder High School students walked out of class Thursday to protest the daily reading of the Pledge of Allegiance and recited their own version, omitting "one nation, under God."

The students say the phrase violates the constitutional separation of church and state.

They also say the daily reading of the pledge over the school public address system at the start of the second class takes away from education time and is ignored or mocked by some students.

.....their version, which omits the reference to God and adds allegiance to constitutional rights, diversity and freedom, among other things."

Somehow these little shits are too stupid to realize there is NO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE in the constitution. On a side note, when I first started saying the pledge, back in kindergarten, I just said everything and omitted the under god part. I meant the rest of it. Not that hard to do. There is no "statement" here, just a bunch of asinine kids who's parents were probably indoctrinated at the Church of Ward Churchill.

Par-Tay Another Dead Terrorist!


"U.S.-led forces have killed one of the most important leaders of Al Qaeda in Iraq, a Tunisian believed connected to the kidnapping and killings last summer of American soldiers, a top commander said Friday."

Good one Fox News for reporting this! They must have been listening to my show last night. Apparently CNN hasn't heard about it yet.

I Love I.C.E.

"RENO, Nev — Federal agents raided 11 McDonald's restaurants in northern Nevada and made dozens of arrests Thursday as part of an investigation into illegal immigration.

The investigation began five months ago and was sparked by an identity theft complaint.

The raids drew immediate criticism from Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and activists, who estimated the number of arrests to be closer to 100.

The mayor joined a news conference area Hispanic leaders and members of the American Civil Liberties Union called in front of the federal courthouse late Thursday.

"We don't approve of the Gestapo methods ICE is using," said Gilbert Cortez, a Latino leader who urged Hispanic workers to stay home from work in protest Friday."

Oh I do.... this is exactly what WE THE PEOPLE have been asking for for the last decade or longer. Enforcement of the laws. Finally, FINALLY, the government is doing it's job and the ACLU has brass balls to be there in any capacity.

Can someone please explain to the ACLU that they are the AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union and not the Mexican anything. Boo frickin' hoo, kids were separated from parents. Who's fault is that? The parents. Now pack up your anchor babies and be gone from this place.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio

Mondays and Thursdays @ 5 Pacific - 8 Eastern.
BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

Tonight: Islam sucks, I will tell you why.

Let The Infiltration Begin

Let me see if I've got this right. You can't sing about Santa, Rudolph or Silent Nights. No more Valentines Day candy. You've got Fall Festivals rather than Halloween parades. And yesterday some "civil rights" yahoo was crying about how it's racist to celebrate Columbus Day because Columbus was a whitey racist. Public schools, nursing homes, and government agencies, to name but a few have forbid employees and residents from saying Merry Christmas, singing Christmas songs or having traditional Christmas decorations. Easter bunnies, chicks and Jesus are taboo 365 days of the year,future generations will have "holiday eggs," "holiday bunnies" and "holiday crosses" but.......

"The "Five Pillars" of Islam – charity, fasting, prayer, belief and pilgrimage – are being taught to public school students in Nyssa, Ore., under the guise of world history..."

Now sure we've all seen a few of these stories on page 58 of some random ass newspapers, but let's take a look at what's really going on here.


"Schools are therefore fertile grounds where the seeds of Islam can be sowed inside the hearts of non-Muslim students.

First and foremost the Muslim students should establish themselves into a Muslim group (Muslim Students Association, Islamic Circle, Quran Study Group etc.) if they haven't yet instituted one.

The school newspaper is another effective way of doing Dawa. Muslim students are highly encouraged to become writers and editors of their school papers.

Encourage school libraries to shelf books and magazines on Islam written by Muslims, and to provide the librarian with a list of recommended books on Islam. If the library is unwilling to purchase the books themselves, Muslim students should raise funds amongst themselves and from their parents and come up with the required books."

Scary much?

Ah.... The Religion Of Peace

Photo coutresy of The Religion of Peace
"This year Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10
countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize."

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


"UNITED NATIONS — Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Tuesday that Iran's disputed nuclear program is closed as a political issue and said Tehran will ignore a U.N. Security Council demand imposed by "arrogant powers" to curb its nuclear program."

War. What is it good for?

Except for ending slavery, fascism, Nazim and communism, war has NEVER solved anything.

Oh, and Iran Sucks.

Waiter, I'll Have The French Toast Please

In a dramatic turn of events, France appears to have elected itself a man with a pair of balls. Shocking I know.

"In his maiden speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Nicolas Sarkozy said: "There will be no peace in the world if the international community falters in the face of nuclear arms proliferation."
"...if we allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, we would incur an unacceptable risk to stability in the region and in the world".
In a broader warning against the dangers of appeasement, the new French leader said: "Weakness and renunciation do not lead to peace. They lead to war."

C'est au sujet de temps vous des bâtards de Français d'idiot.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Screw Freedom Of Speech

freedom isn't free
All right calm down, I'm kidding.

The right to freedom of speech is one we all as Americans should thank our lucky stars for every single day. There are still places on this planet where that so called "simple" little freedom is not allowed. (See any communist nation,like Venezuela or China.)

Today Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was given a platform to speak on one of the most prestigious college campuses in this nation. The explanation given was that it "was all about freedom of speech".

In Colorado, the editor of the Colorado State University newspaper, is defending his choice to speak freely in the editorial section of his newspaper. "The four-word editorial, published Friday in the Rocky Mountain Collegian, said in large type, "Taser this. F—- Bush."

What both A-Mad-Jew-Hating-Jihadist and this J. David McSwane, from Colorado, are finding out is that freedom of speech comes with a price.

The constitution lays it out quite clearly:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Nowhere in the first amendment does it say that you have the right to not offend people or be offended. I see that nowhere does the constitution allow for you to speak freely and promise that you, in a democratic society, won't outrage people and have them in turn practice a little freedom of speech on your ass.

Freedom of speech does in fact come with repercussions folks.

In the case of Mr. McSwain: "The newspaper's business manager has said the operation lost $30,000 in advertising in the hours after the editorial was published, and that the pay of student staffers would be cut 10 percent to compensate." Repercussions.

"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was treated to a humiliating and public dressing down when he appeared at a top US university Monday, where he was described as a "petty and cruel dictator by university president Lee Bollinger. Ahmadinejad accused Bollinger of a "wave of insults and allegations" while largely avoiding any direct answers to any of Bollinger's challenges." Repercussions.

You can't always have your free speech cake and expect to eat it to. One must take personal responsibility in what one says and expect a reaction. Remember, the reaction is free speech as well.

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio

Mondays and Thursdays @ 5 Pacific - 8 Eastern.
BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

More on Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson and of course I'll pick apart Ahmadinejads little visit.

It's Here:Ahmadinejad, Darling Of The Leftists

ahmadinejad,iran sucks
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad left Tehran on Sunday for his third trip to the United States, saying the visit was a good chance to present Iran's solutions for the problems of the world."

Super, this is the man who is quoted as saying he'd like to wipe Israel off the face of the map. This is the man who hangs gays,woman, children and dogs for minor offences;in fact just for existing. The man who insists on insisting that the holocaust is a myth. This is the man we are currently fighting in Iraq and who is supplying the terrorist organizations of Hamas and Hezbollah with weapons and men in Lebanon and elsewhere. This man and his country have been killing our soldiers for decades.

But one of our own universities thinks it's swell to invite him on over, IN NEW YORK, scene of the worst terrorist attack in history, to chat. Absolutely fecking vile and disgusting beyond words and comprehension.

Columbia U's A-hole administration is saying that it's for the purpose of "enlightenment" that they have invited this maniacal dictator over for tea. But I think this kid sums it up pretty well.

"Sam Krevor, a 25-year-old graduate student in environmental engineering, said he's watched some interviews with the Iranian president before.

"I appreciate that the event is happening, but even when he gets hard questions he's not particularly interested in answering them," Krevor said. "I think it's doubtful that the actual event will be that enlightening."

Of course not Sam, the only thing this is serving to do is open the eyes of some who still think there isn't a liberal bias in our universities and in the media.

I am ashamed of my country today, I am ashamed that Bush has allowed this farce to continue. I am ashamed of our media that is giving this madman a platform from which to preach his lies. And mainly I am ashamed that we allow a group such as the UN to remain on our soil. Disgusting.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Point Radio With Buzz Patterson

war,bill clinton, iraq,buzz patterson
Monday, Sept. 24 at 10:30 AM Eastern, 7:30 AM Pacific: A special edition of My Point Radio featuring Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson. He is the author of three best selling novels. Dave and I will be discussing his latest book; War Crimes: The Lefts Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror.

This should be good, very good. Click here to listen live. This guy can bitch slap liberals in his sleep.

Seriously: "Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, United States Air Force (Retired), is the author of, Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Security and his recently completed Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security.

From 1996 to 1998, Colonel Patterson was the Senior Military Aide to President Bill Clinton. During that time he was responsible for the President’s Emergency Satchel, otherwise known as the “Nuclear Football," the black bag with the nation’s nuclear capability that accompanies the president at all times. In addition, Colonel Patterson was operational commander for all military units assigned to the White House, to include Air Force One, Marine One, Camp David, White House Transportation Agency and White House Mess.

Patterson received the Defense Superior Service Medal for accomplishments while at the White House, and was awarded the Air Force Air Medal for flying fifteen combat support missions into then besieged Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina."

I already love him from the titles of his books alone.
BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

Friday, September 21, 2007

Let's Get All Touchy Feely

Yes, let's share our thoughts and feelings, get in touch with our inner selves and let Columbia "University" know what we think about them having Ahmadinejad over for dinner.

"The State Department calls Iran a state sponsor of terror, and Ahmadinejad has called the Holocaust "a myth" and urged for Israel to be destroyed.

City Council speaker Christine Quinn called Thursday for the university to rescind the invitation, saying "the idea of Ahmadinejad as an honored guest anywhere in our city is offensive to all New Yorkers."

To New Yorkers? Honey try anyone with a pulse, two brain cells and not a raving moonbat dipshizznet.

Well folks, please, please share with Columbia what you think about Minnie Abu-bu-hate-da-jew comin to town and being "WELCOMED" anywhere.

Columbia University President:
President's Office 535 West 116th Street, 202 Low Library, Mail Code 4309,
New York, NY 10027
phone: 212.854.9970, fax: 212.854.9973

Matthew Early, Associate Vice President, Facilities Operations

David Greenberg, Associate Vice President, Finance & Administration

Give 'em a call, share with them.

Right Said Fred

Fred Thompson, as he introduces his wife at the NRA gathering in DC:
"She would make a much better first lady than Bill Clinton". (hee hee hee)

Beeee-Yotch With A Fake Bomb

I don't know what the hell this beee-yotch thought she was doing going to one of the airports that 2 of the 9/11 planes flew out of with a fake bomb strapped to her, but I think they should have used deadly force. I really mean that. Sick bitch.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Pledge Allegiance To Dubai

I pledge allegiance to the United Arab Emirates. And to the totalitarian evil dictatorship for which it stands for nothing but hate and murder. One nation UNDER ISLAM. With no liberty and justice be damned.

"In a complex set of transactions, Dubai is moving to acquire 19.9 percent of the Nasdaq in New York, placing the Arab government in an ownership position of the key U.S. stock exchange and raising concerns in Congress.

As a result of the transaction, Dubai also will acquire 28 percent of the London Stock Exchange, one of the oldest and largest in the world.

The transaction is being made through Borse Dubai, a holding company 100-percent owned by the government of the Emirate of Dubai and controlled by Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the head of the Dubai ruling family.

According to its website, Borse Dubai was created Aug. 6 as the holding company for Dubai Financial Market and Dubai International Financial Exchange in a move to consolidate the Dubai government's two stock exchanges "as well as current investments in other exchanges, expanding Dubai's position as a global capital market hub."

Ground control to USA control to USA:
Take your Kool-Aid pills and put your helmet on
Ground control to USA: Commencing countdown engine's on
Check ig-nition and may Allah's love be with you

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio

Mondays and Thursdays @ 5 Pacific - 8 Eastern.
BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

Blame America

I am so beyond vomitously sick and tired of the whole GD world blaming America for it's problems, I could puke.

Now it's Canada. They are blaming the United Staes for ILLEGAL Mexicans crawling across their border and costing them money and resources. MEXICANS. When the hell will people blame GD Mexico???? Folks, it is MEXICO'S FAULT.

"Over the past three weeks, 45 families and 31 individuals -- approximately 200 people -- entered Canada at the Detroit River crossings and applied in Windsor for shelter and social assistance after filing refugee claims with the Canada Border Services Agency. Municipal agencies dealing with the sudden influx of mainly Mexican refugee applicants are renting out hotel rooms and bracing for predicted thousands more to come.

"I don't believe that Windsor's residents and taxpayers should have to foot the bill for U.S. immigration policy," Francis told The Star. He was referring to the suspected source of the problem -- a recently begun crackdown on illegal immigrants in economically struggling regions of the U.S. South."

SoooOOOoooo, apparently, it is America's fault that criminal lawbreaking MEXICANS are now leaching off Canada's taxpayers dime. And 200 people. 200!!!!???!!!! TRY 24 MILLION OF THESE LEACHES!!!!!

OJ Simpson

He's an asshole. That is all.

Pakistan Rebel! Good Idea!

Bin Bollocks, uh, Osama Bin Laden (in fact probably his double, since he's dead) is urging the Pakistani people to rebel. Yes I say! Rebel! Then we can can go in there and make a mole hill out of their mountains and finally route the terrorist scum from their hill top hiding places.

Ooooooh Rahh!!

"In the video, the terror kingpin said Musharraf was an infidel because in July his military stormed an Islamabad mosque where militants were holed up.

The attack on the Red Mosque "demonstrated Musharraf's insistence on continuing his loyalty, submissiveness and aid to America against the Muslims...and makes armed rebellion against him and removing him obligatory," Bin Laden said in the message, which was posted on militant Islamic Web sites."

And can someone get Gore to fix the Internet? I mean he invented it, surely he can figure out how to take down these Jihadi websites.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dan Rather Sues Viacom

Because he's a whining pansy.

"Mr. Rather, 75, asserts that the network violated his contract by giving him insufficient airtime on “60 Minutes” after forcing him to step down as anchor of the “CBS Evening News” in March 2005. He also contends that the network committed fraud by commissioning a “biased” and incomplete investigation of the flawed Guard broadcast and, in the process, “seriously damaged his reputation.”"

File This Under: WTF!!!!!

"In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.

"There has been some interest expressed in his visiting the area," Mr. Kelly said. "It's something that we are prepared to handle if in fact it does happen."

Mr. Kelly said that Mr. Ahmadinejad had not indicated why he wants to visit the site of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001."

Seriously, why would he want to visit other than to gloat? Or possibly for the opportunity to have himself filmed there for later use in some rather touching call to Jihad video????

The very fact that this sanctimonious twat is even being allowed to step one foot on our soil bothers me on a level that I cannot go into at at this time. But to allow him to go to Ground Zero is beyond repulsive. Iran Sucks, AhMADinejad is beyond evil, and this is by far one of the most vile publicity stunts I have ever heard of.

I, Jenn of the Jungle, am disgusted.

Jose And Carlos

Jose and Carlos frequently panhandle for cash at the freeway off-ramp.

Carlos usually only brings in a few dollars a day. While Jose drives a Mercedes, lives in a mortgage free house, and has a lot of extra money to spend.

So one day, Carlos asks Jose, "I can barely collect a few bucks each day. How can you bring home a suitcase full of $10 bills every day ?"

Jose says, "Look at YOUR sign".....

Carlos' sign reads: "I have no work, a wife and 6 kids to support".

Then Jose says, "Now look at MY sign".....

Jose's sign reads: "I only need another $10.00 to move back to Mexico."

I Resemble That Remark!

"Jackson sharply criticized presidential hopeful and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for “acting like he’s white” in what Jackson said has been a tepid response to six black juveniles’ arrest on attempted-murder charges in Jena, La. Jackson, who also lives in Illinois, endorsed Obama in March, according to The Associated Press.

“If I were a candidate, I’d be all over Jena,” Jackson said after an hour-long speech at Columbia’s historically black Benedict College.

“Jena is a defining moment, just like Selma was a defining moment,” said the iconic civil rights figure, who worked with Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1965 Selma civil rights movement and was with King at his 1968 assassination.

Later, Jackson said he did not recall making the “acting like he’s white” comment about Obama, stressing he only wanted to point out the candidates had not seized on an opportunity to highlight the disproportionate criminal punishments black youths too often face."

Yeah stop acting like your other half Osama.

I'll tell you what, no doubt it appears the 6 black students were taunted and they gave it back as well it appears. But when you beat someone bad enough that they go to the hospital, that's a crime, and they should serve time. Period. Regardless of color.

And to make excuses claiming racism and "it's because they're black" only serves to further divide this country. It's because they beat the crap out of a guy. Mind you the guy probably deserved it, but come on.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Point Radio Wednesday

I changed the name. Sue me. 7:30 am Pacific (weep, cry, whine), 10:30 am Eastern.
Click here to have your life changed by people who are so cool you can only wish you were us. If you feel like calling, I guess you could, it will give me much needed smoke breaks.

WMD Found?

Well I hate to say I told you so, but I have maintained for some time that the WMD we only found remnants of in Iraq were moved to Syria before the war began.

"Weapons and equipment were transferred both by land and by air. The only aircraft available at the time were one Boeing 747 jumbo jet and a group of Boeing 727s. But this turned out to be the perfect solution to Saddam’s problem. Who would suspect commercial airliners of carrying deadly toxins and contraband technology out of the country? So the planes were quickly reconfigured...
Eventually there were fifty-six sorties. He [Saddam] arranged for most of these shipments to be taken to Syria and handed over to ordnance specialists there who promised to hold everything for as long as necessary. Subsequently I spoke at length to a former civilian airline captain who had detailed information about those flights. At the time he held an important position at Iraqi airways, which is the commercial airline in Baghdad...

In addition to the shipments that went by air, there were also truckloads of weapons, chemicals and other supplies that were taken into Syria at that time. These weren’t government vehicles or military equipment but large cargo trucks and eighteen-wheelers made to look like ordinary commercial operators..." -General Georges Sada

Now, there's no proof this is true is there? How can we believe this one guy? Even though he was there and it makes sense and backs up the pre-war intelligence that told us Saddam had WMD.

Maybe there is proof:
"Proof of cooperation between Iran and Syria in the development and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction was brought to light Monday in a Jane's Magazine report that dozens of Iranian engineers and 15 Syrian officers were killed in a July 23 accident in Syria.

According to the report, cited by Channel 10, the joint Syrian-Iranian team was attempting to mount a chemical warhead on a scud missile when the explosion occurred, spreading lethal chemical agents, including sarin nerve gas and VX gas."

Just saying.

Tasing A Moonbat: Fun! - UPDATED

UPDATED: I have reviewed several different articles and videos of this incident and in my judgement, the police acted most appropriately. Not only did this Andrew Meyer jump the line and was admonished for that, he kept up his questions when asked to cease, kept going when his microhone was cut off and in no way listened to the authorities. The female and male guards who first attempted to escort him out barely touched him and tried several times both verbally and psychically to remove him. Mr. Meyer did not comply. As more guards came to subdue him, he flailed, screamed and resisted further. After being tased, he still was argumentative, claiming that the "government was going to kill him" and whining further. The guards allowed him to sit when he asked and once he was cuffed held onto him lightly. Judgement: Justified removal of certified Moonbat.

john meyer,kerry,arrsted
I sure was jealous when I saw those campus cops taser the crazed Moonbat from the University of Florida at the John Kerry Town Hall meeting yesterday. I mean the Moonbat served himself up on a platter, having been asked repeatedly to cease and ignoring these requests, he continued asking nut job questions, then starts running, pushing and not cooperating with the security when asked to stop, screaming and yelling like the moonbat he is. He repeatedly asks what he did, to which anyone with a brain cell would have been able to tell him he was resisting arrest for being a public nuisance.

"He apparently asked several questions -- he went on for quite awhile -- then he was asked to stop," university spokesman Steve Orlando said. "He had used his allotted time. His microphone was cut off, then he became upset."

Good times.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Appease, Appease, Appease


"Houssein Zorkot, 26, was arrested Sept. 8 after he was observed wielding an AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifle in Hemlock Park, a popular destination for many Dearborn residents.

Zorkot, who is of Lebanese descent, was arraigned Tuesday in 19th District Court — the same day city officials sent out a press release about an event that had happened four days prior, and one day after the Press & Guide had contacted city officials seeking comment.

According to Dearborn Mayor “Jack” O“Reilly, Jr., the release of information about the case was delayed until after Zarkot’s arraignment and late in the day that marked the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. City officials feared that announcing the arrest of an armed Arabic man so close to anniversary of the attack would stir anti-Muslim sentiments and fan the flames of terrorism.

”We didn’t want this to become more than it is,“ O’Reilly said. ”There are certain things that the media latches onto, and this would have turned into a story about terrorism. That’s not the kind of tone we want to set."

That's right Jack, we wouldn't want the people of America to be aware of the fact that another muzzie nutjob was preparing his own personal Jihad. And he looks so sweet and stuff.

"What a strange world. Members of an Unnamed Religion Prone To Violent Extremism routinely butcher and murder members of other religions (and insufficiently devout members of their own), and it’s the sensitivities of this Unnamed Religion Prone To Violent Extremism we’re supposed to devote so many of our brain-hours to appeasing."-Ace

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio

Well BTR has changed format, so it looks like one big old My Space copy cat and I've had issues with it dying on me all day today. But nonetheless, I am having a show tonight. Same time, same place. 5 Pacific, 8 eastern. Plus Your calls!
BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

Terrorists Love Cindy Sheehan

All right folks, the votes are in. The Lifetard Supreme Ruler of the Moonbats Award goes to......drum roll please....Cindy "My son's name is?????" Sheehan. Round of applause folks.

Well done Cindy. Casey would be so proud that you have given comfort and aid and good tidings to those who killed him.

"You [Sheehan] give us hope and you show us that there are different Americans than those whom we know," stated Ramadan Adassi, chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group in the West Bank's Anskar Refugee Camp." Wow what an honor Cindy!

"Adassi's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades took responsibility, along with the Islamic Jihad terror group, for every suicide bombing in Israel the past three years. It also carried out scores of fatal shootings and hundreds of rocket attacks against Jewish population centers. Jihad leaders interviewed about Sheehan were thankful for the anti-war activist's activities."

Now that there is a distinction to be proud of.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Moonbat Hall Of Shame

From yesterday's Anti-America vs. Pro-Victory rally in Washington DC:

Gathering of Eagles:(Photo Via Michelle Malkin)
gathering of eagles,war,patriots

Moonbats of the Century:
moonbats,dc protests

If you can't see the different get your eyes checked.

War For Oil!

Well now I believe the whole thing is about OIL! We are in Afghanistan for OIL! We deposed a sick murderous terrorist sponsoring dictator, for OIL! Muzzie nutjobs are murdering kids in Beslan, moms in Thailand, teens in Israel, marines in Lebanon; they are blowing up trains in Pakistan, Spain and buses and subways in England, but we don't care, we just want OIL!

Muzzies riot in the streets and people die, in Paris, Pakistan, The Netherlands and elsewhere over CARTOONS and fake Koran flushing stories! In fact just yesterday:
9/15/2007-Afghanistan- Religious extremists kill two children with rockets and behead an adult male.
9/15/2007-Iraq- Two children are among eleven killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a bakery.
9/15/2007-Thailand-One local soldier is killed when Thai Islamists detonate a bomb.
9/15/2007-Iraq- Al-Qaeda terrorists kill two Sunni sheikhs.
9/15/2007-Iraq-Sectarian Jihadis rack up thirteen dead rivals in various attacks.
9/15/2007-Thailand-Two men are murdered in a drive-by shooting by Muslim radicals.

That was just yesterday, but who cares about all that, the war is for fuckin' OIL!!!! OIL,OIL,OIL!!!! That's what it's all about!

According to Greenspan.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hippy Head Cases

Just flipped on the news real quick to see if there was anything on the Gathering of Eagles V. Leftard Freaks, in the Washington DC Protest.

I was hardly disappointed when the camera crew for Fox interviewed some ditto head "dead" Moonbat who was smothered in fake blood and pretending to be a dead soldier. She couldn't form a coherent sentence if she were paid to, which she probably was, she clearly represented her faction well.

"All they are saying is give a suicide bomber a chance. These wackos live with a conundrum. As much as they hate America, they refuse to leave it." What a shame.

Way to go GEO, looks like you gave those Moonbats a well deserved bitch slapping. Though of course the honorable Vets, GOE protesters and Gold and Blue Star Moms get no press. Nah law breaking, ignorant, disgusting Moonbats are much more entertaining.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Perfect Day:Islam Around The World And At Home

islam,terrorist children,perfect day
islam,evil,terrorism,perfect day
"An al-Qaida training videotape, captured in Afghanistan, shows Osama bin Laden's terrorists are not only planning attacks with weapons of mass destruction but are preparing to kill Americans with drive-by shootings and home break-ins, through ambushes of law-enforcement officers and targeted assassinations on golf courses..."
"The training video shows al-Qaida operatives practicing the following kinds of assaults:

*using pickup trucks with shooters concealed in the bed of the trucks;
*using motorcycles as a shooting platform for drive-bys and assassinations;
*execution of prisoners;
*ambushes of law-enforcement officers;
*residential assassinations;
*assassination on a golf course using a rocket-propelled grenade and rifle fire;
*drive-up kidnapping of target walking on a street;
*use of tunnels, storm drains and sewers for infiltration during urban raids;
*rappelling from rooftops of buildings to make entry on upper floors;
*use of motorcycles for grenade attacks; and
*raids on buildings with large numbers of occupants – perhaps schools or office buildings."

In an interview with Brad Thor, renowned writer, Glenn Beck picks his brain on the "Perfect Day" scenario.
GLENN: Okay. So tell quickly about the dots that we explained yesterday.

THOR: Well, we talked about things. First of all, we based it on this Al-Qaeda model of being like a shark, how they swim big concentric circles. They don't come right in and bite you. They collect Intel, getting closer and closer, tighter and tighter in the circles. But before they attack, before they take the bite, they come up and they bump you. They want to see are you a threat, are you going to put up a fight, or can we get you. And that's what we're seeing across the country with the two Saudi Arabian men. I talked to people in that investigation down in Florida, in the Tampa area, the two Saudi men that boarded that school bus and wouldn't get off and all that kind of stuff where there was a strong feeling among people involved in that investigation that that was a dry run. We see this, we see school buses missing, 17 in Texas. We see thousands of school bus radios missing in the Northwest, the Pacific Northwest. We find, in the course of this investigation, I talked with -- it would blow your mind how many law enforcement departments I talked to that have interrupted active surveillance on schools across the country. The dots are there.

GLENN: So tonight -- first of all let me just tell this story again. In Iraq we found a diskette that had a -- that had downloaded all of the Department of Education security measures, and they're all available online.

THOR: Not only a diskette, Glenn, but that disk was on an Iraqi who was arrested in a terrorism raid, an Iraqi with known ties to active Islamic terrorism.

"GLENN: The next thing that we found in Iraq again was eight different schools. Tell me where these schools were and what we found.

THOR: Okay. What was found in an insurgent, an Al-Qaeda affiliated safehouse over in Iraq, they were school blueprints, basically, floor plans for schools across the country. San Diego, California, West Salem, Oregon, Boyertown, Pennsylvania, schools in Texas, Virginia, New Jersey, and this was very, very disconcerting and there was a cover story that was concocted that, hey, this was just some Iraqis who were involved with the Ministry of Education in Iraq and they're looking to rebuild their schools and all that kind of BS."

Will it take a "Perfect Islamic Day" to wake people up that this is going to be a long war? That profiling is necessary? That we are at war with Islam in every way?

What will it take to shake the left in this country out of their stupor of idiocy and head in the sand complacency? What will it take for them to realize that it's not a war for oil, or Bush's fault. It's Islam.
religion of peace,islam
"Almost half of Britain’s mosques are under the control of a hard line Islamic sect whose leading preacher loathes Western values and has called on Muslims to “shed blood” for Allah, an investigation by The Times has found.

Riyadh ul Haq, who supports armed jihad and preaches contempt for Jews, Christians and Hindus, is in line to become the spiritual leader of the Deobandi sect in Britain. The ultra-conservative movement, which gave birth to the Taleban in Afghanistan, now runs more than 600 of Britain’s 1,350 mosques, according to a police report seen by The Times.

He [Riyadh ul Haq] heaps scorn on any Muslims who say they are “proud to be British” and argues that friendship with a Jew or a Christian makes “a mockery of Allah’s religion”."

They want to bring their hate here. As they've brought it everywhere else.

Worldwide people like myself and others are waking up to the threat that is Islam, and paying a wicked price.

"A September 11 demonstration against the "Islamization of Europe", where protesters planned a moment of silence to commemorate the 9/11 tragedy in the United States, was banned by the Socialist mayor of Brussels Freddy Thielemans claiming he feared "chaos and security threats". Despite the ban, over 200 Belgians went ahead with a peaceful demonstration...."

The protesters were beaten and threatened,"in an excessively violent way."

"German police arrested three Islamic youths and were looking for seven more on suspicion of plotting massive bombings against American and German targets. Just a few days earlier, Danish police arrested several people in the Copenhagen area for planning acts of terrorism.

What these arrests and many others in the world have in common is not the ethnic or national origin of the suspects. The common attribute of the suspects is that they are Muslims.
As we reflect on the events of Sept. 11 during this anniversary, I wish to discuss the central issue — that the suspects are young Muslims. The question to ask is this: Why would young Muslims in Denmark, Germany or other countries plot terrorist activities against countries that give them a relatively comfortable living?

For years many have blamed American foreign policy for terrorist activities. But the spread and threat of terrorism to countries whose foreign policies differ from our own force us to ponder."

Yes, were we in Iraq on 9/11? Was England, Spain?Were they or us in Pakistan? Afghanistan? No. Osama maintains it was because were were in the Holy Lands in Saudi Arabia that were were attacked. But were we? No:

"Many in the United States bought into Osama Bin Laden's propaganda when he claimed to be outraged that American troops were stationed on the holy soil of Saudi Arabia. In fact, American troops were never stationed on Saudi holy soil, because Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and Dhahran, the area where most U.S. troops were stationed, are not Islamic holy sites. The only holy places in Saudi Arabia, from the Muslim perspective, are Mecca and Medina and there were never American troops in either of those cities. The only time foreign troops were sent to Mecca or Medina was in 1979, when a group of Muslim radicals took over the Grand Mosque in Mecca and the Saudi government sent in French paratroops to kill them."

Ooopps, kills that argument.

Islam and those who protect it under a guise of Politically Correct BS are our enemy. And it's time we acknowledge that. This isn't WW3 or a "Global War On Terror". It's a Holy war between Islam and everyone else. Call a spade a spade kids, that's what it is.

"When the sacred months have passed away, THEN SLAY THE IDOLATERS WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM, AND TAKE THEM CAPTIVES AND BESIEGE THEM AND LIE IN WAIT FOR THEM IN EVERY AMBUSH, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them (Koran 9:5)"

"Recently the Spokesman for the Taliban said, “Those youths who did what they did destroyed America with their airplanes they’ve done a good deed.” He went on to say “THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF YOUTH WHO LOOK FORWARD TO DEATH LIKE THE AMERICANS LOOK FORWARD TO LIVING."

Sura (9:123) - O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.

Wake up O libtards of this land! Islam wants you dead too.

And they'd like to start with and American Beslan. Remember Beslan?

"Men, women, and children (including babies) were herded into an unventilated gym, where temperatures rose to 115 degrees. Hostages were given no food or water and women (and some children) were repeatedly raped. Adult and stronger male students were forced to help fortify the building; then shot without mercy; their bodies tossed out a second story window into the courtyard.

Hostiles warned Russian Security Forces that if stormed, they would detonate the building and that for every one in their ranks killed, 50 hostages would be butchered. Armed guards stood amongst prisoners on "deadman switches" which were wired to explosives. Others wore "black widow" suicide vests, which could be triggered by remote control at the whim of their sadistic leaders. Doorways and stairways were booby-trapped and children were forced to sit on windowsills as human shields from snipers.

While numbers vary with their source, across the bloody 3-day standoff some 700 people were wounded and 338 killed, including 172 children."

"The "perfect day" as seen by al-Qaida would combine attacks designed to produce a maximum number of casualties with attacks that would give them the opportunity to get "face time" on the news channels to deliver their rhetoric..."

Is this what it will take?
Again and again and again?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Screw The Patriots

Just a side note, not political at all. Really.

Dear New England Patriots,

This weekend, since you can't cheat anymore, I hope the Chargers rip you a new one, you scum sucking bottom feeding low lifes.

And I demand you change your name to The New England Moonbats. It's more accurate for your demographic. And it might be a good idea to check the air up there, because there's an acute case of idiocy in New England, and it seems to be spreading.

Piss Off Wankers,


Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio

Listen Live
Mondays and Thursdays 5 pm Pacific 8 pm Eastern. And your calls: (646) 478-5334

Tonight.....Post 9/11, Whoopi, Libtards, OH MY! Also, GOE and my favorite Marine Moms.

Cindy Sheehan Is Dyin'

Well not literally, UNFORTUNATELY. She's one person who I'd gladly see croak from a nasty case of fatal clap.
cindy sheehagNah, instead she will once again shit on her sons grave and stage a "Die -In" this weekend in Washington D.C..

"The protest, organized by Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), begins with a rally near the White House, continues with a march to the U.S. Capitol, and concludes with a "die-in" that organizers estimate will involve approximately 1,000 people lying down near the Capitol in a symbolic effort to represent dead U.S. soldiers and dead Iraqis."

Fortunately they will not be alone there in DC, the HERO'S and people I RESPECT and who give a fuck about this country will be there to give Sheehan and her ilk a little "free speech" right back.

Families United for Our Troops and Their Mission, a group of Gold Star and Blue Star families will be there. As well as the Gathering of Eagles (GOE) who is staging a counter protest and will march along the same route as the hateful ANSWER a-holes.

To top off the disgusting sundae of vomitous bile that spews forth from the left, the Daily Kos is going after Move America Forward who is caravaning across the country and ending in D.C., calling them a "false patriot organization." Kos has threatened MAF founder Melanie Morgan, I'd show you where but the KOS story has somehow disappeared. How convenient.

Good luck to the GOE and the others in their mission this weekend.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

No Libtard Bias In Colleges

Yeah right.

"People will try to argue it isn't true, but look at this fact reported today in the Yale Daily News: By checking the records of the Federal Election Commission, reporters determined that Yale faculty donated to Democrats more often than to Republicans by a margin of 45-1.

That is literally $45,000 in donations to Democrats versus $1,000 in donations to Republicans."

Nope no bias there.

According to the Princeton Review, here are the top 10:
1. Mills College (Oakland, California)
A pervasive opinion of Mills students is that if you aren't a leftist-socialist-Nader voter or at least one of leftist leanings, you are often dismissed as someone of no consequence and possibly a "racist, classist, elitist" by the student body.

2. Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, New York)
When conservatives complain about PC campuses and ultraliberal students, they might well be specifically describing Bard. It's the kind of place where students tell you that "we are more concerned with the terrorism for which our government is responsible than the terrorism that targets the United States," and mean it.
Students who considered Bard also looked at Bennington College, Colgate University, Skidmore College, and Vassar College.

3. New College of Florida (Sarasota, Florida)

4. Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts)
Politically, "Hampshire students are ultra-liberal. While many would claim that we are an open-minded community because all kinds of lifestyles and ethnic groups are accepted, just try bringing in a conservative speaker to campus and students will be there quicker than the lifespan of a Hollywood marriage to protest, disrupt, and cause mayhem." Students are proud to report that Hampshire is extremely GLBT-friendly.
Students who considered Hampshire also looked at Amherst College, Clark University, Emerson College, and Oberlin College.

5. Warren Wilson College (Asheville, North Carolina)
Politically, Warren Wilson "consists of various facets of the left wing: the Democrats, the Greens, and the anarchists. No Republican has ever set foot on this campus. Ever. If they did, they'd probably be pelted to death with hand-rolled cigarette butts," writes one undergrad.
Students who considered Warren Wilson also looked at Antioch College, Guilford College, Lewis & Clark College, and St. John' s College (New Mexico).

6. Sarah Lawrence College (Bronxville, New York)
With about three-quarters of the student population being white as well as "extremely liberal," it sometimes seems that "the student body is much more homogenous than they like to believe."
Students who considered Sarah Lawrence also looked at Barnard College, Boston University, Bryn Mawr College, and Skidmore College.

7. Pitzer College (Claremont, California)

8. Reed College (Portland, Oregon)
Stereotypically, Reedies display their liberal beliefs like a badge; students agree this perception is largely true. One student asserts that "at times, the political liberalism of the student body is undoubtedly stifling to fundamentalist Christians and Republicans"-- not that Reed fosters a thriving population of right-wingers.
Students who considered Reed also looked at Bard College, Grinnell College, Pomona College, and Harvard College.

9. Marlboro College (Marlboro, Vermont)

10. Earlham College (Richmond, Indiana)

Give This Judge A Round Of Applause

"Anna Calixto went to court Friday seeking an order of protection from her husband, Fernando Calixto. Instead, she was told to go back to her native country of Nicaragua by Blount County Circuit Court Judge W. Dale Young."

Anna is an ILLEGAL.

"Hedy Weinberg, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Tennessee, said the charges raised by Calixto are alarming. “We start with the premise that a judge is not an immigration officer,” Weinberg said. “The court is where people go to seek justice. To throw out a request for an order of protection based on ethnicity is just wrong. “The allegations against this judge are serious — and he should be more concerned with justice than where someone was born.”
Weinberg said courts are required to treat everyone equally regardless of race, sex or ethnicity."

Newsflash you stupid ACLU piece of crap: ANNA is NOT an American. So butt the hell out. You work for the AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union, not the ILLEGAL FOREIGNERS.


Putin Dissolves Russian Government

"President Vladimir Putin dissolved Russia's government Wednesday in a major political shakeup ahead of parliamentary and presidential elections, the Kremlin said."

Uh, then they tested a DOAB. Daddy of all Bombs."Russia has tested the world's most powerful vacuum bomb, which unleashes a destructive shockwave with the power of a nuclear blast, the military said on Tuesday, dubbing it the "father of all bombs".

What's up with Russia?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Point Radio Returns

jenn's jungle republic radio,btr,my point

"Crazy" Dave and I get jiggy with it tomorrow. Don't miss it. Just like old times.

Click here to listen live! Amy Proctor and Cher the Canadian call in. Plus, your calls. (347) 996-5948

7:30 AM Pacific, 10:30 AM Eastern.

September 11th,2001

9/11,us attacked,terrorism
"Its a lesson to me, the devils and the east and the free
The abcs we all must face, try to save a little grace.
I will get by, I will get by, I will get by, I will survive."
-Grateful Dead
9/11,world trade center,attacked
"The stern hand of fate has scourged us to an elevation where we can see the great everlasting things that matter for a nation; the great peaks of honour we had forgotten - duty and patriotism, clad in glittering white; the great pinnacle of sacrifice pointing like a rugged finger to heaven." -David Lloyd George
shanksville,flight 93
"Now, we have inscribed a new memory alongside those others. It’s a memory of tragedy and shock, of loss and mourning. But not only of loss and mourning. It’s also a memory of bravery and self-sacrifice, and the love that lays down its life for a friend–even a friend whose name it never knew."
- President George W. Bush, December 11, 2001
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."
- General George Patton

Monday, September 10, 2007

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio:9/11 Remembered

Listen Live
Mondays and Thursdays 5 pm Pacific 8 pm Eastern. And your calls: (646) 478-5334

Tonight.....9/11 remembered. The Iraq War Report.

The Iraq War Report:Updated

Gen. David Petraeus says we are making gains.

"In long-awaited testimony, the commanding general of the war said last winter's buildup in U.S. troops had met its military objectives "in large measure." Rebutting charges that he was merely doing the White House's bidding, he said firmly, "I wrote this testimony myself. It has not been cleared by nor shared with anyone in the Pentagon, the White House or the Congress."

"The level of security incidents has declined in eight of the past 12 weeks, with the level of incidents in the past two weeks the lowest since June of 2006. Petraeus also said the Iraqi military is slowly gaining competence and gradually "taking on more responsibility for their security."

"He cited Anbar province as an example of Iraqis turning against terrorists, adding, "we are seeing similar actions in other locations as well."

Sounds good, but before he could even make his statements, protesters and groups like (with an ad in the New York Treason Times mocking the general, calling him Generals Betray Us.), were already poo-pooing it. Of course. Heaven forbid they actually cheer good news.

Cindy Sheehan, who I was assured had FUCKING RETIRED, was apparently arrested at the hearing.

The left in this country will stop at nothing to see America fail.

Key Quotes:
"Today, ostensibly on behalf of National Democrats, Democrat front group is calling a unanimously confirmed United States General a liar and betrayer of the public trust. Apparently the prospect of campaign funds is enough of an incentive for Senate Democrats to stand idly by while a respected General is maligned before he has even presented his report to Congress." -Sen. John Ensign,Nevada

"Up front, my sense is that we have achieved tactical momentum and wrested the initiative from our enemies in a number of areas in Iraq," -Gen. David Petraeus

"There will be no single moment in which we can claim victory; any turning point will likely only be recognized in retrospect". -Ryan C. Crocker

"Iran plays a harmful role in Iraq." -Ryan C. Crocker

""It is increasingly apparent to both coalition and Iraqi leaders that Iran, through the use of the Quds force, seeks to turn the Iraqi special groups into a Hezbollah-like force to serve its interests and fight a proxy war against the Iraqi state and coalition forces in Iraq," -Petraeus

"As soon as Rep. Ike Skelton gaveled a joint Congressional hearing to order this morning, protesters could be heard yelling "war criminal" at Army Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker"

"ASSHOLES" -Duncan Hunter on the Code Pinko nut jobs screaming and being escorted out every few minutes for being disrutpive 3 year olds. (Good one Dunc!)

Leftard Pandering Fallout

Hee,hee,hee. Looks like the Democrat Party made a mistake pandering to Mexico instead of Americans.

"I've voted Democratic since 1972, but in 2008 I'll be voting for the best Republican and it's all due to the traitorous actions of the Democratic Party in regards to the immigration problem. The Democratic Party has lost all sense of moral values and sovereignty."
Posted by: phil123jones | September 10, 2007 11:11 AM

"We are in America, how about we speak American!!! We are a country of immigrants who have maintained part of their heritage while assimilating into the culture we have created here in the U.S. Why do we want to compromise this unique country into one which by speaking a language other than English will only divide us?"
Posted by: funneguy88 | September 10, 2007 11:15 AM

"I will never, never vote for any presidential candidate who debates before any large group - not individuals - who must have English translated into another language."
Posted by: harrisjohnson | September 10, 2007 11:35 AM

"How do you say "Learn English or you shall be deported!" in Spanish?"
Posted by: Cpearce9 | September 10, 2007 12:08 PM

Viva La Libtards! Univision is the bomb diggity!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Hola Mi Amigos!

Feck. When the hell did America become Mexico?

"For the first time in a U.S. presidential campaign, candidates vying for the Democratic nomination will take part in a debate Sunday that will be broadcast across the U.S. in Spanish."

Excuse me while I throw up. Pander much? This is AMERICA. Speak AMERICAN. Ass-kissing panderers.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Glad He Can Smile

Good thing he's thinking about the time those boys spent in prison and how he ruined their lives.

Friday, September 07, 2007

"Bin Laden" Is A Democrat

terrorists,osama,bin laden
Right out of the lefty playbook or Bin Laden's words? You decide:

1)"Bin Laden says President Bush's words echo "neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Richard Perle."

2)"You permitted Bush to complete his first term, and stranger still, chose him for a second term...."

3)"you made one of your greatest mistakes, in that you neither brought to account nor punished those who waged this war, not even the most violent of its murderers, [former Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld…"

4)"It has now become clear to you and the entire world the impotence of the democratic system.." Roll on socialism!

And on and on.... I'm not the only one who thought it sounded like Murtha, Pelosi, Sheehan or

"More proof that the rhetoric of the democrat party and Al Qaeda are indistinguishable.
When do we start the treason posse? I am ready to enlist!"
Posted by: jim jones | Sep 7, 2007 2:25:55 PM (LOL JIM JONES)

"This rhetoric sounds like it comes right out of a Michael Moore movie. What the hell is going on here? We need to find Osama Bin Laden and wipe him out. The world would be a safer place without him."
Posted by: Sean O'Brien | Sep 7, 2007 2:26:24 PM

" got a friend in the business and hes back with a fake beard!"
Posted by: Biz | Sep 7, 2007 2:37:40 PM

And of course you've got Libtards going crazy!

"Is it just me, or is OBL more honest and believable than Bush? I do not fear terrorist. I do fear our government."
Posted by: kev | Sep 7, 2007 3:01:27 PM

"? why do you neo-con fascists continue to make slanders against 'librals'? the taliban is an arch-CONSERVATIVE group,. you know religious fundimentalists,. just the american 'jesus camp' christian fundimentalists,. i.e conservatives.
CIA releases fake video,. more lies. wake up! PNAC pulled 9/11!
Posted by: jph wacheski | Sep 7, 2007 3:21:57 PM"

Can you say Coo-Coo?

How about this gem:

see it urself
education is falling down, people are becoming more and more stupid and controled by media...we get lied to every day, WHAT IS THE WORD OF THE GOVERNMENT BACKED UP BY??? media, only media, what about the thousands of proofs that 911 was fake...people why do u let them do this to u"
Posted by: stopNWO | Sep 7, 2007 4:00:13 PM

Whoa there little moonbat, he's dead. Relax.

Boycott This Movie

GI JOE,hollywood, movies
Seriously. If we tell Hollyweird just what we think of their politically correct BULLSHIT, they may, someday get the point.

"No longer will G.I. Joe be a U.S. Special Forces soldier, the "Real American Hero" who, in his glory days, single-handedly won World War II.

In the politically correct new millennium, G.I. Joe bears no resemblance to the original.

Paramount has confirmed that in the movie, the name G.I. Joe will become an acronym for "Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity" — an international, coed task force charged with defeating bad guys. It will no longer stand for government issued, as in issued by the American government."

They frickin' killed G.I. Joe. Kill this movie.

San Franfeckistan Must Leave The Union

I call upon all people who, like me, have come to the conclusion that San Fran is now run by aliens from the planet Libtardshitbags to beg the President to release San Fran from it's position as an American city. In fact let's give San Fran to the Mexican government in exchange for Puerto Vallerta.

"San Francisco Supervisor Tom Ammiano is drafting legislation to create a city identification card for immigrants unable to get traditional ID cards..."

In other words, ILLEGALS.

"Ammiano said the impetus for the city cards came from the immigrant community, which asked for his help. Illegal immigrants who are victims or witnesses of crime often do not report the incident because they have no identification and fear deportation. Identification also is needed for many services, such as city health care."

In other words, free shit for illegals.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Binny's Back, Back Again

Guess who's back, back again, Binny's back, tell a friend!


Yeah, right, what's that part that Ed Rooney say's in Ferris Bueller's Day Off?

"Cam:- Ed, this is George Peterson.

Rooney:- How are you today, sir?

Cam:- Well, we've had a bit of bad luck.

Rooney: -Yeah, I heard I'm all broken up. Boy, what a blow.

Cam:-Yeah, it's been a tough morning. We've got a lot of family business.
If you wouldn't mind excusing Sloane,I'd appreciate it.

Ed:-Sure, I'd be happy to. You just produce a corpse,and I'll release Sloane
I want to see this dead grandmother first-hand. Yeah, roll her old bones over here
and I'll dig up your daughter."

Yeah roll old Binny on in and maybe I'll believe he isn't taking the long dirt nap he so richly deserves. Which I believe he is currently enjoying, sans virgins.

"Osama bin Laden will release a new video in the coming days ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in what would be the first new images of the terror mastermind in nearly three years, al-Qaida's media arm announced Thursday."

Republican Culture Of Corruption?

Those who live in glass houses...yadda,yadda,yadda.

"Federal agents arrested 11 New Jersey public officials and a citizen Thursday in connection with a federal corruption probe." Did I mention they were Demo-Rats?

"Former New Mexico Treasurer Michael Montoya pleaded guilty Thursday to a state racketeering charge for his role in a kickback scheme...."

"Norman Hsu, the bigtime Democratic Party fundraiser who was a fugitive from a pending prison term for years while raising money for prominent Democrats including Sen. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, failed to appear for a bail hearing in Redwood City, Calif." Funny, the left went bat shit on Abramoff, but remain eerily quiet on old Hsu here.

"Hawaii is perhaps the only state where a convicted child molester is being systematically and publicly protected by the highest levels of the majority political party." That political party would be the Democrat Party.

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio:Time Change

Listen Live
Mondays and Thursdays 4 pm Pacific 7 pm Eastern. And your calls: (646) 478-5334

Tonight.....The Debate. The state of Iraq and your calls.

UPDATED: Due to the start of the Football Season tonight I have changed my show time to 4 pacific, 7 eastern. No polticical talk is more important than the sport of the gods.

Special Gift?

"Federal counterterrorism officials are analyzing a posting on an Islamic forum Web site that warns of "a special gift" to be given on the sixth anniversary of Sept. 11.

The warning was posted Sept. 2 on a site frequented by radical groups and said in part that "there will be a special gift coming on the day of the blessed invasion of Manhattan."

Postings talking about "gifts" have been seen before in the days leading up to the anniversary of Sept. 11."

Ummmm, yeah, I'll pass. Thanks Muzzie's, but go ahead and keep your gifts.

Who Won The Debate

fred thompson,2008,election
Many think Huckabee and Ron Paul won. Ron because he's a psychotic goofball who won the laughter and disdain of his opponents, which immediately makes him interesting. And Huckabee for his straightforwardness.

I think Fred Thompson won. He wasn't even there and he was THE HOT TOPIC.

Those who say Ron Paul won because "He continues to stick to his principles and, in my opinion, gives the most honest responses." Are kidding themselves. Just because someone honesty believes in their principals doesn't make their principals desirable as the President of the United States.

Fred won, but I've yet to be wowed by him. Come on Fred give me something.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Nukes and Muzzies and Death By Lead, Oh My!

You've got nukes on the loose:"B-52 was loaded with Advanced Cruise Missiles as part of a program to decommission 400 of them; however, the warheads, attached to the missiles, should have been removed before the plane took off.

The paper also reported that the mistake was not discovered until the B-52 landed at Barksdale, meaning the military did not officially know the location of the warheads for the 3 1/2-hour flight."

Iran sucking: "Rents are soaring, inflation has been hovering around 17 percent and 10 million Iranians live below the poverty line. The police shut down 20 barbershops for men in Tehran last week because they offered inappropriate hairstyles and women have been banned from riding bicycles in many places, as a crackdown on social freedoms presses on." Oh, wait, that's not news.

Muslims want to kill Americans: "German authorities have said three terror suspects planned "massive" attacks on an airport and US military base which could have been bigger than the London and Madrid bombings.
Police escort suspect from court German Federal Prosecutor Monika Harms said the three had procured 700kg of hydrogen peroxide for making explosives." I know, I couldn't believe the suspects arrested were Muzzies either. I MEAN THEY'RE PEACEFUL RIGHT?

And China continues to send us more worthless crap: "Tens of thousands of condoms provided free by the District to curb HIV-AIDS have been returned to the health department because of complaints that their paper packaging is easily damaged and could render the condoms ineffective. In addition, expiration dates on some of the Chinese-made condoms were illegible."

"The Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with Mattel Inc., announced late Tuesday that it is recalling about 700,000 Chinese-made toys that have excessive amounts of lead paint." Kill us with poisoned food, bad toothpaste, bald tires, dangerous lead covered toys and bunk condoms. Nice.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Whoopi O'Donnell

whoopi,the view,dogs,vick
I was actually kinda looking forward to Whoopi being on The View. Thought just maybe she'd be at least mentally stable.


"Whoopi Goldberg used her first day on the daytime chat show Tuesday to defend football star Michael Vick in his dogfighting case.
Goldberg said that "from where he comes from" in the South, dogfighting isn't that unusual."

Who gives a crap if others have jumped off that bridge. We are inundated by the Mexican cartel here in SD, they kill people and sell drugs to school kids, very common. So if I started to sell drugs and kill people that would be OK, because it's like, ya know, what people do here?

Nanny State Republicans/Drunken Brawls

Kevin Faulconer, who was at one time my council member here in San Diego has moved to the dark side. Bastard.

Yesterday in PB (Pacific Beach) a bunch of a-holes from the ghetto hit our local beaches and got jiggy with it. They got their booze on and in the end started a melee of epic proportions. Nothing new.

The south county and east county losers flock to the beaches every major holiday and bring with them their knives, guns, gang insignias and bad attitudes. It's gotten worse the last few years. We usually head to the mountains to camp. This was actually the first year in the last 5 I was at home for Labor Day. The reason we opted out was these very people and the fact that as we got older the whole "tit's out/beer bonging" party hardy craziness of Memorial, the 4th and Labor Day just got old.

Now because a few drunk (in reality most are high on other substances) idiots got a bit out of control, Faulconer wants booze banned 100% at our beaches. They have been trying this for years and the people have spoken repeatedly AGAINST a ban. Now Faulconer has jumped on the bandwagon.

My response: Kiss my ass Faulconer. You are not our parent, nor are you god. Beer, beside being an essential part of life as we know it, is a LEGAL substance. I should be able to take a few brews down to MY public beach and pound 'em. Any frickin' time I want. Suck it Kevin; try tackling the freakin' pot holes the size of Guatemala and the damn sanctuary city bullshit in National City.

I loathe nanny stater's and Republican ones the most. It goes against everything I believe in.

Danish Bomb Plot

8 men were arrested in Denmark in an "alleged" bomb plot. Now hold on to your britches, because what I about to tell you will come as a surprise.

The 8 men were.....get ready....Muslim. No! I can't believe it!!!! Shocked to the core. Dismayed.

"Danish police arrested eight young Muslims in pre-dawn raids on Tuesday on suspicion of plotting a bomb attack and having links with al Qaeda."

Monday, September 03, 2007

You Godda Be Kidding Me

"The Chinese military hacked into a Pentagon computer network in June in the most successful cyber attack on the US defense department, say American ­officials.

The Pentagon acknowledged shutting down part of a computer system serving the office of Robert Gates, defense secretary, but declined to say who it believed was behind the attack."

I don't give a flying fuck who was behind it, that it even occurred makes my skin crawl.

Global Warming

I finally believe. The Goracle was right. In fact I am currently dying from the heat.

Jenn's Jungle Republic Radio

Listen Live
Mondays and Thursdays 5 pm Pacific 8 pm Eastern. And your calls: (646) 478-5334

Tonight.....Review of my trip to Englandistan, Bush and the heat wave of death.

Bush In Iraq

'Bout time. One tends to think the Commander in Chief should actually visit the battle ground occasionally.

"In a trip shrouded in secrecy, President Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq’s al Asad Air Base Monday."

I know I said I hate him yesterday. I tend to have strong feelings when it comes to our President. He makes me so GD mad at times I want to scream, but I'm proud of him for having the balls to go to al Anbar Province.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fuck You Bush


I have not always been your biggest defender, you have spat in my Wheaties many a time, especially when it comes to your disgusting pandering to the Mexican Cartel. But most of the time I have defended and stood by you. Even agreed with you.

But I now hate you.

"As soon as this Thursday, 100 Mexican trucking companies could be allowed to haul cargo anywhere in the U.S. That's Instead of the current 20 mile buffer zone at certain border crossings."

Bush you little bitch, you fucking come to San Diego and live amongst the open border hell you've let fester. You tell the thousands of law abiding AMERICANS who are killed or suffer injury or personal damage by drivers from south of the border to DEAL. You come to San Diego and see the hell you've let reign on the good people of my hometown by your complete lack of balls.

Bush, you little shit have you BEEN TO MEXICO, EVER?????? Their trucks are belching putrid piles of barely rolling metal. And your free pass and complete lack of care for our border security makes me want to kick you in the balls so hard Laura would be calling Bill for advice of finding new sexual partners.

I for one am jumping on the band wagon. Roll on 2008 I can't wait till you leave.

Ronery No More? And Bombing Iran

North Korea has apparently decided to behave like good little commies and dismantle their nuke program. That's a good thing right? Bush's plan and his people's work on the Korean issue seems to have come to a positive end.

But is that the big news this morning? Nah, some GOP dude who was taking a dump and now has resigned is definitely more important. Yupperoo.

Via the Times(barf):"THE Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians’ military capability in three days, according to a national security expert."

Show of hands how many here think this is a good idea. And why.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Vote For Me?

Goodness gracious me how I hate self promotion, but if you feel like it, some kind lad was nice enough to nominate me for Best Political Blog in the Blogger Choice Awards....

Click here if you want to stick it to the man.

Jenn's Pictures From England Part 1

So.....the one night in 15 days I did NOT go clubbing or to one of the numerous pubs scattered about, several that were older than my precious country, I decided to watch some telly and kick back with a few Strongbow and chill.

I must say, some of the TV shows in England were a bit much for my taste, and I am not talking about the idiotic soaps.

I thought about giving him a call but then considered what would happen if the PC police showed up at my mother-in-laws door.

I think I found Allah whilst in the mother land:

And what rewards shall ya'll be giving us? Jihad? Suicide bombings? Tacky Burka's?

Now how about some fine English Moonbats? These Lunarius Dipshitious were camped out across from the Houses of Parliment.

Yeah no war. That would be nice, try telling that to the Jihadi's.

Only in office a few weeks and the Moonbats already love him!

After pub Indian food/lager fiesta at Cousin Sam's Place.

Hubby, Me, Cousin Sam, Jo and Cousin Dow(Jo's BF).

And of course a little flag porn from me to you dear readers!

Found this sexy little number right outside the Charring Cross train station.